Erik Luhrs is known as the Bruce Lee of Revenue Generation, and is the creator of Revenue Kung-Fu. He works with Founders, Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Consultants and takes them on a journey to discover their ‘Revenue Kung-Fu’ which allows them to generate far more Profit while also enjoying far more Purpose & Potential from their business and their lives.

Join me and Erik in our conversation on the podcast, Guts, Grit & Great Business, where we talk about why it is essential to infuse your business with yourself, how people get accustomed to boxes, the real meaning of kung fu, and how Erik earned the monikor “the Bruce Lee of Revenue Generation.”

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Biggest takeaways (or quotes) you don’t want to miss:

  • The definition of kung fu (which makes it a perfect fit for this podcast!)
  • Where great businesses start and the secret weapon for differentiating your business.
  • How he helped a client take his business pipeline from $100,000 to 10M in 2 months.
  • The disadvantage of working with larger companies.
  • Listen to Erik describe “business as a river”, how we dam ourselves along the way, and maintain the strength of the fountainhead of the river.
  • One of the most common ways we get our approach to our business wrong (by looking at the marketplace first).
  • The real questions we should be asking first to tap into our power and purpose.

Check out these highlights

5:10 “Great businesses flow from a founder, they flow from a person, they flow from a being-ness of a human who starts the business. …. And that power that they have, that they either bring or don’t bring to their business is what determines not just how the business does but ow their life goes in accordance with that business.”

6:15 “If you bring your true self to a business your are by default distinct.”

12:45 “We are all the drawing board of our own businesses.”

14:15 Check out this metaphor – business as a river – must listen!

15:55 Erik describes what happens in our lives that results in us being put in boxes, and what we must do to escape the box.

22:08 How Erik approached his work that provided the best results for his clients

30:29 Why do people keep running back to the box?

32:33 How patterns get engrained into us and we become “response machines” and what to do instead.

39:00 Catch Erik’s final quote to wrap up this episode.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Check out Erik’s book on sales here.

How to get in touch with Erik:

Learn more about Erik, by visiting his website here: or you may visit his social media platform:


Imperfect Show Notes

We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below.

GGGB Intro  00:00

Here’s what you get on today’s episode of Guts, Grit, and Great Business

Erik Luhrs  00:06

Flow from a founder. They flow from my personal flow from a beingness of human who starts this business, right? That power that they have, that they either bring or don’t bring to their business is what determines not just how the business does but how their life goes in accordance with that business.

GGGB Intro  00:24

The adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit, and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the Guts, Grit and Great Business podcast where endurance is required. Now, here’s your host, The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.

Heather Pearce Campbell  00:56

Hello and welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington. Welcome to the guts, grit and great business Show. Today. I’m so excited. I have got Eric Lewers. With me. Welcome, Eric. We were chatting just right beforehand and having an interesting conversation. But I’ll first start by saying that Eric and I met in a in a mutual mastermind and we chatted a little bit ago about a week ago now. I love your tagline. So Eric lures is known as the Bruce Lee of revenue generation, and is the creator of revenue kung fu. I love it can’t wait to hear more about that. He works with founders, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants and takes them on a journey to discover their revenue Kung Fu, which allows them to generate far more profit while also enjoying far more purpose and potential from their business and their lives. So Eric, welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, I’m excited to hear about the background behind the Bruce Lee of revenue generation and the revenue kung fu titles. How’d you get to those?

