November 28th, 2023
Finding Joy in the Everyday
With Jesse Brisendine, an award-winning speaker and best-selling author, and world renowned expert who works with individuals and organizations to move beyond their limitations, unlock their greatness, & build their Camelot. Jesse’s services have been sought after by business leaders, Hollywood celebrities, entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, medical professionals, and educators to diminish stress, boost productivity, enhance organizational communication, elevate happiness, cultivate daily joy, improve company culture, establish thriving businesses, and lead more fulfilling lives.
Join us in conversation as Jesse breaks down the essentials of finding joy in everyday life.
He shares practical insights into the connection between mindset and business growth, discusses the crucial roles of self-care and staying true to one’s values, and points out the gap between employees and management in prioritizing what truly matters at work. Jesse’s message is clear: it’s time to put joy and genuine connections at the forefront of our daily lives for a more fulfilling existence.
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Takeaways & quotes you don’t want to miss from this episode:
- A poignant experience from Jesse’s childhood that set him early on his own path to purpose. f
- “All of us have purposes, which can evolve or change throughout the course of our lives.”
- Why you need to balance work and personal life.
- The importance of valuing and respecting individuals’ voices in the workplace.
- Find joy and fulfillment in the present moment rather than constantly striving for a better future.
“No business isn’t personal… it is where we are putting most of our time and energy.”
-Jesse Brisendine
Check out these highlights:
- 07:38 How Jesse started in entrepreneurship.
- 21:20 Jesse shares how he feels about the work he does.
- 26:10 The shift from a results-oriented model of business to a time-consuming model.
- 34:39 The critical part of creating meaning and fulfillment in life.
How to get in touch with Jesse on Social Media:
You can also contact Jesse by visiting his website here
Special gift to the listeners: Grab your free copy of the Mindset Mastery Blueprint here.
Imperfect Show Notes
We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below:
GGGB Intro 00:00
Here’s what you get on today’s episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®…
Jesse Brisendine 00:04
They would say no business isn’t personal. It is personal. It is where we are putting most of our time energy we’re going to spend, if you’re the typical person who’s going to work eight hours a day for the next 3540 years, whatever it is, you are donating over half of your waking life to this state, you are choosing that over time with your kids time with your family times. Also, there is nothing more personal than that.
GGGB Intro 00:27
The adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast where endurance is required. Now, here’s your host, The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.
Heather Pearce Campbell 00:55
Alrighty, welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington. Welcome to another episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®. I am so excited to have you here today, Jesse. For those of you listening, this is going to be a treat. We’ve got my friend, Jesse Brisendine here. And if you don’t know Jesse, Jesse is an award winning speaker and best selling author, who is also a world renowned expert who works with individuals and organizations to move beyond their limitations, unlock their greatness and build their Camelot. Business leaders, Hollywood celebrities, entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, medical professionals and educators have utilized Jesse’s services to reduce stress, increase productivity, improve organizational communication, elevate happiness, experience more daily joy, enhance company culture, build thriving businesses and live fulfilling lives. Jessie is a big fan of buffets. Oh my gosh, that makes me laugh. Professional wrestling. I have a few buffets stories, professional wrestling and finding the silver lining in any situation. Oh my gosh, welcome Jesse Brisendine. I love your bio.
Jesse Brisendine 02:21
But it’s so nice to be here with you. And I really want to hear your buffet stories now.
Heather Pearce Campbell 02:26
I’m like the anti-buffet person after some buffets stories. So a couple of ones a couple. One of my family’s have cousins. Right? We have a lot of cousins because we mostly well, we do come from huge Mormon roots. Not even joking, like 126 first cousins. Oh, yeah. So like major pool of cousins. One of the families there had five boys. Like the mom just kept going. This is my mom’s sister because she wanted to finally have a girl so she’s has of this family of five boys. And then she gets two girls at the end. Right? But big family. Mostly boys. Big boys right? Tall big boys. And so they love buffets. Right? She loves all you can eat.
Jesse Brisendine 03:15
But I’m sure it’s very cost effective for them.
Heather Pearce Campbell 03:18
Right, exactly. And the funny thing is our family was a family of four girls, two boys and like my parents, you know, like if we ever did a road trip or whatever, and they needed to feed us it was like the $1, what is that little? It’s like a fried burrito from Taco Bell, like, but back in the day.
Jesse Brisendine 03:42
burritos or something?
