With Erin Loman Jeck, CEO of Transformational Speakers Agency, Executive Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaking Coach, and the Creator of the Transformational Speakers Summit. Erin is the leading authority on helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs monetize their message, make an impact, influence change, and inspire action in others. Her unique approach leverages the Psychology of Connection, unlocking audience trust and rapport. Leaders, especially in the C-Suite, seek her expertise to enhance their influence. Clients consistently praise Erin for her profound impact on their speaking and influence, finding the subtle nuances that elevate their performance. Audiences leave her sessions feeling refreshed, energized, and eager to implement their newfound strategies.

Beyond her professional achievements, Erin is a dedicated mother to two amazing children, Dylon, 10, and Sophia, 2, and a devoted wife of over 11 years to Trey Jeck. Dylon, a young entrepreneur, donates all his earnings to charities like the Beyond Project and Charity Water and is the youngest member of the Global Movement – The Compassion Games. 

Join our conversation as Erin discusses the importance of authentic leadership and influence in public speaking. She also provided practical tips on how to make $10,000 from any stage, various techniques for mastering public speaking, including connecting with the audience, containing energy, and using NLP. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of body language, nonverbal communication, vocal tonality, and storytelling in creating a memorable and impactful presentation.

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Takeaways & quotes you don’t want to miss from this episode:

  • The importance of effective communication in leadership and speaking.
  • How NLP techniques can help enhance communication and decision-making.
  • Tips on mastering public speaking, including self-analysis and continuous improvement
  • How do nonverbal signs such as body language and vocal tonality play a part in public speaking?

“It’s not about you, it’s about serving those people. So show up, do the work, get out there, speak on stages and transform lives because the world needs it now more than ever.”

-Erin Loman Jeck

Check out these highlights:

  • 14:21 Erin shares his personal story of struggling to make sales on stage, leading to becoming a speaking coach.
  • 26:41 Erin talks about Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques.
  • 36:34 Other AHA’s people find when going through the process of truly learning how to speak.
  • 43:51 How do Erin help people soften up into the process where they’re not so self-critical?

How to get in touch with Erin on Social Media:

You can also contact Erin by visiting her website here.

Imperfect Show Notes

We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below:

GGGB Intro  00:00

Here’s what you get on today’s episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®…

Erin Loman Jeck  00:04

I think now more than ever, the world’s crying out for leaders. I mean, we can look at political stuff, we can look at everything that’s been going on in the last three years. Everyone’s calling for leadership, and you have the solution to someone’s problem. If you don’t get out there and share it, you’re doing the world a disservice. Because it’s not about you, it’s about serving those people. And so show up, do the work, get out there speak on stages and transform lives because the world needs it now more than ever.

GGGB Intro  00:30

The adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast where endurance is required. Now, here’s your host, The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:06

Alrighty, welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington, serving online information entrepreneurs throughout the US and the world. Welcome to another episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®. I am so excited to bring my friend on today, Erin Loman Jeck. Welcome, Erin.

Erin Loman Jeck  01:32

Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. It’s always fun hanging out with you.

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:38

Oh my gosh. Well, I love it. We’re way overdue. I joked. Like it’s only taken me three years to get you on the podcast. I know. You’re a busy lady. You’ve also moved like you’ve done multiple moves, even in the last, you know, handful of years, few years. So I know you’ve had lots going on. But we originally met because you were Seattle based and I think first overlapped at some in person events like many years ago, right?

Erin Loman Jeck  02:01

And I’m actually thinking so I haven’t said this publicly yet. So this would be the first time I think I’m going to host a new an event in Seattle in like May. Oh, how can you come and speak to so that’d be awesome.

Heather Pearce Campbell  02:11

Oh my gosh, I love it. Right. Well, you ran was at the speaker Success Summit. Like in 2017. 

Erin Loman Jeck  02:18

I felt like I had 17 in person there. Yeah, the 18 and the 19. I took it to Palm Springs.

Heather Pearce Campbell  02:25

Yeah. So I think I participated in your 2017 version, which was super fun. And, you know, then COVID and blah, blah, blah. So I’ll just skip that for me and fast forward through that totally fast forward. Anyways, point is I’ve known Erin for a while. She’s amazing. I’m super happy to have her here. For those of you that don’t know Erin. Erin is the CEO of Transformational Speakers Agency, is an executive and TEDx speaking coach, and the host of the Transformational Speakers Podcast. Erin is the leading authority on making an impact, influencing change and inspiring action in others. Her approach to speaking is unique and powerful. She utilizes the psychology of connection to illustrate how you can unlock any audience’s trust and rapport, which leaves them feeling better about themselves, and then they’re challenged to adopt your new idea or perspective. Leaders seek her out to learn how to be more powerful in their influence, especially in the C-suite of organizations. She works with leaders to expand their sphere of influence through a strong personal brand. And I know we’re speaking to a lot of personal brand builders on this podcast, a strong personal brand, presence and powerful communication. She helps leaders develop their style and the courage to lead authentically. Erin is an executive communications consultant specializing in leadership development and interpersonal communication. Her lens on leadership empowers clients to positively impact their executive performance, effectively lead teams and engage in transparent communication. She has extensive experience coaching high level decision makers as they manage and communicate change. I love it. There’s so much in there I mean from because you’re talking right on this podcast to entrepreneurs, small business owners, business leaders, and we all need to have and better develop the skills right the ability to communicate in a way that positively impacts our leadership’s our teams, whatever size they are, right, communicate, I love that and to effectively communicate change. So I love this topic. I’ve always been a fan of, first of all leadership, but also communication. Generally, one of the earliest things I began studying in law school was alternative dispute resolution, right, which is all about how we communicate. And so it’s been a topic of really active study and part of my practice for over 20 years now. So Erin, I’d love for you to share a bit of the backstory around your pathway into speaking, right. And I think it’s so fun to not only, like, get a glimpse into people’s personal stories on this, but speaking in particular, so many people have a fear of speaking, right? It’s like one of the biggest blocks that people can have, even when they’re in leadership, even when they’re already doing things that call on that as a strength. Right. So I’m particularly curious, you know, about people who are, like really drawn to that as a primary thing. 