Erik Luhrs  02:06

Well, let’s see. I studied I studied martial arts for many years, got, you know, couple of black belts in two different systems and ended up studying like 11 Different styles. Belts don’t mean anything anymore. So I you know, but I really enjoyed it. I had a good time. But I wanted to advance so I kind of took, you know, the journey through martial arts isn’t or through kung fu. Because kung fu doesn’t actually mean martial arts, it actually means a skill acquired through perseverance. So I wanted to add more skills, right? It was like, Okay, I know all this stuff in martial arts, but I don’t want that to be the end all be all of who I am. So then I journeyed inwards, I studied neuro linguistic programming and Silva and other cognitive behavioral things. Because I was fascinated by the subconscious. I’m realizing, you know, the subconscious mind drives everything. And so in then I was, you know, also in business, I moved into business coaching and doing that. And then I created a guru selling system. And around about that time, I had a client, this is going back about 11 years. And I had an I really loved Bruce Lee from the martial arts. And I had a whole bunch of Bruce Lee quotes on my wall, and I was working with him was coaching him. And he kept trying to, like, you know, when you have a client who keeps trying to put themselves in a box, and you have to keep reaching out, or, you know, so I was trying to knock down all his boxes, and I kept using quote, after quote from Bruce Lee, and they all seemed apropos. And after about an hour, he just says, you know, what, you’re like a Bruce Lee of sales. And I was like…

Heather Pearce Campbell  03:44

That’s a writer downer. 

Erik Luhrs  03:45

Yeah. And then I sat on it for a year, because I was terrified because I said, you know, that’s, you gotta have the homies to back that up, you know, you can’t do versus sales out there. So after a year, I’m like, Alright, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna live up to this, I’m gonna be this. And then, you know, some Bruce Lee of sales. And then I started like, looking more at like, lead gen. So then I became like, and I developed a subconscious lead generation system. So then it became the Bruce Lee of sales and lead gen. And then I started looking at positioning and created the peerless positioning system. And so I became the Bruce Lee of sales and lead generation and positioning. And I said, this freakin tagline is going to have more ampersands and it’s going to have letters. So I sat back and I said, Okay, what is your what do I really am trying to help people with, and ultimately it was revenue generation. So that’s why, you know, when I looked at it from a macro point, so that’s how I became the boost the revenue generation, and then the revenue kung fu piece flowed out of that, because as I look at what I’ve been doing, as I said, you know, I started like, business coach and sales and lead gen and positioning and we’ve got the to brand and everything, I’ve been moving more and more up up the stream, you know, of business. And ultimately I realize that, you know, great businesses flow from a founder, they flow from my personal flow from a beingness of human who starts this business, right? That’s why you’re founder, entrepreneur, coach, consultant. And they, that that power that they have, that they either bring or don’t bring to their business is what determines not just how the business does, but how their life goes in accordance with that business. And so that’s a journey, you know, up that river. And Kung Fu, like I said, means a skill acquired through perseverance. So I realized that really, all of my stuff, my martial arts, the, the, you know, the NLP, the going through business and, and all this stuff, was really my journey, and realizing that that’s the journey. It’s the journey that I want to help other people go through so that they can bring out their true self into their business really know who they are, and then bring that into the business. So that the business has, you know, it starts off powerfully because the most important thing about businesses is it differentiated. And if you bring your true self to a business, you are by default distinct right? Because so many businesses that are out there that are me to businesses, and I don’t mean that in the me tube movement, I mean, it is and you sell ice cream me to you sell jet engines me to. And really, you know, helping finding those folks and helping them to create those powerful businesses from their essence. You know, take an aspect of themselves, put into a business, create a brand from and create a, you know, a market from it, and then go to market and boom, boom, boom, and all that stuff. That’s ultimately how that all happened. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  06:50

No, I love that there are several. I mean, there’s a couple things. First of all, it makes me so glad that I asked what’s behind revenue, Kung Fu, because I don’t know anything about kung fu. So I didn’t even know that the definition of kung fu is a skill gained through perseverance. And so part of me I’m like, really, I mean, I’m, I’m, you know, I just created a podcast called guts, grit and great business. And the conversations that I want to have with people, though, are about the reality that business is a marathon, not a sprint. And the concept that sometimes through our hardest times are the moments where we’re under the most pressure, we’re feeling the most compressed, either by life or by business, we have the opportunity to make some of our best decisions, some of the decisions that actually make us right. So the I love, I love the title, revenue, Kung Fu, especially now that I know what it means. And the other part that you said about, you know, what happens when you bring your true self to your business, by your very nature, then your business is going to be distinct if you’re showing up with your true self. And I think, you know, that’s really important. And it’s really important in the context of business, because I feel like you see in the marketplace a bit what you’re describing, a lot of people try to leave themselves out, or they accidentally leave themselves out of their business in the way that is actually most meaningful and would create the most impact for them. So talk to me about your favorite clients, how, how do you do your work through either your revenue, Kung Fu program or system to get people, you know, understanding and working on what really is most important?

