With Alecia St. Germain, a Certified Immunity to Change™ Coach, host of The Conscious Edge Podcast, and founder of The Conscious Edge, women business owners gain the clarity and confidence to align their work with their passion and purpose. Through transformative leadership and personal development strategies, Alecia empowers women to break through self-imposed limitations, build thriving businesses, and create meaningful impact—all while doing what truly lights them up.

Join us in our conversation as Alecia shares how mindset shifts and self-awareness can unlock new levels of success and fulfillment. She offers actionable insights on overcoming subconscious roadblocks, embracing emotional intelligence, and aligning business goals with personal values. Tune in to discover how redefining wealth and purpose can lead to a more joyful and prosperous life.

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Takeaways & quotes you don’t want to miss from this episode:

  • The Power of Big Assumptions – How unconscious beliefs hold us back from success.
  • Immunity to Change – Why your brain resists change and how to work with it.
  • Curiosity Over Pressure – The secret to making real, lasting changes in your mindset.
  • The Intersection of Science & Spirituality – How modern psychology and ancient wisdom combine in Alecia’s work
  • Finding Alignment in Business – Why success isn’t just about making money, but about purpose and joy.

“Your growth will only happen to the level in which your mind is comfortable.”

-Alecia St. Germain

Check out these highlights:

  • 03:32 Alecia shares how she started in real estate investing and later transitioned to business coaching.
  • 07:16 How Alecia became certified in Immunity to Change coaching and how it was the best personal growth experience she ever had.
  • 25:25 Discovery of Soul Purpose Readings based on Hebrew numerology and how it aligned with her coaching work.
  • 34:33 What is the 90-second rule of emotions and how breaking the thought cycle can stop reactivity?
  • 43:13 Hear Alecia’s final takeaway for the listeners…

How to get in touch with Alecia on Social Media:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alecia-st-germain-680b555/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aleciastg/

Conscious Edge Podcast: https://consciousedge.com/podcast/

You can also contact Alecia by visiting her website here.

Special gift to the listeners: Join the Reclaiming You Training—a powerful 4-part video series designed for women business owners ready to play bigger without burning out. Start your journey today at www.consciousedge.com/gggb.

Imperfect Show Notes

We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below:

GGGB Intro  00:00

Here’s what you get on today’s episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®… 

Alecia St. Germain  00:04

Emotions only stay in our body for 90 seconds, and then they have to be reaffirmed by a thought. So when you realize I only have to go through a minute and a half of this pain, and then I can make a different choice or have a different thought about what I’m experiencing, we don’t have to be so reactive.

GGGB Intro  00:23

The adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast where endurance is required. Now, here’s your host, The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.

Heather Pearce Campbell  00:50

Alrighty, welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington, serving online information entrepreneurs throughout the US and the world, welcome to another episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®. I’m super excited to welcome my friend, Alecia St. Germain today. Welcome Alecia. 

Alecia St. Germain  01:15

I’m so happy to be here. Thank you so much for reaching out and chasing me down. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:20

Well, you know, we were just talking about how much time has passed, because you and I connected towards the very start of COVID, it’s been a hot minute. And I just remember really enjoying our connection. And you were hosting a summit at the time. I don’t even remember what we talked about. I just remember being like, I like Alecia. I want to somehow stay in her world, and then, as it happens, like things go a little crazy, but somehow maybe I saw an email, I saw something, and I was like, told my assistant, reach out to Alecia. She needs to come on the podcast. So I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so happy that we have the chance to reconnect and introduce you to my audience, who I think has a lot to learn from you. So for folks that don’t know Alecia. Alecia St Germain is a Certified Immunity to Change™ Coach, host of The Conscious Edge Podcast, and founder The Conscious Edge – a leadership and personal development company focused on empowering women business owners to align what they do for money with what lights them up and serves a higher purpose. You can find Alicia hanging out on Instagram. I think I’ve seen some of your stuff on Instagram as well, which is fun. And we will share Alicia’s socials, where she shares tips, inspiration and mindset hacks for leading a joyful, purpose, driven and prosperous life. Joy is my favorite word. I’m really trying to reconnect with that word in recent years, because I think for a hot minute I really lost some of my joy. And so I love that. That is in your bio. And I know even before we went live, you actually talked about, like, helping people find kind of their sole purpose in their work. So I want to make sure we mention that and we can dig into that as well in this conversation. So taking those back, I mean, you don’t to go all the way back. What is it that motivated you or drove you in the direction of the work that you’re doing now. Like, how did you find yourself in this world of business coaching? I know you work with a range of folks across industries, but how is it that you landed here? 