Erin Loman Jeck  05:38

Well, it wasn’t a straight path. I didn’t wake up when I score and say, I can’t wait to be a speaking coach. You know, I actually my dream job was a dolphin trainer. And I did get to do that in the Florida Keys, which was so much fun. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  05:49

A dolphin trainer. Okay, so I’ve never heard this. I love that. 

Erin Loman Jeck  05:53

Yeah. And when I was there, they said, You know, I was going to get my marine biology degree. And they were like, No, you actually then need a speaking or a teaching degree, or a teaching or like teaching, or what was the other one psychology. And I was like, Well, I love people. So I was like, let’s do psychology. So I went to school to be a therapist. And because I was like, I gotta go back and be a dolphin trainer one day, except let me just be real. It makes $850 an hour and the Florida Keys. I don’t know how anyone can survive on that. So as boxing and I end dolphin training in the day, right? So that shortly was came to my idea. Like, I can’t keep doing this. If I’m going to have a family if I’m going to do all these things. So I went to school to be a therapist, and about 10 credits shy of my master’s, I dropped out. I was in my clinicals. And everyone just kept complaining. It just kept coming complaining. And we would like here’s some ideas. Here’s some things you could try. And then I come back. Have you tried it? No, no, I’m like, What are we doing here? I can’t do this for the rest of my life. See the same 20 people. And the thing was, all of the professors were saying, this is job security. They just keep coming back and back. And I was like, there are more people in the world I want to change, right? Not just the same people. So I was like, Yeah, not really cut out for this and being an empath. It was really hard sitting in people’s darkest stuff, they would dump it all out. And then I was like, you know, 10 patients later, I was just like, oh, I can’t do this. Right. So that’s when I decided I remember it was so funny. I remember going well, Tony Robbins doesn’t have a have a math master’s degree, was a college degree. But it was the thing that made me go okay, then I want to be a coach and being a coach. I didn’t even know what I was getting into. I was like, What is I’ve been a softball and volleyball coach all the way up to college level. So I was like, Okay, Coach Fitz, but it was like, alright, I don’t know what I should be doing. And so it was first of all, like a busy and I was like, I was really doing really well in business. I was telling, you know, I was sitting on nonprofit boards and and helping them negotiate on that they were saying, we want to heal the world. And the the donors are like, where’s the ROI, right. And so I was really good at telling getting them to translate that they were both wanting the same things. And so I started to realize the business coaching was the path. And it was about three years into business coaching. I was driving to the world’s greatest speaking training with Brendon Burchard, Bo Eason and Roger love. And I heard the big booming voice say, Get in your lane. And I’m literally driving an Oregon from Seattle to San Francisco. I was driving. And I was like, I’m in my lane. And like, know, the lane I made for you. And you should be working with speakers. And I was like, why speakers? And that whole drive, I was like, okay, so I said, all right. I had just finished an event. I had three people that were putting deposits together to work with me. And I called them and I said, if you’re not a speaker, I’m no longer business coaching. Oh, and that was painful and scary to say, you know, like, you take a big risk, I plant that flag and I said, okay, and then the first person I walked into in the restroom at the hotel before the event even started, this woman’s name was Grace. And my daughter’s middle name is Grace. And so I started a conversation. And she says, What do you do? And I said, I’m a speaking coach. I barely like choke that out. And she goes, I need to hire you. And I was like, Oh, wow, okay, that was fast.

Heather Pearce Campbell  09:15

Right? Here’s your affirmation. 

Erin Loman Jeck  09:18

You asked, and there it is. Right. So that’s literally how I fell into I would say or stumbled into. And everyone kept saying, I see you speak everywhere. You’re so awesome. You do this. So well. I see everywhere in all these stages. How do you do this? And I was like, that’s literally why I went to the world’s greatest speaking training to see what it was and to kind of understand why was I good at this and what was I doing? And there was a lot of things I was doing unconsciously. But it really turned for me at that moment. I really realized alright, then I’m gonna really focus on this and the rest has been history, huh?

Heather Pearce Campbell  09:52

Oh my gosh, I love stories that involve like following. Those nudges. Sometimes they’re small sometimes like they’re like that like BAM in your face, but then you had the guts to do it. And immediately, right the universe was like, Here you go. Rewarding. Yeah, totally. Oh, that’s super fun. What is it? Do you think either because now you’ve been doing this for some time, right? Yours? Yeah. What is it about speaking that really fits for you? 

Erin Loman Jeck  10:24

Yeah, so the beautiful thing, I love being able to change the world, like I said, that’s why I wanted to be a therapist, right? What I realized that just not my message, and not just my voice could do that. And so if I can help amazing people with a different topics with different things, different audiences that I’ll ever touch, that I can help them make an impact that they want to make, and that ripple effect will be huge. So you know, you think about helping one speaker, and if they speak to 10,000 people in their lifetime, I just changed that many people’s lives it the impact, the multiplication of impact that that has. And then what I love is all of us that are servant’s hearts, when we make really good money, nonprofits, and charities and causes are all funded. So that also has a ripple effect that I get to be a piece of by just doing what I do best with helping people do this.