Erik Luhrs  08:37

Well, you know, it’s, it has been a journey to so now what I’m doing is I’m working with people looking to work with people, like in a in a group coaching environment, right, you know, that the program that everybody’s putting together now is, you know, is starting people out on that journey. And the reason is, I say, you know, looking is because, again, this has been a journey, right? So these various pieces that I’ve put together. So I’ve worked with people through coaching, I’ve worked with people through group trainings, I’ve worked with people. Ultimately, you know, especially when I got into positioning and branding a couple years ago, I got pulled up into larger and larger corporations doing you know, who doing more delivery than than teaching or training or anything. So now what I realized is and that was, that was okay, and it made money, but I’m realizing that that’s not gonna make a difference in the world. Uh, you know, what happened was, you know, because I got, I did these amazing things with clients, and I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna take credit for it. What I did was, I empowered clients to have amazing results like, you know, my favorite coin. We took them from a pipeline, a pipeline of about 100,000 to 10 million in about two months. And, but it was, it was, you know, he and I work and get it co creation and pulling out of him his true potential, his true desire, and helping him to expand that. And, you know, so So I got the best results, you know, earlier on in my, in my work with people, when I was working with a smaller, smaller company or smaller set of people that had you know, that potential as you, you would think, well, if you’re going to go up to multi billion dollar companies, you should be able to make explosive growth. And it was really interesting that the, the more the money went up, like the, the smaller the thinking was, right, you know, you would say to somebody, I do this amazing thing and like, Well, yeah, but we got to get sign off from this department and that person in this, and it’s got to go blah, and blah, you know, what, let’s just, can you just do some, you know, can you just help us with a couple of email sequences, or something like that? Okay, but you know, that’ll get you whatever. But, you know, you said you wanted something interesting or cool or whatever. So, you know, now my work is with these one on one clients. And now again, with this the small group coaching, I’m going to be putting together

Heather Pearce Campbell  11:06

No, I love that. And you, you spoke a bit to the issue of like, you know, especially for people who are serving others in business, the idea that, Oh, you know, moving up the scale, especially size wise up to larger businesses and larger corporations, like, isn’t it really awesome up there at the top, and yet the constraint that you talk about, you know, from a decision making standpoint, the amount of effort that it takes for a company at the, at that size, to mobilize to shift directions, or shift gears, I’ve heard from a lot of people who are in that space, that that ends up not being the favorite place to be that they much prefer working with businesses that are scrappy enough and flexible enough to turn on a dime and try something new, and really, you know, create some of the biggest outcomes. And so it’s interesting to hear that through your perspective, but I think there’s a lot of truth there. The other thing that I love, actually, though, about how your title came about, is that it was reflected to you by a client, I think that’s really, really powerful. It’s a fun story to tell, I think you need to like, build that up, I can tell that you’re modest about it. But that’s awesome. It’s a huge compliment. So with that in mind, what what do you feel like? Like, I’d love to know more about your background and what you bring to the table, in your work with clients? Were you really able to, you know, draw them out, bring their true selves into business? What experiences do you feel like really contribute to you being able to do that?