Alecia St. Germain  03:32

Well, it’s definitely a calling. So I talk a lot with my clients about finding your calling, but I actually started out as a or previous to this, I was in real estate investing, sharing with others the strategy of real estate investing, and so many people, I worked with a seminar company that taught you strategies, and you came and you sat, and I was the one fulfilling that and actually teaching you how to go out and make money with real estate. And I saw so many people paying 10s of 1000s of dollars and not doing anything. And so I’m sitting in my office, and this magazine from my gym is there, and I open it up, and it talks about immunity change and why people, despite their best efforts, cannot change.

Heather Pearce Campbell  04:24

Interesting. What comes to mind for me? I remember reading a book some years ago called changeology that is like talks about the precursors that have to be in place in order for the change to stick, or in order, in order for you to even be successful, like attempting to walk across that bridge, right? Anyways, it’s a thing like, there’s just there. There’s so many reasons why folks really struggle to make a change. I’d love to hear more, because when I thought, when I read your bio, when you first filled out my form, and I was like, Immunity to Change coach, this is so fascinating.

Alecia St. Germain  05:00

Yeah, so it’s highlighting this process, this immunity to change process, which is created by two Harvard professors, Robert Keegan and Lisa Leahy. And it’s talking about why people can’t change? And essentially, you have an immune system, right? And our immune system is a beautiful thing. It’s there to protect us from viruses and bacteria and all of those things. And just like that, our brain has an immune system. It’s there to protect us against things that are dangerous to us and will affect our survival. And so it helps us until it doesn’t. And so what happens is, when you’re young, you get this whole experience of the way the world works and how you exist in it. And so as you become an adult, and you try to change things, try to do new behaviors, your situation changes. What you want in this world changes, you’re still operating with this old way of protecting yourself. And so you make these things called big assumptions. And big assumptions are essentially if then statements that you don’t even know are there. If I am visible, I will be rejected. If I am this, then that right?

Heather Pearce Campbell  06:18

I think on that like a really consistent but hidden one, especially for people trying to up level their business. If I make more money, I’m gonna have to work way harder, right? 

Alecia St. Germain  06:28

Yeah, yes. Or I’ll be a target, or I’ll be a snooty person, you know? So it’s like, I mean, these are real things that people fight against, and so when your survival or who you are as a person is at risk by the actions that you’re taking, you’re going to feel something uncomfortable, and then oftentimes we choose some other behavior that relieves that bad feeling. And so I saw this, and I was like, Oh my gosh, this is why people want to change and can’t. So I went and I got certified. I spent a year and a half getting certified in the process and being coached myself through the process. It was the single best thing I’ve ever done for my own self in my life.

Heather Pearce Campbell  07:16

Amazing. I love that!

Alecia St. Germain  07:19

And integrated it into my practice, and really decided to leave real estate because I knew that these big assumptions, everything anybody wants is just on the other side of a big assumption. And it’s so powerful, and it’s such a powerful way to move through it and teach your brain new things, and it’s rooted in science. And I always talk about my area, the conscious edge, my business as the place where modern science and ancient wisdom intersect.

Heather Pearce Campbell  07:52

So I love that, and I love the name of your business. I really enjoyed that phrase, the conscious edge is it? Is it often surprising to your clients that they have a big assumption they didn’t know about.

Alecia St. Germain  08:08

Absolutely, absolutely. Well, and it’s so funny because it’s like, an example would be, I just the other day, I was talking to someone, and she was like, I know, I need to pick up the phone and contact like warm leads, not even cold calling, like, I don’t know you telemarketing, but like people I know I need to pick up the phone. That would be the easiest way for me to grow my business. But I don’t do it. And so we started tracking through what was, what were the feelings that were coming up for her and when does she remember feeling that way before? And what we essentially tracked it back to, was an experience that she had as a child where girls were making up stories about her and spreading rumors about her, and that fear of not being seen as authentic, or someone having a judgment about her if she had lost connection with them, was making her not want to pick up the phone. And so they’re like, she’s like, I can’t believe this big assumption about being judged from when I was a kid.