Heather Pearce Campbell  11:18

Oh, totally. Oh, yes. It’s the the rising tide lifts all lifts all boats. And I think so many, I mean, this is so much of what I love about the small business and entrepreneurship community, different even than the startup world, right? Because like, yes, I’ve supported some folks on the startup path, and then I often send them other places. It’s like the people that I’m here to serve as well, from a legal perspective, are those that need to build a thriving small business, but let’s be clear, like their goal is to do really meaningful work through that business. Yeah, for as long as they want to do it. Right. And those are those mission driven, very conscious entrepreneurs that are clear on their path. 

Erin Loman Jeck  12:04

Well, and I love that you help people be protected. I remember having something come up. And of course, you always said, it’s when hits the fan, right? It’s like, oh, no, no, I need somebody, right. And if we just were proactive ahead of time, just saying, These are the things that are going to save you from those headaches. And I love that because it’s so important. When it does slap you in the face, when you start to build too big or too fast, or things slip through the cracks, or you forgot to send a contract or you don’t have a contract, whatever it is, it’s like, I see people, I’m like, What are you doing? Hello, you’re just walking into the fire. And I love that you kind of lock arms with us and walk the fire across. But even before we get there, like Okay, now here’s what’s gonna happen. And this could potentially happen. And so here’s how we’re going to protect you. And I just think that’s so awesome. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  12:55

You’re so good to say that, well, I really care a lot, because here’s the thing about the folks that you support that I support, is that they are changing the world with their information. Right? And it is, so often they actually have the very similar needs to a big business just at a completely different scale. And the traditional legal world just is not very well set up to support those folks. So it’s, you know, anyways, we could go very deep into that. But the point is, the folks that you serve, are doing really meaningful things with their information, right. And some of them are inside of larger organizations, you’re talking to the C suite folks as well. But from the standpoint of the entrepreneurs, the small business owners, the the folks that are creating transformational change through their speaking, even through their writing, through their digital courses and offerings, I mean, I feel like when you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, you can’t not figure out how to speak. Right, right. And especially if you’re a personal brand builder, because you’ve everything you do is marketing is that exchange of information and speaking can transform all of it and learning how to speak well. I feel like correlates into so much more than just speaking.

Erin Loman Jeck  14:16

One. I think you know that people don’t realize this, but it’s the fastest path to cash. If you are an entrepreneur and you want a cash injection, get on a stage and sell something, right. And so you have what I remember is I remember going to a talk my son was like two or three years old at the time, and I had to be to marry younger because he needed diapers. So I remember needing to buy him diapers, right? And I’ll never forget, I was like, Oh, it’s okay, honey. I’ll go pick them up on the way home, I’m going to a speaking gig. I’m gonna go sell my course. I went in and everyone’s like, Oh my gosh, you were so amazing. So awesome. Can you speak at my group who speak at my group, but no one bought? And I was like, I packed up all my stuff and I remember sitting in my car and I literally put my head on the steering wheel, and I was like, I just let my family down. What is it, I’m not doing what’s not working. And so my thing is you got to be able to master that stage to make it so easy and effortlessly that people are like, Wow, you’re so awesome. I want to take you home with me, not let me get you to the next stage, I needed cash then, right. And it was in that moment that I was like, I never want a speaker, someone who’s sharing their knowledge and their wisdom to walk out without a sale. And so it really became I need to master this, because I also want no one ever to feel this way that I do today. And that’s what literally changed my life in that moment. And so that’s when I became a speaking coach, when I really started to do all those things, and really learned what was wrong and what I wasn’t doing. And there’s a there’s an art to it. And it’s not even like sales, right? Like, we were talking about it earlier, like these people can come on and just be so pitchy and you’re just like, nobody wants to hear your pitch, they want to know you. They want to know you, they want to fall in love with you, they want to connect with you. But if all you’re doing is talking about me, me, me and my offer my offer, it doesn’t land, right. So when you get up there to be able to share that you do need to do it very masterfully. So that it doesn’t feel that way. And I mean, I’ve gone on stages and literally forgot my offer. Because if somebody asked a question that kind of got off off there, and I was like, so if then I wrap that rep back up, and I was finishing and and then somebody in the audience was, well, how do we work with you? And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I forgot. Right? But they were, that’s the beautiful thing when you’re so good at it, that even if you didn’t make an offer, or you couldn’t even if it’s even have an offer place where you cannot sell from stage, they still want to line up and get whatever and take you home with them somehow, some way. Right? And so that’s what I think is really beautiful. And it’s so fast on the stage to do that. You can build rapport very quickly, you can engage them. And it’s the funniest part is it’s a one way conversation, but it doesn’t feel like it.