Erik Luhrs  12:36

Well, I mean, my own work on myself, obviously, we are all the drawing board, I guess, of our of our own businesses. So I remember in when I was in teaching, when I was in martial arts, I remember at some point, you know, I was an assistant instructor and I was a brown belt. And they had me out there teaching black belts, and I remember being like, you sure you want me to go out there. And because I got a brown belt on their black belts, they’re not going to be happy, if I stood out there and like, start barking orders at them. And my teacher was, like, look, I’m going to show you this technique that you know, which is what I was going to teach them tonight. But now you’re going to teach it. It’s like, as long as you know, one technique more than they do. You’re their teacher. So I was like, Okay, and so really, I mean, you know, in terms of, in terms of the way that I work with people, it’s, there are people like I’ve worked with clients who, you know, have a great marketing system already in place, right. But they’ve lost the juice for, you know, they have the machinery, but they’ve lost the juice for the story. Or they, they don’t have great marketing, but they have a great story, right? So you know, giving them those pieces. But again, or on top of all of this, and through the evolution piece, is that it’s the, the person, it’s the energy of the person, the beings that they bring to it, that really is that really creates everything. So if you think about business as a river, I’ll use that example. You got the head of the river and then the river flows and flows down to the ocean. So the ocean with a river meets the sea. That’s what we’re all trying to get to. Right. That’s the sale you know, that’s that’s the the end goal of everything. But what happens is that you know, but as we go back upstream, we we dam ourselves, right, because we we have a blockage, you know, upstream in the marketing and we have a blockage before that in, you know, in our position, we have a blockage before that in our target market. We have a blockage before that in our brand. And ultimately, you know, clearing the clearing the dams is one thing, but it’s also the story Strength of The Fountainhead, you know, the source of the river, you got a little, little trickle coming out of the ground. By the time it gets to the sea, you’re not going to notice it. Right? So it’s got to be powerful. So first, you know, really helping people to, to get to their power. So when I’m talking with people, I’m, you know, when I’m first second time I’m talking with them, I’m listening, but more I’m feeling for where are they? Where are they stopping themselves? Where are they limiting themselves, because this is gonna sound cheesy as crap right now. But as I go up, I know what I’m thinking, I’m thinking in my head, what I’m going to say like, this is cheesy. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  15:41

I like to that point where like cheese, more cheese.

Erik Luhrs  15:46

More cheese. I’m totally non dairy, though. No, but human beings are such beautiful creatures, we have so much potential, we were put here, all of us. That that, and we grow up. And I say this, because I was surrounded by Well, meaning people who happily told me my limitations throughout my life. Don’t dream about this, don’t do that. You’re not good enough for this. You know, I remember I will not name names, but one person telling me somebody very important in my life, saying you’re not a leader of men, like, like, you know, and all these you know, don’t quit your day job and all these other wonderful things that people say to you. You know, you believe this, you’re a Giants fan, you’re like, add just your programs, and you go into the business world, you know, sit there, do this work, don’t dream about that job, you know, you’re never going to get beyond this level in this account, you know? And all those boxes, all those boxes. So then when you go, let’s say to create a business, all those boxes, where’s the fountain head? No strength, right? So first, destroying the boxes. You know, that’s number one. Unleashing the dragon, is what I like to say, you know, your inner Dragon, unleash your dragon. And, you know, really embrace the beauty that is you and then say, How do I want to manifest that into the world? Because what do we do? As soon as we think about a business, we stop ourselves, we turn around and we say, well, what would the bit what would the world want, right? Because an entrepreneur is somebody who solves problems for somebody else for a profit. So I got to find a problem, I got to solve the problem. The world doesn’t want to see me they just want to problem solve. All sudden, you create a problem solving business. And you’re you know, just like other businesses, and all of a sudden box, you know, brand, you’re damned. You know, target market, you’re damned, boom, boom, boom, then you wonder why aren’t the sale? Wasn’t the river flowing fast to the sea? Yeah. And also, really, step one, how would I work with people, I get them out of their box, and I yank them out again. And again, because people, people will run for boxes. Soon as you get up, you didn’t get them all psyched up on a call. And as soon as you hang up, you talk to them a week later, it’s like I am to put themselves back in your box, yank them out. And then you know, knock down that damn knock down that damn knocked that damn, you know, help them with plans and strategy and all that stuff. But, you know, keep the keep the riverheads strong, and keep knocking down keep knocking down the boxes in the dams. You’re gonna, you know, you’re gonna have an incredible business.