Heather Pearce Campbell  09:13

Is dictating current dictating, yeah, current events. You know, it’s so interesting. And you talked even the word immunity and talking about your immune system like I’ve had, even between the time that you and I first connected and now I’ve had my mind kind of exploded in multiple ways in regards to my own journey, my own healing journey, my own mindset work, and how that correlates to everything, including our health. I had this experience where for years as an adult, I was getting cellulitis, which is a bacterial infection under the skin in response to bug bites, mosquito bites. And it also so happened that if there’s like 100 people sitting in a backyard, I’m gonna be the one that gets eaten, you know, like, for whatever reason. You know, mosquitoes have loved me my entire life. Well, it was becoming so distressing because it was this huge rigor moral I’d have to go on, like, hardcore antibiotics to treat that level of infection. People know what that does to your gut biome and everything else. And there was a point where I was just like, I felt like I couldn’t go outside. I got a spider bite on my chest, like, nine days before my daughter was born. And the whole thing about cellulitis is you’re not supposed to let the infection traveled to your heart, right? And it was like, right there. Flaming red, spreading up my, you know, it. There were so many times that I was like, What is even happening? Well, it’s, you know, it can be the case that when you spend a lot of time looking under rocks in like, traditional medicine world, and you don’t get answers, you end up looking outside of the world of traditional medicine for some of those answers, which I did, and I ended up intersecting with a doctor who started as a chiropractor and has ended up moving into the space that most people would call like energy healing or quantum healing. It’s there’s a cellular component, but it’s way bigger than what you even think. And he did a process with me where he traced this whole bug bite reaction that is wired into that was wired into my nervous system, back to an experience when I was five, and I went horse riding with my grandfather, and I literally got hundreds of mosquito bites as this little person in, you know, shorts and a little t shirt and connected to that was an extreme loss of joy. I went from like, having a joyful experience to a really dramatic fever, almost ending up in the hospital. We didn’t go to the hospital those days because my parents didn’t believe in health insurance, so I was really, really sick, and it was dramatic, and my body remembered that. And so in response to that, I’ve always been highly, highly allergic to any kind of fight, because my system just goes on high alert. And in my adult life, it just proceeded to get worse, and it would literally cause this bacterial infection. So he did this process, which is a combination of changing the underlying belief that was wired into your nervous system, and doing this whole thing that he developed within 10 minutes, and this was in the middle of an active cellulitis infection on my foot, where I called him so desperate, like, I will do anything not to have to go back on antibiotics. And we were leaving on a trip the next day. He was like, you know, so we did this process over the phone, from a distance, not even, like, touching my physical body. And he goes, please, don’t do anything. Don’t put essential oils on it. I had this whole protocol that I would do to try to keep the infection at bay. He’s like, don’t do anything, just let your body do the healing. He’s like, You probably won’t see much today, but you’ll wake up tomorrow, and I bet that it will be gone. That took a big leap of faith, because anybody who’s had a cellulitis infection knows how quickly they can spread. The next morning, I woke up, not only was there no infection, I couldn’t even see the bite. And so that was a long story, but the point is, like it is literally wired into our nervous system, right? That is how like essential and core these experiences can be to our survival and our like, what is dictated by our own body, not even our minds in the future, right? And it is not until you sometimes have an experience that profound, that you realize like, oh my gosh, what else is running my life that I don’t know about that I need to uncover? Right? 

Alecia St. Germain  14:01

Yeah, absolutely. And it’s and some things, it’s like, I don’t know why it works, but it works, yes, but it works.

Heather Pearce Campbell  14:08

You know, funny that you say that because I asked him this doctor that I worked with. I was like, do you have to believe in this for it to be able to work? He’s like, No, which was really funny. I was like, oh, because I don’t even know what’s happening. You know what I mean?

Alecia St. Germain  14:23

Well, and to the same respect, just because your conscious doesn’t or does believe something doesn’t mean your unconscious does or doesn’t believe something. So sometimes it’s things you’re not even aware of. And so yeah, a lot of times people are surprised. Sometimes, often. The comment I get is, I thought I already handled this, yes.