Heather Pearce Campbell  17:04

Mm hmm. So true. It’s you know, I’ve I have learned public speaking, the funny thing is when I think back and I’m not saying I’m great at I’m not an expert, I enjoy it, mostly because I feel so passionately about what I speak about, right. So from that standpoint, I enjoy it. But I also have had to really learn how to like, contain my energy, because it’s a little bit like having a team of racing horses you feel like you have to hold on to right is how it feels inside. So, but where it started for me is like, years ago as a little kid, in church of all places. Right? So anyways, I won’t go into the whole church story. But as, as children within a very specific church, you learned to speak because so often they would have kids cycle through different things where they would be speaking, and then I was also a musician. So for years and years as a pianist I played competitively. It’s different than speaking but it’s still like that stage experience. Yep. I never got over like the sweaty palms. Every as much as I got used to being up there. I never had a competition or performance where my palms didn’t sweat right beforehand, like get kind of this clammy feeling. And it was just kind of part of how it went. And I got to where like, I got used to that. But it’s really interesting looking back and realizing like how those early experiences served me in getting acclimated to like being in front of groups of people, but it’s, you know, it’s still always like a, I don’t know how to describe a rush or like, you know, there’s like the surge of adrenaline that for me even now. Yeah, I can’t control. I can’t make it not happen, right.

Erin Loman Jeck  18:53

And even me, I mean, I speak so much. And it still it’s funny, because I am not a scripted speaker. I really am not. I never have been, I give space for the universe to speak through me. And like say this story. I’m like, why am I saying this story? And then I’ll get offstage and be like, Oh, reason I told that story, right? So the funny thing is, I always still go, I’m not prepared enough, because I don’t know if I can get up and get up there and know what to say. And so it’s really, for me, I go, Oh, I’m not really prepared. I don’t know what I’m gonna say it there. And so I get all nervous to write and I’m like, but I always it always comes out amazing. Because I’ve studied the craft and I know my stuff, right? And so it’s the thing and I loved it because when you’re talking about competitions I’ve for me when I got that big download was, I’ve been on stages my whole life. I’ve been dancing since I was like two years old. My aunt was a dance teacher and I was on all these competitions and traveling and performance and smiling and right. And I think for me as well. It helped me to not be so nervous about it. When I worked was fine. Now living back in my hometown, I used to work for the Chamber of Commerce. And people would drive in and they’d be like, Okay, tell us about Sandpoint. Where do we need to go with and take out a map and I was like, 14, I’m like circling. So if you go here, don’t drive on this road go this way, you know, all these things. And I’m just talking to all these strangers for the whole day. And I was thinking that the other day, when we drove by it, I was like, That’s so crazy that I’m 14, I was able to just stand at a to end, you know, the desk, and people come, and I just would talk and it wasn’t scared about it. I wasn’t nervous. I just, it became so second nature, but I think it’s because I’ve been on stages my whole life. And it, it just and I didn’t talk when I was out there dancing, but at the same time you just learn how to perform.

Heather Pearce Campbell  20:47

All right, let’s pause for a moment and hear from today’s sponsor. Are you an entrepreneur who is on track to make a million or more in revenue this year in your business? If so, your business is likely facing a host of legal issues that are right for support. And if you are like so many of my clients at this level, you are likely tired of taking unnecessary risks and a DIY approach to legal support in your business. You’re ready to tackle the mess of legal documents, six legal gaps that you have. You want to take care of your IP, your clients, your business, and avoid unnecessary conflict and risk in the process. If this is you, and beyond just being an entrepreneur, you are a catalyst and are committed to your mission and your impact in the world. I invite you to get in touch. You could be a fit for my catalyst club, a small business legal support program that I designed for my high level clients. Just like you, you can find out more at legalwebsitewarrior.com. Just click on the Work with Me tab to learn more about the catalyst club and other ways that I support my clients, a fabulous group of world changing entrepreneurs, I might add, you’ve done the initial legwork in your business. And now you want to soar. And you know that you can only go as high and as far as your legal foundation lets you go. So get in touch today, hop over to legalwebsitewarrior.com, click on the Work with Me tab. And if you have any questions, get in touch through the Contact link on my site, I look forward to connecting it would be a joy to support you on your path.

Heather Pearce Campbell  22:30

It’s really interesting because I think about you know, the years that I’ve spent now in business and entrepreneurship in law, I mean, even early in my law career, I did many presentations for various groups like and they were they were CLE is continuing legal education seminars on legal ethics on a variety of things, alternative dispute resolution that applied to like the construction or real estate field. So I’ve done a fair share of speaking. And it is always so fascinating. Like you go to a business event, or the kind of event where it’s like speaker after speaker after speaker after speaker, you really get to see the different ways that people present and either bring their personalities or structure their presentations. And so the funny thing, and I wanted to ask you about this, because there are some folks in the entrepreneurial and business space that from the outside are very good speakers, meaning you watch them do their presentation. And for me, it took like seeing some of these folks multiple times where I was like, Oh, here we go. Again, this is entirely scripted. Like there’s one guy in particular, I’m not gonna say his name, because I don’t care for him too much. But he has this whole thing down. And it’s very much I’m sure based on like all of the neuro linguistic programming techniques and the big stack at the end, the value stack and blah, blah, blah, and half of the room runs up to get this offer, by the way, which probably only 10% of people actually need. And what I learned later is that his business model has a huge percentage of churn a ton of people end up like opting out or not actually utilizing the thing, right. And so you see folks like that, where you’re like, well, they’ve mastered like, certain parts of it, but it’s from the standpoint of like, is it really working anyways?

Erin Loman Jeck  24:21


Heather Pearce Campbell  24:21

so many thoughts around what it takes because I’ve heard you say, you know, you can get up and speak authentically, you know, your stuff. I’ve done enough presenting where I know all the core elements, but I can go through them in 10 minutes if I need to, or I can extend it to an hour and a half. Right. And I think that’s the joy of speaking enough that you know, which high points to hit, you know, which stories to tell and when you but you can allow it to have flow, right? 