Heather Pearce Campbell  18:37

And there’s so much I love about that. I mean, I’ve got some questions for you, which will come next. But, you know, this idea that we get put in a box, you know, with the help of well, meaning people in our lives. It’s, you know, it’s as a parent, like, I can speak to the experience from, you know, my childhood, obviously. And as a parent, it’s like, oh, my gosh, how do I how do I do this part better? How do I, you know, and especially so our seven year old and I think maybe we were talking about this right ahead of time, but he’s special needs and at school, you know, for him to be successful. He requires quite a bit of scaffolding quite a bit of supports and people who know about his journey and can help him with that. And even then, there’s lots of hurts that happen along the way. There’s lots of things that get said and done that I know are not are not serving Him. And so we started it’s been a while ago now. But we started this little ritual where every day we have our own little mantra that we say used to be while he was still in school, we set it before he got on the bus, we’d stand at the front porch. And remember the first time I asked him to do it, he was like, what he totally didn’t get what was going on, but just a little series of phrases, right? I am strong. I am brave. I try my best. I can do anything. I love myself. And we go through this every day and then The first couple of times he said it, it was kind of this wavery little voice, like, why am I and now, I mean, he bust this out, you know, with a strong voice and like, he’ll shout it from our front porch. And, but we’ve talked about the context of why we do this, you know, and I’ve said to him, people are going to tell you things in your life. And this includes mommy and daddy, like, we’re gonna say things at times, because we’re people that are gonna make you feel bad or make you feel like you can’t do something or change your perspective about yourself. And you the the thing that matters the very, very most is what you think of yourself, like full stop. And so he understands the context for it. And he has such a strong little voice when he says it. But the thing that I find fascinating, I mean, your work, like I love this approach. And I’m also wondering, when you bring it into adult running businesses, like, do they know at the outset, this is what you’re gonna do? Or do they think they’re getting something else? Right? And then you sneak in like, no, here’s what we’re really going to do?

Erik Luhrs  21:04

Well, going forward that’s a great question going forward, yes, they’re going to know that. And the reason I say going forward is because funny enough, when I, when I started back as a business coach, 15 years ago, I was, you know, I was working in NLP. And then I got to Master Level Master Practitioner level I was working with, you know, Silva was doing all this different stuff. Even you know, I used to do Reiki. And so energy and all that was was was how I started. And I delivered it, you know, what, it was always about results, right? When you go into because I’m a, I can talk about it now. Because I’m a victim of what I’m talking about, is when I went into business, I started thinking, Okay, well, who can I serve? What do they want? What’s the problem, I can solve for a profit and everything. And, you know, I got very, very good at marketing and lead gen and everything, because I was literally able to put myself into other people and write and talk from their perspective. And so when I started, I had this mix, I had this mix of energy, which was the tactical, right, you know, here’s what you say what you do, blah, blah, blah. But there was also the energetic spiritual piece, you know, the, the subconscious piece, which just came naturally as I was doing it, and I’ll be completely transparent. That’s when that’s when that’s when I did my best, right. And then over the last few years, first, I had a little medical condition or a little medical issue a few years ago, I won’t go into that. But that, and then I started focusing more and more on results, right. And I’ve, you know, I mean, I’ve done some stuff had some great successes, but I’ve also had some, you know, historic failures, mostly over the past few years, because I started shutting out the spiritual, right, because I became far, far more focused on on the business and because when you have a health scare, you kind of, you know, you, you go back down to, you know, levels one and two, and Maslow’s hierarchy. And so you’re sort of your higher thinking, which is what I’ve always been driven by, you know, get shut down. So I’ve been focusing on that. And then, you know, now I look around the marketplace. And I see so many businesses that are driven by really a level one to kind of energy and approach in the marketplace. And they’re the ones that are also suffering right now, right? Because they were the ones that were built on. I’m going to outsource my marketing, I’m going to outsource my operation, I’m going to outsource my logistics, I’m going to outsource, outsource, outsource, handoff, this and that and blah, blah, blah. I you know, in all these businesses that were like, I have an idea, I’m going to get some backing, we’re gonna hire a bunch of people to do everything, we’re gonna make it scalable and sellable. And in five years, we’ll all walk away with $60 million in our pockets each and not right. And these guys aren’t very happy. They’re very rich, but they’re not very happy, you know, I literally know billionaires that you know, have tried to commit suicide because, you know, the money doesn’t buy happiness. So, you know, it’s, it’s really and I know, I’m like, I’m going far afield of the question here. But in terms of delivering now to to, you know, to, to people, yes, I’m going to let them know up front because I used to do it. I used to integrate it without thinking about it. You know, I used to offer you know, offer the was it. I used to give them the sizzle and then you know, I sell the sizzle and then give them the steak. Now I’m going to tell you that here’s a raw piece of beef, we’re going to cook it and it will taste delicious, but you have to stick around and you have to cook the steak I’m not gonna do it