Heather Pearce Campbell  14:48

Oh my gosh. How many times I can only imagine how often that comes up. That came up a ton, even in my work with this doctor and the point about her unconscious, right? He had way of body testing to actually believe this. Or, you know what I mean, is there some resistance there, and he could figure out, no, your nervous system, your unconscious, actually believes this? Yeah, it’s fascinating. So when you have that first big breakthrough with a client, where they’re like, oh my gosh, talk to us about what you see shift for them. Does it result in greater curiosity around like, what else do we need to uncover?

Alecia St. Germain  15:29

So in the work that I do, you would kind of end up with this one big assumption we decide to work on, but you have multiple, you have many, and you have and the other thing to realize that even after someone does this work, as you play a bigger game, or do things differently, it might come up again. It’ll come up again, or a different one will come up because you’ve expanded your mind, and your growth will only happen to the level in which your mind is comfortable. So you may have another level to unlock. So if this work is never done, I want to be very clear, like it’s a practice, and it’s constant tending to this mind that you have. But so typically, what happens after they see they have this big assumption, a majority of people will really start to question whether it’s true or not true. And that’s the whole point is to question, well, is this really true or not? So they’ll oftentimes have some immediate change, but then they’ll find out if they’re not tending to it as they go out into the world, they will have a slide back to or they’ll want to change everything right away. And they have no practice, like they find out something about delegation, and then they go out and they delegate, and they have no skill for delegation, so there’s a skill deficit. And so then they go, Oh, see, I’m right, if I give things away to other people and let other people help me. So they they read, we call what’s it’s called retrewing your assumption. So we really want to, I really encourage people to just spend time with their big assumption, watching how it plays out in your life, not intentionally changing behavior, but just being aware of it. That starts to help them really be aware of when it’s active when it’s not, and then after a period of time of really getting to know this big assumption that you’ve been living with, then we will take strategic steps to make careful changes that are set up to unravel it, and we do it from a place of curiosity and experimentation. So we take a lot of the pressure off of hitting goals, like people can be really results oriented when it comes to hitting goals, if I hit the goal, I’m good. If I don’t hit the goal, I’m bad.

Heather Pearce Campbell  17:53

Yeah. So black and white.

Alecia St. Germain  17:57

We really work to make it more of a curiosity experiment, as opposed to being attached to the result.

Heather Pearce Campbell  18:04

Oh, I love that. I was gonna say, along with kind of uncovering what you know, big assumption might be standing in the way. Are there other, like, very frequent blocks that you find get in the way of people being able to successfully make a change?

Alecia St. Germain  18:22

So besides the big assumptions, yeah, besides the biggest really, a lot of it comes back to that. I can almost find a big assumption in anything that’s blocking it. Sometimes, I’d say though it could be an out of alignment piece where you’re trying to fit into something again because you’re supposed to that comes back to a big assumption, because you’re supposed to, but it’s not in alignment with really your soul. And so that ancient wisdom piece we bring in is, you know, what is it that you been something’s been whispering to you, something you’re called to do, something you used to love to do as a child, or you have an innate skill for and you’re trying to make yourself fit because you should and you don’t, and you don’t know, you know how well I make money doing that. Nobody wants that. You know? Why would somebody pay me for that? All of those things are big assumptions, but looking at the spiritual side of things, of where do you feel called to be? That’s why I use them together.

Heather Pearce Campbell  19:28

All right, let’s pause for a moment and hear from today’s sponsor. Are you an entrepreneur who is on track to make a million or more in revenue this year in your business? If so, your business is likely facing a host of legal issues that are ripe for support. And if you are, like so many of my clients at this level, you are likely tired of taking unnecessary risk and a DIY approach to legal support in your business. You’re ready to tackle the mess of legal documents, fix legal gaps that you have, you want to take care of your IP, your clients, your business, and avoid unnecessary conflict and risk in the process. If this is you and beyond just being an entrepreneur, you are a catalyst and are committed to your mission and your impact in the world. I invite you to get in touch. You could be a fit for my catalyst club, a small business legal support program that I designed for my high level clients, just like you. You can find out more at legalwebsitewarrior.com. Just click on the Work with Me tab to learn more about the catalyst club and other ways that I support my clients, a fabulous group of world changing entrepreneurs, I might add, you’ve done the initial legwork in your business, and now you want to soar, and you know that you can only go as high and as far as your legal foundation lets you go. So get in touch today. Hop over to legalwebsitewarrior.com click on the Work with Me tab, and if you have any questions, get in touch through the Contact link on my site. I look forward to connecting. It would be a joy to support you on your path. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  21:11

In your work, at what point did you recognize that you were actually helping people focus on that deep soul purpose?