Erin Loman Jeck  24:54

Yeah, there are. There’s a lot of people out there that use NLP and I went and so it’s so funny I shied away from it. LP for a very long time. And then I went to this online workshop was a three to three day in during it, I sold $100,000 package, I had never even sold that. And I was like, Oh, we made like a goal. During this three day event, we’re going to this is going to there’s going to be a sales competition. So I’m all about competition. So I’m like Game on. So I was like, I set the goal. And like $100,000, I was like, I had no idea how I would do that, right? Three days on a live zoom, or, you know, in zoom, those people that was in a live room, they actually had more people like I could have sold them probably that in one of those rooms. But here I am sitting in my, in my office watching this right? How am I going to do this? When do I make these calls? Who do I call? What do I sell? Do I sell an $18,000 package? And how many people I’d have to call the most like, what if I call someone I know has the cash flow? Who needs my services? And hasn’t pulled the trigger yet? Why don’t I just call her. So I did. And during the lunch break, I sold my $100,000 package. Now, it was in that that I realized there was so much more to NLP than just manipulation. Like I did not want to do that. Right? That is not who I am. But some of the tools I wish all coaches would go through it for some of the tools, the breakthrough belief beliefs, I got rid of an addiction to I guess it wasn’t addiction, but Red Bull, right, I used to drink Red Bull all the time. I got to be I was able to get rid of that during this this training. So some of the things I was able to do with awesome, but I went all the way through to be a train the trainer. So I’m an NLP trainer now, what I loved is the things that I grabbed from it that you can use that are really helpful. So if you think about it, there’s visual kinesthetic, auditory, digital, and auditory learners, right? Auditory digital is a lot of the self talk. So they’ll take in information, have a lot of self talk, and then make decisions, right? But if you, so I’m highly visual. If I go on stage, and I only use visual words like invent, imagine, envision. Can you see what I’m saying? Right? If you only speak with those words, everyone else feels like they’re left out. But if you can use that resonates with me, that sounds good. How does that sound to you? Then you take in auditory digital, I think that this is going to happen. I know that when when I when I really analyze it inside, right? Like you can use all of these things, then it becomes a room of immersion, immersion, right? Everyone feels like you’re speaking to them. That’s what I loved about NLP. Now I do see people I’ll never forget big name was on stage and had put something on our all of our seats. And so I’m looking at it, he says, Okay, now there was something on the front of it. So he’s like, everyone stand up, and we’re gonna read this sentence. And we’re all committed to it. And it was like, I am a community leader. Let’s see, with healthy boundaries and habits. And I, I express myself, well, well, he had us all commit to it something like that. Right? Then you open up the first page, join the community. Second page has healthy programs. Right. Then the third one was his speaking program. I was like, he just indoctrinated us, we committed to it. So now it’s like, we can’t say no to his programs, because it’s what we said we wanted and what we are. And so we had to step in, and I was like, Oh my gosh, and I didn’t even know NLP back then I was like, I saw it. And it was like, I didn’t realize that this, you know, because a lot of times when we go to events, we’re just kind of like mindlessly listening and taking notes and just not really like taking apart what they’re doing in the on the stage. Right. And that’s when I was like, Okay, there’s some there’s some magic here. And I was like, I want to I want to learn more, because I don’t want that to happen to me. I don’t want to be manipulated, right? I can see it coming. But the other thing was, it’s like, yeah, you don’t have to do that part. There’s so many other things to it. So I do know that there are speakers that are heavy, heavy NLP, right. And they’re like, I can’t cold in the room. They’re keeping you up for 12 hours. They’re not feeding you very much. Like all those things have. Have some, some passion behind it that they’re trying to get you to be like, Oh, I just wanted to stop. Let me buy already. And it’s sad. But that’s, I mean, now I see it. And I kind of giggle through it now, but I now like to watch and go oh, yeah, I see it now. Right? Just now. It’s kind of fun for me to watch.

Heather Pearce Campbell  29:39

Right? Well, it was interesting. I remember talking to someone because I feel like that element can keep some people away from Speaker training when they think like, oh, that’s what I would be learning but I find it distasteful. Right? And but it was I heard somebody say You know what, that’s what people do when they are selling owing to an unsophisticated crowd. And isn’t that interesting? Beautiful? I mean, it’s yeah, it’s so unfortunate that that’s what people feel like they have to do. Right. And, and I agree with you like, the more that we learn about how people relate to information to help, because really the goal for any of us is to what? Our lives Yeah, change lives. That’s right, like reach people and change lives. And, and to do that you got to get people to make choices sometimes that are outside their comfort zone, right, that get them out of the normal way of doing things. And so I do think, you know, whether it because I know, you know, like of Jane power’s work, and I’ve mentioned her several times, she had a…

Erin Loman Jeck  30:44

System partner for like, a year.

Heather Pearce Campbell  30:46

Totally, doing like speaker boot camps and stuff. Yes. And she had a system, I think it was called like code to close where it was about understanding people’s like primary primary patterns in their in their personalities, right. So she labeled people like catalysts, relators optimizers. And then experts and even that simple system really helped me better understand even just how to speak to people that were on the other side of a zoom call, right? And it’s all I think so much we can, we can utilize these tools, but in line with our own intentions, right? We don’t have to necessarily like, follow systems follow patterns, do things that we don’t like, even as speakers that want to influence people. But I think so much is about our intention, how how we map it for ourselves in a way that’s authentic, and that we feel like really works. Well. 