Heather Pearce Campbell 03:42
It’s just the little round wrapped burrito. Like I really think it’s a fried little burrito from Taco Bell literally was $1 right? This is going to be like the 80s and so they could feed us on the road for like $4 and then my brothers were the ones that required a bit more sustenance in that but we one trip in particular we met up with this family of cousins and of course my aunt was like let’s go to this you know, and I won’t name the buffet but it was in Utah. Oh my gosh, we got food poisoning and we got so sick and like oh my gosh, it was the worst. We were already down with buffets. And after that we were like seriously over buffets like nope. And then when I was a like a 12-13 year old kid, I started working at Wendy’s because my dad owned a Wendy’s restaurant. And this was the super buffet. Like what did they call it the super bar. That’s what it was, the super bar. This was like when you could get nachos at Wendy’s right? And put like all this weird stuff. Yeah, when these first time went through a period where it had super bars. Anyways, just so many different buffet experiences that are all in there, but I love that you love buffets. I think there’s like an initial like you Disneyland feeling with buffets like what’s here, all this stuff you didn’t mean and for like anybody that enjoys food, that could be a real treat. Jesse, so we know each other. How did we first get introduced? I’m trying to think back because it’s been a handful of years.
Jesse Brisendine 05:15
It was back in the days when he first went into COVID lockdown. And I had started a series that I had intended only to be a couple of weeks back when we thought we were only going to be locked away for a couple of weeks. And then little did we know we all learned two things very quickly. Number one, how much we underestimated how long we’d be locked away. And then for me, number two, says, I’m sure you did to Heather, we saw that so many of us were wanting connection, but we’re also wanting ways to try to help during that, you know, I think a lot of us who are in business, especially in the kinds of businesses that I imagine your listeners are in, you are driving forces often really to help to serve. And for us to be locked away behind the same four walls day in and day out. It goes against it seems so unnatural to us. So people were so actively looking for places to serve, looking for ways to show up. And that was how you and I got connected. As I was doing that series, somebody had said, Oh, you got to meet Heather and met Heather and I soon found how incredible you are. You introduced me to a bunch of other people and unbecoming subsequent guests. And it was from there. And I’m just I’m so grateful for that. Because I met a lot of really amazing people out of it, of which you are definitely at the top of that list.
Heather Pearce Campbell 06:27
Oh, well, I feel the same about you. I have loved getting to know you over the years. And every time we talk, I’m like, Ah, we have to talk again. And then I was so glad to finally get you on the podcast. I know it’s taken us like rescheduling 49 times that is the life of a parent. And you know, it’s been kind of a wild year. But I’m so grateful you’re here. And I know that our guests are gonna get a lot of value from you. I’ve watched the way that you show up in the world, the way that you interact on social media, like there are some things about you that really make you unique, and that I just deeply appreciate. So welcome Jesse Brisendine. And I’d love to find out a little bit about your background and your roots. Like I always love hearing people’s, you know, obviously, there’s only so much we can cover in our time slot, but kind of your pathway into entrepreneurship, right? Like, what motivated you to make that decision to become an entrepreneur? How did you find yourself. So I know people can get to entrepreneurship in different ways. But I’d love to hear a little bit of that story.
Jesse Brisendine 07:37
Yeah, I grew up very poor lived in a very, very tiny space, that house was so broken down that I remember there was one day where there’s mice that had fallen out of the ceiling onto the floor, and we live down the road. So we kind of lived in this wooded area up in Northern California, very small town, and my parents would routinely have to send me up the road to where the property owner lived with the rent check when it was two or three weeks late, because you know, the idea that they wouldn’t be less likely to evict a eight year old kid, then they would be the parents who were sort of pay their rent and was interesting other because in those early times, you know, as a kid, you don’t appreciate those kinds of things, right? You don’t, but you start to learn them through parental modeling. And my mom was very much a vocal person about how hard it was, how much there was lacking, about how embarrassing it was to live, where we lived, you know how her family would never come and visit her. And this was all from her place of pain, right? It’s so easy for us as a kid. It’s interesting, you go through these kinds of stages, where at first you empathize and you want so badly to take that away, you know, I saw actually part of what was on my path is actually trying to pick my life when I was about eight, nine years old, because I heard that so many times that I had my eight, nine year old math capabilities, whatever that was, at the time, I had figured out that my parents had to spend X amount of money to provide shelter food for me. And so if I wasn’t there, then it would take that burden away. And then if they didn’t have that burden anymore, then my mom could be happy. I love my mom’s so much more anything I want her to be happy. And I went down to the woods had a knife to my heart and tried to do the whole thing. And it was I remember just shaking uncontrollably and trying so hard and and then trying to push it in. But then it didn’t just go in like you would think of where to go in the movies. It was there’s bone, there’s tissue, there’s muscle. And it was when I finally got to the point where I realized I wasn’t able to do it. I remember kind of falling on the forest floor and just laying on leaves and then sobbing and then walking back up and my head was hanging, you know, it was like I forever had my Scarlet Letter of shame that was gonna carry and I carried that very much through childhood. So fast forward. One of the really driving forces for entrepreneurship for me was I wanted to be be able to provide for my mom, you know, and let her live the latter half of her life differently than the other half of her life she gave so much for me, I wanted to be able to try to give a little bit back to her. And then to the other driving force for me was very much so that when I woke up to the fact that so much of my suffering was self inflicted, in the sense of my own psychology, in my own physiology, my own emotional health, I really, really was driven to try to help people with that, because to me, that seemed like that was really the bigger service that any business could offer, right is it’s about trying to make people’s lives just a little bit better. And sometimes we look at the immediate outcome of that, right, you’re going to be able to get from point A to point B a little faster, you’re going to be able to scale your business a little bit more, whatever that is. But I’ve been always wildly fascinated by the outcome beyond the outcome beyond the outcome, you know, and that’s where you get to somebody’s mental and emotional well being. And that’s, that’s really been the driving force for me for so long.