Alecia St. Germain  21:21

So I didn’t know it was sole purpose before this, but I would share my own experience. I went through a period of time shortly after having my children, I was still treat. I was certified already as a coach, but I was still teaching real estate. I was doing it online for another company, and I was doing it at night, from like 10pm to 1am, I’m on the Eastern time zone, and my daughter was having night terrors, and I could hear her literally screaming upstairs. And it was, I love to train and I love to coach people and help people up level. And it was like the first moment I realized I don’t want to be doing what I’m doing right now. And so often we build this life that sometimes our work doesn’t support what we want from life, and things need to change. And so I really got clear about taking care of myself. Number one, as a new mom, I was not sleeping a lot, and I know you and I have shared, sleep is such a priority, and taking care of yourself is such a priority, but being there and being able to pour into the people you love is so important, and then doing meaningful work in the world and everything else that we do in a day. A lot of it’s not necessary. It’s serving a big assumption. And so I started moving things out of my life that didn’t support those three things, which was myself, my people I love, whether that’s clients or family or friends, and my calling, which my calling is really to help people move those blocks, move into a purpose driven, joyful life where they make a difference in the world. And I really believe my whole life, I’ve always stood for kindness, and sometimes being kind means being direct and saying things that need to be said. It doesn’t mean being nice all the time, but it’s being kind as being honest and truthful with people. And so I’ve stood for that, and I believe that this world is a better place when we do that. So this is my way. So, you know, as part of that process, I started this coaching business. I was like, I wish I could do this a profile or something. I wish I had a profile I could bring into the coaching work that I’m doing. And I had a sole purpose reading by this woman, Ariella Indigo, she’s amazing. You know, you could, certainly somebody could connect with her. And it was so spot on around my gifts and my talents, which is seeing deeply into people very quickly, knowing that wealth and creating abundance, it was an important piece of it, and being grounded in the earth and caring about people emotionally, or just some of the things, but it also talks about challenges, like challenges with how you feel about finances. You know, I talk about on my podcast, this journey I’ve had to go on around telling myself I’m not good at numbers and that, and never feeling like I really had a good handle on the finances of my business and the inflow and outflow of money. Well, that’s one of the challenges in my profile that is set up. So I said, I wish I could bring this profile in. Gosh, wouldn’t it be great if I could have Ariella or something like that within, I’m not even kidding you, four months there was this opportunity to be certified in sole purpose readings. And I was like, Oh my gosh. Like, how I asked for this, right? So I was also, I learned and I trained how to do a sole purpose reading which is based on your name, believe it or not, interesting.

Heather Pearce Campbell  25:25

That’s amazing. So like, if you were to look at my is it like maiden name? Is it your current name? What is it?

Alecia St. Germain  25:32

So it’s your birth name, your birth name, and the premise is your name creates a sound, and sound creates reality, creates things. And so based on this ancient Hebrew numerology, your birth name God or whatever you believe, God, universe, someone, your soul, whispers your name to your parents, and they name you. And so it’s based on your birth name, and then your overlay name, I think of like your birth name is like, chicken, right? It’s chicken. And your overlay names, which is your married names, or other names you go by, is the seasoning. Mm, hmm. And so sometimes you put seasoning on chicken, it tastes amazing and it’s wonderful, and it all jives together and it’s great. Sometimes you put seasoning on chicken, it’s not so great. So sometimes we end up with names on our overlay, names that make life a little more challenging, but all of that is perfectly set up to teach you things and show you things and show you the way. So, so that’s a spiritual piece that we bring in with the science piece, that they really meld together beautifully, because your soul’s been speaking to you about what it is you’re to be doing, but your life experiences maybe told you can’t, or that’s how it works.

Heather Pearce Campbell  27:02

Oh, yeah. How many people do you find are close, like, they’re in the general direction, but they still don’t have something quite right?