Erin Loman Jeck  31:44

And I think that’s when you really do you come from a servant’s heart, like so I do things before I even get into a room. So I just got back from Atlanta, I was speaking for my friend and Allah. And before the room even opened, because I flew and I did a read I so I got there setting up. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  31:59

This brutal, I’m just gonna say I did a read I one time to Dan Kennedy event. And I was like, never again.

Erin Loman Jeck  32:07

Yep, that’s exactly because I had like two hours. And I ended up in the middle seat because I gave it up to a family, which was nice, but I was like, that was dumb. Alright, I gotta go get a couple hours in before I gotta get take stage. But I walk into the room and I literally put my hands on every single chair. And I just kind of say, you know, universe may allow the person that sits in this chair to get exactly what they’re looking for, for whatever I say whatever anyone else says here that this is the chair of transformation. And I literally put my energy into all the chairs hope, like my hope is they walk in, and that intention is set for them to no matter what, and I don’t care if it’s me or anyone else. It does not matter to me. But it’s that they get the highest investment they need. Right? Yes. So when I told that on stage in Atlanta, they were when we after my talk, we have a little panel. And they were asking like some of these things. And I was like, Well, let me just tell you what I do. Because I said I’m speaking to the souls and seats, not the butts in the seats. I’m speaking to their souls, their higher selves that want them to better themselves to get to where they, their, you know, their full potential. And so I don’t speak to the little skin suits in the seats. I speak to the souls. And they were like, oh, and the intentionality. I don’t care what you believe religion, meditation, whatever, all those things. It doesn’t matter that intention setting. The whole room was like, Whoa, I never knew somebody did that. But that’s when you care about them. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  33:37

Yeah, well, and I think it really changes the way that you show up to a room. Right? Think of that energy. I’m thinking of that guy. I don’t care for too much. The energy it’s a lot of charisma, but it almost has this like falseness about it once you’ve seen his presentation more than once. Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. And then you’re and then it’s kind of like, Oh, my skin is creepy crawling a little bit. Very, very different energy than I’m here to serve. I want people to get whatever they need out of this the right people will show up. And it’s less of a push and more of a true invitation.

Erin Loman Jeck  34:18

Right. And that’s what it should feel like, right? Like we said, a conversation even though you’re the only one speaking. But I think those other people are looking at the sham. Well, look at here, look by now. And if you were today you can. Okay, you know, it’s like, Ah, no, please don’t. Yeah. And then you know, that it’s about them. This is the thing that I think people when they think about speaking, they get free afraid because they’re like, oh, Everyone’s looking at me. It’s all about me. And it’s actually not, it’s about them. And like I said, setting that intention for everyone and making it all about them, then my presentation doesn’t matter because it’s about what they need, how they need to be served. Right. And I went in that room earlier that day before I had to do my talk and I shifted at because I saw when somebody asked a question about I don’t even remember it was I just shifted because I was going to do a talk just on how to land a TED talk, right? My book just came out. So I was teaching on that, and sharing that. And then when I saw that a lot of people were in the speaking contest, and they didn’t know how to use the stage, didn’t know how to use their voice, didn’t know how to, you know, do a lot of the things I was like, I gotta shift this, I will talk about TEDx. But I’m going to shift it into what’s going to actually help these people because it was a whole competition over three days. And they we just kept narrowing it down. And I was one of the speaking judges as well. So everything I did was about for them. Right? It wasn’t, I could be up there. Like, it’s my book, like my book, like, buy my book. Now. It wasn’t it was about how to serve them the best. And that’s when they were like, wow, she really even cared enough to shift from like, talking about what she came here to talk about the to really serve us. Right. And I think that’s regrets.

Heather Pearce Campbell  36:00

Oh, it’s huge. When you’ve mentioned a couple things you’ve mentioned, first of all, your intentionality, right, and the way that you even approach a room before the event starts. You’ve mentioned having to help so many people shift from like, oh, the message is all about me to know, the message is all about who’s in the room? Right, your audience? What other I’d be curious what other like AHA’s or surprises people find when working with you, and going through the process of like really, truly learning how to speak what do you see?