Heather Pearce Campbell 10:53
What a poignant story. I mean, I’ve never heard that story I didn’t know about your roots. Thank you for sharing that. It’s so fascinating to look back at our childhood interpretation of events, right. And I think that we all learn in a hurry. Like as children, we develop beliefs based on a childhood lens of life, and we’re just really not capable of interpreting things accurately. Right, which is why they then embed some core beliefs that often don’t serve us. Right? And it’s so fascinating to start to unwind some of those beliefs and be like, Oh, my gosh, that’s actually a belief that I’ve held that’s not mine, or completely wrong, or something that I’ve inherited from my parents, right? Anyways, that’s a big story. And that’s a big mission. I’d love for you to share with us the Where did the leap to entrepreneurship happen? Like, how did it happen? How did you get into working for yourself, you know, starting down this path of serving others in this way?
Jesse Brisendine 12:06
I’m a big believer, Heather, that all of us have purpose or purposes. I think purpose can evolve, or it can change throughout the course of our life. And that it is often something that is discovered, either through the sources, our greatest pleasure or greatest pain. And I think interesting enough, the pain can be something that kind of pushes you to work faster. And that was much the case with me, I had gone through my first broken heart, and it was working, doing well, all those things just finished up college. And it was successful in my corporate role doing the thing that you’re supposed to do, they’re rising, the ranks had been promoted a couple of times, you had the book, carrot dangling all around me about what was next and what was next. And when my girlfriend and I broke up by unlock this dam of emotion that had not been filtered so much it was against your point, or there’s some childhood stuff, and we assimilate, but we don’t really realize it came rushing up and out. I remember being at this crossroads, this conscious moment of what I just came up for a breath of air in between the grief, that sorrow, the despair, all those types of things, and realizing that if I didn’t make some dramatic changes, I was going to have exactly where it was, again, only be further down the road. And what that looked like to me was even though I was doing this job and I had the carrots dangling, I wasn’t really happy being there, there was a clear values misalignment. I love the people I was able to serve, but I didn’t like the parameters that were placed around me the walls that were put in place. You know, I had to dot I’s cross T’s in this certain way, there was no freedom for expression or creativity, there was none of those things. And I saw that we can do it a different way a better way, you know, and I also saw that the people weren’t necessarily prioritized for their health and well being as much as at this time I was doing personal training, taking those two things combined. And realizing that this breakdown in my life was really an opportunity to build it into something new. And something better. I actually think it was within six weeks or so I moved out of where I live, left my position, started my own business, you know, global bubble all the things right. And I was so funny other because I remember moving into this little studio apartment from there. And this place was literally it was like a glorified hotel room with a stove and a refrigerator. And sitting there one night now getting ready to go to my new endeavor with running my own show and thinking of myself looking at the empty walls and going okay, well here I am now what really it is. It is all on me. There’s such an exhilaration I think that comes with us. Any of us who ever started on pain know that true because you leave knowing that there’s a better way you leave knowing that you have more to offer you leave knowing that where your heart really is pulling you to is the right path for you. And then when you do leave and you wake up that first day you realize Holy smokes, I have to figure out all the structure. I have to figure out all the systems. There’s nobody holding me accountable. I could sit here and do falsify what I could do whatever I want and if I do that then nothing is gonna be I could be playing Zelda all day playing Zelda I could be doing all this cool stuff and then nobody else was paying for the lights or the plumbing or anything. So it is it’s such an exhilaration because there’s, there’s like this amazing intersection of all these emotions and experiences that come with it.