Alecia St. Germain  27:12

I think a majority of people have an aware when we have the sole purpose reading, we have a two way conversation. And so they’re, like, aware, and it brings it to their attention. And I’ve always felt that way, or I’ve always thought that, but they just have been denying it. So it’s very confirming. For a lot of people, it’s clarifying, right? 

Heather Pearce Campbell  27:39

It’s like typing some dirt off your glasses.

Alecia St. Germain  27:43

Yeah, I’m in the right direction. But a lot of people find it very validating, or, on occasion, there’s things that they’re like, Oh, I didn’t even realize that was linked the one I’m experiencing. Yeah, yeah. So, and it’s always neat, because there’s this piece of me that I wonder sometimes, how much goes with me actually knowing the person. Because there’s a certain amount of like channeling, I’d call it like, where you’re like, the premise of it, but then you’re connecting to another person’s soul. Mm, hmm. And so I’ll have one person who I know, and I’m like, Okay, how much of this is me, the human.

Heather Pearce Campbell  28:26

Knowing, no energy and their personality, yeah.

Alecia St. Germain  28:31

And how much of this is my actual soul connecting to their soul? And I’ve had some recent, like, really more recently done some readings on people who I’ve never met before in my life. So I had to totally depend on my training and my gifts, and we had the most extraordinary conversations. So it was just so powerful.

Heather Pearce Campbell  28:57

How fun, how amazing, that’s like a distinct process that you can layer over this other stuff. What do you find is the most favorite piece or pieces of your work when you are going through kind of your various processes with your clients? Are there certain things that you just find are like, you know, make your day, or what is it that you really love about the work?

Alecia St. Germain  29:27

I would say that I don’t have anything in my work that I don’t love unless it’s like, admin stuff. Like, I don’t love the admin stuff. But when I am in in my work with my clients. It’s like, some people might call it flow.

Heather Pearce Campbell  29:45

Flow. Yeah, it’s, you’re like, Whoa, there went an hour very quickly of our time. 

Alecia St. Germain  29:50

Yeah, it’s really, it’s joyful. It fills me up. It’s joyful. It’s the work that I do. It’s hard sometimes to see. Sit in the emotions that people have, because sometimes it can be triggering the work that I do, but I’ve done so much to know myself and to know that just because someone’s experiencing an uncomfortable emotion does not mean it doesn’t have value. I’ve had to work through a lot of people pleasing, like, and people pleasing is like, when we need other people to be okay and feel good in order for us to be okay.

Heather Pearce Campbell  30:31

Oh my gosh. Well, and even you take that lens, and I like, I apply that to my parenting journey, like, somewhere in my upbringing, right? The messaging was like, it’s not okay to have like, the big angry feelings, or the ones that are grumpy. We’ll just call them like, the negative feelings. Of course, I know as an adult, it’s okay to have those feelings, but it’s like, I don’t want anybody to stay there too long, right? I’ve had to really be like, okay, calm down. Calm down. Your nervous system. Why is it such a thing when, like, kids are going at each other or whatever? Like, of course, they need the practice doing that. And like, there’s a lot of self talk that has to happen for me as a mom to be like, okay, just calm yourself. Other people can do what they need to do. 

Alecia St. Germain  31:25

That was the biggest lesson, I think, is learning that I’m not responsible for other people’s feelings. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  31:31

Yeah, that’s right, and that actually, because one of the things that we talk about a lot, especially for kiddos, it’s really important for them to have those feelings and express them so that they can actually move through it. And it’s not the experience that so many, probably in our generation, had of like, we’re just gonna skip that feeling and not have it and not express it, and it comes out sideways in all these other ways as an adult, right?

Alecia St. Germain  31:57

Yeah, definitely. And that’s a lot of the work that we do is reattaching people’s mind body feeling like attaching them back to their feelings, because we’ve been taught that it’s wrong. And so just like you being talking about like disconnected from joy and losing your joy, when we are taught that we aren’t allowed to be angry, we will dampen down the anger in the same degree that we will dampen down the joy, and so you end up just in this even keel, unable to experience things fully.