Erin Loman Jeck  36:34

Yeah, so what I’ve broken down is called the four parts of compelling communication. So 50% of what the audience is taking in, is your body language, nonverbal communication. And we don’t realize like you were saying, when you get sweaty or you start to shake, or any of these things before you get on stage, what happens is because we’re having those neuro chemicals going through our body, we start to try to self soothe. So we might pin our elbow through our thigh, and I would call this a danger Will Robinson danger. Right? Can your elbows to the sides, you might some people like do weird things like slapping their head? Or like, Why are you beating yourself up, they stay too far back on the stage. Like all of this stuff, they lack confidence. Like, here’s this amazing, like, here’s my video, Oh, welcome to the stage, heirloom and Jack and then it’s like, they do all these weird. That is a huge component. People don’t realize that that has to be there. And you’re incongruency with what you’re saying. If I’m telling you the story of my dad’s funeral, my very first speaking engagement, and I’m smiling, or I’m, you know, having body language that doesn’t line up with what I’m supposed to be, you know, the feelings that people are portraying, and wanting them to feel it doesn’t land and people go, what is going on here? I’m confused. And a confused mind says no. Right, then when we take it to the next level, and we go, the second part is competitively vocal tonality. It’s your pitch, pace, tone, volume. And if you use them interchangeably when I learned this from Roger love about your vocals, because I did not I was not a singer, I did not know anything. But when I learned about vocals was when you do that you create a melody, you actually unlock the episodic part of someone’s memory. Because he was just like, it’s, you know, if you create a melody with your voice, people remember you. And I was like, yes, but this is the reason because we might not remember what we ate for breakfast. But if we turn on a radio and hear songs like 20 years ago, and we know every single lyric, because it’s stored in a different part of our memory. So if you really want to be memorable, you have to learn to master your voice. So those that one’s 30%, right with 5030. Then we go into storytelling, which is 13. And that was kind of what we talked about before. Not me, me, me, me, me, me, right? It’s telling your story so that everyone’s in it. If I’m talking about my dad’s funeral logs, I’m like, I’m 10 years old. Actually, what I say is, I said standing room only now. And I said I was shaking. I didn’t think I could get through it. I had the lump in my throat and the tears rolling down my face. Because you know, this is my daddy’s funeral. No. All right. And here’s the thing I just did. Secretly, I just got you to think about a time where you had to speak, where maybe you shook, maybe you know what it feels like to have the lump in your throat tears rolling down your face. That’s the human connection. It’s not about me telling my story for my own benefit. It’s me telling the story and wrapping everybody into it. So that they go, Oh, I’ve been there done that. They might not have spoke at their dad’s funeral. But they had one of those things happening for them. And so if you can really do well at storytelling, then you’re going to get the whole room wanting to go to the back of the room. Right? Because they feel acknowledged, seen, heard validated, and you have no idea because you don’t know them. You might not know them at all. But when you tell your story that way, they all come in and then the last thing is you 5% is the words right? So 5% I do say you should use NLP powerful words. And I know you don’t get up every like. So I sort of kind of have this offer that I’m going to kind of sort of introduce you to and it’s like, Ah, stop having wishy washy language, right. But the other thing is that we talked about before using those, the learning styles in order to get everybody enrolled. So that’s really the secret sauce of what I do, and helping you master all of that, whether you’re talking to your children, whether you’re talking to your spouse, or you’re talking to 10,000 people on a stage, it doesn’t matter or even on zoom in all relates.

Heather Pearce Campbell  40:38

Well, it’s so fascinating. You go through the components and the percentages, and what do people focus on the most? writing the words the 5%, right? Like, that’s what stands out about that, as people like stress out and freaked out about oh, like, an even when you relate this, like think about somebody’s marketing. I remember somebody being like, doesn’t matter what words you use, if the message is wrong, right, and people are focusing on the words. And yet, like, I just love how you outlined all this other stuff that is, you know, also part of the picture and a really, really significant part.

Erin Loman Jeck  41:22

Yeah. And that’s the thing that people need to master. I didn’t wake up and just be this amazing, awesome speaker. And I always do this in my events. I show like a video of me being interviewed. It was actually one of those like, Who’s Who of Seattle or whatever. I’m being interviewed on the red carpet. And I might I smiling so much that my gums are sticking to my mind that was sticking to my teeth. And I’m liking them on camera, right, literally. And then I’m like fidgeting with my shirt. And then I said awesome. About 10 times. Yes, that was awesome. Like doing right, so I show them because I want people to see that. It doesn’t it didn’t start out that way. Like you might think that I’m this way, because it’s natural. No, no, do you see this? I worked at it. It’s a mastery. And I still I just attend an event with a top speaking coach. And I just sat through a three day online event to see if there was something I didn’t know. Right. And it but it also always reminds me like how good I am at what I do, which is kind of nice to get validation. But I’m looking, I learned I want to see if there’s anything I don’t know, if I there’s something else I can get grab that I can then help teach my audience as well. I’m down for it. So it’s being committed to mastering it, so that you do it effectively. And it feels so natural for people to go. I want to take you home with me. How do I do that?

Heather Pearce Campbell  42:39

Right. So such a great end result. How do you because I think one of the things that we all face, whether it’s speaking, I mean, even like watching herself on camera, listening to our voice through a podcast, right? It was really hard when I went to launch this podcast because I edited my first like, numbers of episodes, I learned Hindenburg, I did the full thing. And actually, I’m really grateful for that experience. Because you learn so much having to hear yourself back. You’re like, oh, man,

Erin Loman Jeck  43:11

I always have an inhale breath. Right before I would have to edit that. But I could see it on Oh, totally. I visually Got it. Got it. Got it.

Heather Pearce Campbell  43:20

Oh, it’s hilarious. And I also like what I’m curious about is how do you help people be more gentle with themselves in that learning process? Right? Because we’re already most of us so hard on ourselves. It’s like the thought of having to like go through the training of like watching ourselves back or really face all the little fidgets and weird things that we do you know, like, how do you help people soften up a little bit and relax into that process where they’re not so self critical? 

Erin Loman Jeck  43:51

I think the biggest thing is you just find one thing you can do better next time. Because we’ll annihilate ourselves. We’ll sit there like, Oh, look at me, I just itched my arm, oh my god, people are gonna see that, like we do this stupid stuff where it’s like, we’re over analyzing any of it instead of just going now this is just two girls having a conversation. I injured my shoulder, whatever, right? But that’s what we tend to do. We pick up on these stupid things that really aren’t that impactful. If I most people hate the sound of their own voice. Roger love taught me that even Christina Aguilera cannot stand the sound of her own voice. Why? In the world can’t stand the sound of my voice. Major actors never go see themselves on screen. Because of this, right? 

Heather Pearce Campbell  44:32

I’ve heard that. 