Heather Pearce Campbell  25:01

No, I love that. And I think I was, I really truly was curious whether people knew upfront what they were actually getting, you know, in part because I think some people probably are willing to go there and others may not right. But the other thing that I mean, there’s two things that I really appreciate about your sharing is one, this idea that and I see it, I’ve done it. I’ve seen other people who’ve done this of like, looking at the marketplace. And especially like, I feel like this conversation is critical right now, time of COVID, right, this whole talk around pivoting or making adjustments in our business. And like, for me, I spent weeks at the beginning of COVID, trying to figure out what do people need? How can I deliver something in the way that they need it right now, and I was on a conversation with somebody who has a massive online following, right, as a big influencer does all sorts of, and he’s got, he’s got a really strong sense of humor. And so that’s why people enjoy following him, but and he made the point that regardless of what’s happening in the marketplace, his his starting point, is, what do I want to create? What am I here to create? And so this concept that I think you are speaking to, of like moving back to your center, and like what we’re here to create, sometimes, you know, regardless of what the marketplace needs, or wants, or what we think it needs or wants, I think the difference between those two exercises is one is analytical, like, let me look at the marketplace and figure out what the needs are, versus starting, you know, inward starting maybe in our hearts and saying, Okay, what am I here to create? What am I really being called to create right now?

Erik Luhrs  26:49

The key piece is, the deeper that you go inwards, the you know, the more you’re going to scale outwards. But we’re not taught that we’re taught to, you know, from birth, we’re taught the exact opposite we’re told to fit in. And really, it’s, it’s about I mean, what do you want to create as a powerful question? And I like to go, you know, even before the creation, is, because people, you know, what’s the deeper question? Well, who am I? Okay, well, that’s a deeper question. One of the questions I like to start with is, why are you? Like, go? Why am I what? No, why are you question mark? And when we ask those kinds of questions, when we get that deep, that’s when the boxes start to fall away, right? Because how do you answer a question? Like, why are you in a box? And when you can escape that box, all of a sudden, you’re like, like, you just start to, like, I’ve asked people that question, I could see their eyes change, because they’re like, I can see their their brain is like, I don’t, you know, does not compute, I do not have an answer, they have to go outside of the circuitry. They have to go outside of the CPU, and go into the, you know, the Internet of the universe, and really pull in all the sudden, that’s when you’re like, I see the glint of what I would say is Dragon, you know, in their eyes, like all of a sudden, it’s like, they like just for a second that a bigger power comes to them. And they’re like, you know, that well, I’m, you know, and they try to default, right? They try to default to Well, I, I am here to be a good pregnancy, why are you here? Why are you? And all you know, it’s like that, you know, and then eventually, when, when they know why they are, then they realize I can create who I want to be and then when they know where they want to be, then they can say, Now I want to create this. And there’s so much power in that, you know, this the visionaries of the world. You know, I mean, Jeff Bezos has become very systematic and but but I would say at least starting out, there was, you know, there was the eye of the dragon in him, you know, because he, he felt he saw he, you know, this was, I mean, think about going back 20 years and talking to somebody about what Amazon is today. Like, please, one place where nobody, you know, what’s the Internet the Internet is it’s a fad, okay, well, but maybe people will use it for you know, at best, they’re gonna use it for gambling and porn, you know, and maybe they’ll buy some stuff, but it’s not going to be one place as it’s gonna, it’s going to give me everything I need to buy and it’s going to give me television, and it’s going to ship stuff and it’s gonna, you know, everything else I’ve heard. But, but he but it existed, right? It existed in his universe, and he brought it through him by removing the boxes by getting to his core. You know, Amazon didn’t come out of the Wharton or McKinsey places. It couldn’t have because it didn’t exist before. If it didn’t exist, there is no playbook for it. You know, and that’s the whole thing. Do you want to create a if you create a business that has a playbook, it’s by default a me to business, when you create a business that doesn’t have a playbook. That’s that’s your kung fu.