Heather Pearce Campbell  32:28

Oh, wow, yeah, that feels kind of heavy, but how true. I mean, because anybody that’s navigated there’s a cute little song right now, and it’s darling, because my kids will play it, but it’s like, it’s a little voice. And I think there’s different iterations of this thought song. I wish I could remember the exact lyrics, but it’s something like, Thank you for the good times, thank you for the pain. Thank you for the sunshine. Thank you for the rain, right? Something like that, this very sweet little voice, and my son was like, why? Thank you for the pain. And we had this whole discussion around like, you cannot really appreciate one without the other, and you just realize, you know, you have to have all of the experience. So that rings really true about people that learn to damp down emotions. It’s interesting because my husband is reading a book right now. We’re on, we continue to be on our personal growth journeys, and both together and separately as distinct humans. And he bought a book that I thought, Oh my gosh. How many men need this book? I think it’s something like, it’s all okay, I’m okay. It’s something that reflects like this current status of so many men that do not dig into like, what am I actually feeling? And instead, it’s just this okayness all the time, you know, and I think again. So I think some of that is just generational, because I look around at the experience of myself, my siblings, and how many of us were told it’s like, really just not okay to have certain emotions, you know, and also how profoundly I don’t know the word I’m looking for, like the profound growth and capacity for all those emotions that you might obtain or get back by being willing to look in those places that feel hard to look so that must be really rewarding in your work, even though some of that stuff comes up to be able to see people increase their capacity.

Alecia St. Germain  34:33

Yeah, it’s a game changer, really, for people, because understand emotions only stay in our body for 90 seconds, and then they have to be reaffirmed by a thought. So when you realize I only have to go through a minute of and a half of this pain, and then I can make a different choice or have a different thought about what I’m experiencing, we don’t have to be so reactive.

Heather Pearce Campbell  34:58

I love that. I love that. Frame, yes, observe it, allow it, feel it, know that it’s not going to be there forever,

Alecia St. Germain  35:06

And then have a cycle breaking thought like create that that’s very powerful for maintaining composure and showing up the way you want to in the world. And it’s not making the feeling wrong that you’re having it, and then you can go back later on and be like, Why did I have that reaction to someone? 

Heather Pearce Campbell  35:26

Oh, totally, totally. That’s so good. I know we chatted about your podcast, and so I just want to make sure in our time, we talk about the fact that between you and I connecting last time you’ve launched a podcast and you’re loving it, and it’s going really well. I tuned in the other day. You’ve got a partner on the podcast. Talk to us a little bit about the evolution of that, how that started, and how it’s going.

Alecia St. Germain  35:53

Yeah. So the Conscious Edge podcast, it’s really about redefining wealth as a whole human experience. And so my partner, Jonathan Duggar. He’s a psychologist by training, but also real estate investor. I met him when we were training real estate seminars, and we have just stayed we became fast friends. Have stayed friends for, like, most of my adult life. And we decided we wanted to have a retreat. And so as we were planning the retreat, we’re having these amazing conversations. We have been for years behind closed doors, and I said, you want to start a podcast? And he’s like, No, I don’t want to start that sounds awful. And yes, let’s do it. So we’ve had so much fun just growing through it, learning to really look within ourselves when we feel like maybe we don’t want to say something, or just finding our voice. But it’s really about this going beyond wealth accumulation and into the emotional journey that it is to build a business, the the how to make it joyful, and really looking at life holistically, I would compare it to the everything that we do really is you’re on this journey to a certain destination. You know people, maybe wealth creation, and you have the choice to fly first class and be with all your buddies and have fun, or you have the choice to choose the back of the airplane, middle seat next to the bathroom, surrounded by all your inner critics. I’m like how you get there matters, and so much of what I hear in the business world is it’s people want results and they want the destination. They don’t care. They don’t care how you get there. I think people care how they get there, because there’s a point where I’m not getting on the plane. I’ll just stay at home in my cushy house, versus that situation. Yeah, yeah. So it’s really about getting you to your destination in a way that feels really good, and you’re not so beat up that you have to recover from jet lag by the time you get there. Yeah.

Heather Pearce Campbell  38:11

It’s huge. I you know, I remember years ago. I think it was Danielle Laporte work. I can’t remember, but it was that shift of, why do we set goals in the first place? Right? We think that, honestly, it’s about we’re going to feel a certain way when we get there. We’re going to have this experience where the sun is just shinier, we just feel better, right? Whatever it is that we think we’re going to feel, because it really is about that feeling of arriving in some way, like, what can you do to just create that feeling right now? What things can you add to your life where you’re like, Oh, it is the journey. It, you know? It’s so true. And yet, as humans, we tend to left to our own devices. Get this so backwards. Mm, hmm,

Alecia St. Germain  38:59

Yep, I love that. That is the purpose. That’s what we’re all about. And we love doing it. It is so much fun. So I hope you’ll come check us out.