Erin Loman Jeck  44:33

Yeah. If you can just pick one thing. Pick one thing and what I like to do is to help you kind of look at the nonverbals since it’s so impactful. Watch yourself back with them on a mute. Watch it back muted. What am I portraying? What what do I look confident? What kind of message as she delivering if I don’t know what she’s saying? What’s coming off of me? What are the things people can pick up about me, right? So look at that first and just pick one One thing that you might notice was a bit fidget things right? Or holding on to the microphone or their life or, you know, things like that right? But fine, just one, and just do that better next time. And then that can be the way that you start to master. It doesn’t have to come at once, right? But vocal tonality I write people’s speeches in a tonality so that they practice it, because where else are you going to practice that, or I had an executive once I said he was Indian. And he’s like, he had the same monotone, and he barely opened his mouth. And so we worked really bit much on his jaw and opening up and so you can have more sound come out. But also, I was like, go home and read to your kid, go home and read like you’re the character and change the characters, like those kinds of people will hunger. And then the Daddy bear is a little lower, right? Like you do this because that you want the kids engaged. So why would we do that on stage. So practice those things, that you really do get good at knowing when to go up in your tone, when it’s something positive go up in your tone. When you want something to be more morose and negative, you want to go down. So if you’re talking about your clients issues and pain points, but then when you talk about your solutions, you want to go up. So even if that’s the only thing people do, that’s something that can help right then and there. And so every time I write I color code, people speeches, so that they practice it just like we would muscle memory as a sport, right? It becomes muscle memory. And then you realize when to do this in every conversation. Hmm.

Heather Pearce Campbell  46:30

Oh, that’s so good. I love the idea of, you’re overlaying the tonality, like as you write the speech, I mean, even talking about what you learned from Roger love around like a musical cadence because it takes me back to my music days, where every portion of every song like literally every measure, my piano professor used to be like, what is the point of this measure? Is it leading to something right? Is it closing something? Is it and and you’re talking about tonality? You’re talking about? How loud or how soft, you’re talking about? Is it speeding up? Is it slowing down? Right, but it’s all like musical language? And so I think the it’s really, first of all, it makes it more fun to think about a presentation or a speech in this way, right? Because so often, we’re just dissecting words, it really changes the way that you even like, visualize that. So that was super fun. I love you sharing that. Yeah. So I know, I could keep asking you so many questions. For folks that are listening that are like, Hmm, I think I need to hop over and see what Aaron is up to and check her out online, if they haven’t already. Where do you like for people to? First of all, do you like for people to connect with you? And where do you show up online?

Erin Loman Jeck  47:52

Yeah, well, I wanted to be able to give because you have such an amazing audience, I want to be able to give something that’s really impactful, we’re talking about speaking being the fastest path to cash, right. So I want to teach you all How to Make $10K  everytime you take a stage, so I’m giving away the URL is 10k, the number 10kfromanystage.com you’ll get a blueprint of how I do it, even if you can’t pitch, even if you can’t sell from stage, how I still am able to close 10,000 and above right every single single time. So then you know that when you get out there, maybe to travel you to do things, you know, you’re gonna make the money back, right and more, right. So I wanted you all to have that you can always go to my website, which is erinlomanjeck.com. And it has a lot of free resources there. And then the last thing is, I just put a lot of this stage vocal tonality, all this stuff into a book that I just put on Amazon. It’s called your TEDx Bible. So you can go look that up. But it really breaks down a lot more of these things that I’m talking about. So you really know how to put that into a talk. So even though it’s about a TEDx, and how to land, your TED talk, and all the way from idea to standing ovation and beyond, it really has some of these key components that I’m talking about that could really help them.

Heather Pearce Campbell  49:14

Or I love that so much. And I know like TEDx, we could probably do a whole separate conversation right on just that topic. So I apologize. We didn’t get there. And I’m so glad you mentioned your book, because that does seem like any, any presentation, even mini ones could be like a mini kind of microcosm of everything that you teach in that TEDx book, right and the way that you prep your TEDx speaker. So I love that you mentioned that we’re definitely sharing your main website, we’ll share your resource you just mentioned which folks, if you’re listening, hop over get her mini training and the blueprint on how to make 10k Anytime you go speak, I’m gonna go get it. And then also we will share the link to your book gratulations by the way, that’s so awesome. Uh, folks, you can find that at the show notes page, which is legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast, find Erin’s episode. Erin, I’m so glad we finally got to get on here. I love what you do I know the importance of what you do. And so I’m so excited that some new folks get to hear from you and go check out your resources. What final either action step takeaway piece of advice do you want to leave our listeners with today?

Erin Loman Jeck  50:29

Yeah, I think now more than ever, the world’s crying out for leaders. I mean, we can look at political stuff, we can look at everything that’s been going on in the last three years. There, wherever everyone’s calling for leadership, and you have the solution to someone’s problem. If you don’t get out there and share it, you’re doing the world a disservice. Because it’s not about you. It’s about serving those people. And so show up, do the work. Get out there speak on stages and transform lives because the world needs it now more than ever.

Heather Pearce Campbell  51:03

Hmm love that so much goosebumps. You heard it here guys. Go follow Erin. Erin, I so appreciate you. I’m so happy that we get to share you today and your resources. Thank you so much for being here.

Erin Loman Jeck  51:16

Thank you love. It’s my pleasure. 

GGGB Outro  51:19

Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways, links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more, see the show notes which can be found at www.legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.