Heather Pearce Campbell  30:20

Right? I love it. So how big is my question? And I, you know, I think I have the answer in my head as far as what I think But how, what is your observation around why people keep running back to the box?

Erik Luhrs  30:36

Conditioning? Clear and simple, I will tell you, and like, somebody great to listen to, he doesn’t phrase it as maybe he raises it a box, one small, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I’m a huge follower of Dr. Dispenza. Because he, he bridges that gap between, you know, reality and woowoo with science, and yet, he goes back and forth from science to will, and you and you’re like, oh, yeah, it all makes sense now. But we need to, we need to make that crossover, we need to get to that part of ourselves. So the reason we keep going back to the box is the brain becomes an end, you know, if it wasn’t Dr. Dispenza, he’ll explain a hell of a lot better than I will. But we, by the time you’re seven years old, you’re basically conditioned into who you’re going to be, I think the the old Jesuit saying, show me, show me the, you know, the, you know, baby from zero to seven, and I will show you the man, because they know by, you know, seven years old, the neural networks are already set up, and boom, boom, boom, and you’re processing certain things, and all your filters are there. And so all communication now starts being filtered through these little boxes that you created. Now we need certain boxes to survive, there needs to be a box to tie my shoes, there needs to be a box to cut my meat, you know, there needs to be a box to go to the bathroom, wake up to get dressed, and whatever. Well, we don’t realize that we’re building boxes for everything else, you know, that people are giving us boxes, right? Your parents, your parents are just dumping, you know, they call it baggage, there’s really just boxes right there opening up that storage closet in your brain and you know, slamming door close and saying, Okay, you’re full. So it’s our brain, it’s our body that, you know, remembers certain things, remember, certain feelings, remember certain responses. And it gets ingrained in the body into the into the cells into the nervous system into the functioning between the neurons in the brain and the neurons in the heart and the the neurons in the in the digestive tract. And we’re just like response machines, because the subconscious mind is a playback is a recording and playback device. That’s all that it is. It’s the playbook. You know, I said before about playbooks, it’s the playbook, a very small portion of your brain is the conscious outside of limitations thing that says, you know, I want to create great and grandiose, I want to have amazing, you know, and allows that freedom, because the body goes yeah, but you got to give me a program, you got to you know, the screen is blank, dude, you got to give me a program, you know, because if we’re blank, then we’re just gonna be like, you know, lost. And so it’s, it’s just that habit of going back. So the way to, I guess, start breaking the habit is to just become aware of the thinking, to become aware when you’re going back to the box, and I will warn you, it’s a pain in the butt. And I, you know, I do it. I do it many, many times a day I go, you know, I have a thought and I go, wait, no, that’s, that’s my old condition, thought mold condition, thought old condition, thought, you know, and I realized, I’m going to be doing that for the rest of my life, right? Because I probably had more programmed into me by the age of seven than I’ll ever be able to get, you know, fully rid of. But as long as I can know, that I’m having that experience, and I can catch it. You know, that’s, that’s a win. That’s a big win. Because as soon as you do catch it, then the mind goes like this. It goes, and it splits. And you’re able to look at, you know, and say, I’m able to actually look at the font, whereas before it was just automatic now, like, what why would I want to call him or why would I want to do that? Or why would I want to buy that or why would I want to just not have that call or whatever. And you stack up those winds you start you know, you’d start dismantling a box right because now like like your old cardboard boxes in the in the in the attic. Now the first time we put that lid on That box license but if you’ve opened that box like 100 times eventually it starts you know start caving in and everything’s a week box same thing here boom boom boom you know television