Heather Pearce Campbell  39:11

We totally will. I was listening the other day, and it was super fun. I will drop, we’ll drop the link. You said it’s called the Conscious Edge podcast, yeah, super fun. We’ll drop the link over. So folks pop over to the show notes. You can find those at legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast, look for Alecia St. Germain’s episode, and you can find the link to her show as well. Which will be, it’ll be great. I hope I can send some folks your way. I’m always looking for fun new podcasts to like, peek in on and see what people are doing. So I love that. What did you have any funny bumps along the way? I remember what happened when I first launched my podcast, because I actually did my own editing for the first handful of shows. I remember somebody. Telling me it’s really good to go through the pain of that, because it will actually change the way you do your recording, the way that you think about your pauses. You know, a lot changes when you actually have to dig into the details. But it was, like, so torturous. I remember listening to those early ones back and being like, oh my gosh, this is really painful. Do you guys have any funny bumps as you started that journey?

Alecia St. Germain  40:27

I wouldn’t say, I don’t know. I have a Podcast Producer. I have, from the beginning, I actually had a client who was a Podcast Producer, and she’s like, let me do that. I’m like, Yes, wonderful. So I don’t have anything funny in particular, in that way. But so often, I would say one thing that comes up often, if you want a little inside joke, is someone said to me that I say, let’s dive in, or let’s dive into this a lot. So I use dive in a lot, and it’s become this joke. And every time I say it, I get like, a little bit funny or weird during it. So I’ve started recording it into my ads and things like that, just like, I’m just gonna go with it. Let’s dive in one of my isms.

Heather Pearce Campbell  41:14

Oh my gosh, aren’t those things funny the way that we attach onto certain words and phrases? I actually love that. That’s a great example, Alecia, where do you show up online? For folks that are like, you know, I want to pop over and check out Alecia’s work. I’m interested in support either with, you know, figuring out the big assumption, digging into their sole purpose as it relates to their work. Where can they find you? 

Alecia St. Germain  41:38

So I’m on consciousedge.com. is where you’d find my website and all the information. But I also like to hang out at Instagram, @aleciastg and if you’re like, not ready, but you just want to say hi, just DM me. I love to chat with people about whatever’s coming up in your world. You will find I am your biggest cheerleader and supporter, and I do believe we’re all just on a human experience, so there is no judgment in my world. I mean, people can react or have the most we were talking about this earlier. You know, everybody’s uncertain on a lot of things, and things feel scary, and sometimes that manifests as really bad behavior. Yeah. Totally. And so I just see everyone in their highest self. And so know that you are so loved and supported and always welcome in my DMs.

Heather Pearce Campbell  42:30

Oh, I love that. I love that so much. I do the same people show up, and I think it’s true, probably with a lot of advisors that support folks in business with a lot of shame, like, Oh, I haven’t done this or, or don’t look over here, because, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, Look, I’m not here to beat you up. We are all doing the best that we can. I’m here to be like, how do we get you from here to there? How can I make it easier and faster and better? So, yeah, I hear you. I love that. So folks, pop over again to the show notes. We’re going to share Alecia’s links to her website, to her podcast, to her socials, and that, again, is at legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast. Alecia, what final thought would you like to leave our listeners with? 

Alecia St. Germain  43:13

I think that everything is unfolding for you perfectly as it should, and whatever challenges you’re facing, know that it’s happening for you, and there is some gold or some skill or some aha that it’s showing you, and just know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be at this moment.

Heather Pearce Campbell  43:33

I love that so much. I’m so grateful that we had the chance to reconnect. I’m going to reach out separately, because I have a separate thing I’m going to chat with you about, but I hope you’ll come back and visit us here. And I look forward to sending some folks your way.

Alecia St. Germain  43:45

Amazing. Thank you.

GGGB Outro  43:47

Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways, links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more, see the show notes which can be found at www.legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.