Heather Pearce Campbell  35:11

like that visual yeah repeatedly opening the box and so that process is sounds like I mean I love the the description of like, you see the glimmer of the dragon, right of like actually letting somebody out kind of in full force like who they are and that their essence for people that want to work with you. What are the ways that people can work with you?

Erik Luhrs  35:33

Um, gold bullion?

Heather Pearce Campbell  35:35

My favorite

Erik Luhrs  35:38

you know, who told me who whoever is assistant to Satoshi is for a blocker for Bitcoin.

Heather Pearce Campbell  35:44

Hilarious. We’ve got a whole bunch of pirate tokens in our house you want the chocolate now they’re not even chocolate I know.

Erik Luhrs  35:55

So they can reach out to me you can reach out to me on LinkedIn. You know Eric Luhrs, I’m the only Bruce of the revenue generation you’ll find

Heather Pearce Campbell  36:03

I love it there. So there should only be one

Erik Luhrs  36:05

There can be only one or my website I will warn you it’s sparse. So really, LinkedIn is the best place to find stuff. And also, if you Google me, you know, there’s tons of stuff out there as well. If you want to know interviews or whatever, read my book on on, on Amazon, awesome, you can interact. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  36:34

And the folks just so that people can self identify when when the folks that are ready to work with you are actually ready. What are they saying to themselves?

Erik Luhrs  36:47

Eric’s the smartest guy I know. Well, problems in business. So we usually notice the business problem before we noticed like, no, like nobody ever Google’s How do I tap into my inner self to then release the dragon so that I can then scale my business? But now I think about I should probably get that keyword because I’ll be getting like one cent per 1000 hits. I really want that. No, but they would be saying to them, you know, they would be looking at their business. And they’d be you know, they’d be in the six figure range, you know, and they’d say, you know, either I want to get to high six figures or maybe seven. I feel kind of stuck. I feel like I have too much competition. I don’t know how to differentiate myself. I’m not excited anymore. You know, I all the classic, you know, business issues. But really the the overriding thing is going to be your feeling, right? Because if you feel like well, yeah, but I got all this right. I can figure this out. And I can figure that out. And you’ve got tactics, and you’ve got strategies and you feel you feel confident in those tactics or strategies, I would say then you’ll go do the tactics, strategies. It’s when you feel like there’s, there’s more potential within me. And there’s more potential within this business, then it’s been showing up. And I really, I have this feeling I don’t even know what it is. I don’t know, I can’t see it. But I feel it. That’s the dragon tap in at the back of your brain saying, you know, I’m ready to come out when you’re ready to let me out. So that’s when they would know that I’m the kind of guy they want to talk to.

Heather Pearce Campbell  38:27

I love that particularly the piece around differentiation, right? How do I differentiate myself? How do I it’s the whole like blue ocean red ocean, like how do I stand apart in a way that people see what I’m here to do and what my business is here to do? Awesome. So I love connecting on LinkedIn, I highly recommend people go check out Eric Luhrs L-U-H-R-S. Be sure to visit the show notes as well. You can find those at Eric, what final thoughts do you want to leave? We leave with people what do you want them to know?

Erik Luhrs  39:04

As I tell people don’t die with your kung fu stoneside you

Heather Pearce Campbell  39:07

it’s a big one. That’s a big one. That’s the That’s the perfect and note. All right. Thank you, Eric. So appreciate your time today.

GGGB Outro  39:19

Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit and Great Business podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more see the show notes which can be found at Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.