Heather Pearce Campbell 15:20
All right, let’s pause for a moment and hear from today’s sponsor. Are you an entrepreneur who is on track to make a million or more in revenue this year in your business? If so, your business is likely facing a host of legal issues that are right for support. And if you are like so many of my clients at this level, you are likely tired of taking unnecessary risks and a DIY approach to legal support in your business. You’re ready to tackle the mess of legal documents, six legal gaps that you have. You want to take care of your IP, your clients, your business, and avoid unnecessary conflict and risk in the process. If this is you, and beyond just being an entrepreneur, you are a catalyst and are committed to your mission and your impact in the world. I invite you to get in touch. You could be a fit for my catalyst club, a small business legal support program that I designed for my high level clients. Just like you, you can find out more at Just click on the Work with Me tab to learn more about the catalyst club and other ways that I support my clients, a fabulous group of world changing entrepreneurs, I might add, you’ve done the initial legwork in your business. And now you want to soar. And you know that you can only go as high and as far as your legal foundation lets you go. So get in touch today, hop over to, click on the Work with Me tab. And if you have any questions, get in touch through the Contact link on my site, I look forward to connecting it would be a joy to support you on your path.
Heather Pearce Campbell 17:03
I really love stories where people have taken those leaps, like you had experience inside the corporate world right and and so many people do get that and some stay because of the golden handcuffs and just thinking like, well, this is how it goes. And this is what life is. And you know, I think entrepreneurs at least pre pandemic I’d be really curious to see how the numbers have shifted. But less than 10% of people pre pandemic ever become entrepreneurs, right? We are mostly a society of employees. So I just have such a huge place in my heart for people that have that courage to take that leap because usually they’re committed to a mission. Like when I speak to groups of entrepreneurs, I’m always asking people like, did you choose entrepreneurship because you thought it would be easy? Never. Aside from my friend Jay Suzette, who’s a bit of a jokester, I’ve never had somebody say yes. But he was the guy. He tells his origin story of entrepreneurship about like he thought he was going to be at home in bunny slippers rolling in the dough. You know what I mean? Like it was one of those funny stories. Most people don’t choose entrepreneurship because they think it’s going to be easy. They choose it because they think it’s going to be worth it. Right? They have that mission in their heart of what they want to create. You know, I started my own legal practice right out of law school. I mean, this was like, computers and the Internet were babies. Right. And like, I could do email and a few things. But some research, it was still so new, I was sending out letterhead and business cards to people like announcing that I was in my own practice. And I have the same thought like, okay, here we go bills to pay student loans coming due, like what the heck am I doing? You know, and, and you just do it. And I I knew, like, as crazy as it seemed that it was the right path for me. Right. And I think you mentioned feeling the same way. So, you’ve got a quite dramatic origin story about, obviously the depths that humans can go to when we get our thinking wrong, right. And the irony of that is even in the business and entrepreneurial world, compared to the population at large numbers are not good in that regard, right numbers around mental health and what stress does like it, like so many entrepreneurs and people in business, need your help, they need that mindset support more than ever. And then I think, you know, you take the layering on of what’s happened across society in recent years, a pandemic I affectionately call the pandemic, right like the it was like this microcosm of terribleness for those of us that are outward facing that really love interacting with other humans and showing up and serving, it was really, really hard to get through those years. Right. So it’s an I don’t think our trajectory, for the most part looks like things are going to get much easier just with the way that modern life is going. And I know you and I have had conversations even outside of this podcast about all the things that contribute to that, what are you finding in your work with clients? Like, I’d love to know, because, like reading your bio, I was like, holy cow, like everybody needs you. Right? You help improve productivity, reduce stress, you improve communication, elevate happiness, you know, help people experience more daily joy, enhance company, or you know, and I assume you work with businesses of all sizes, you know, helping people build thriving businesses and live fulfilling lives. That’s a pretty big mission. And obviously, all of those things are related to mindset, right? What are you finding in your work, especially over recent years, when it comes to how people are doing, how you feel about your work? Right? You feel like, oh, my gosh, I’m in the right place, like I absolutely made the right decision.
Jesse Brisendine 21:19
Yeah, I definitely feel congruent with my path. And I’m so grateful for that’s amongst my daily gratitude. Acknowledgments with people though, it’s interesting, I’ve had quite a few conversations as of late. And this is, especially with younger people to where there’s this feeling that the realization of the American Dream seems to be further and further out of reach. I was reading something that day, and I didn’t fact check the statistics. So I’m not 100% sure on its efficacy, but I think you and I just based off the geography where we live can probably attest to that. housing costs are approximately 40%. Higher now still, even with it dropping a little bit than they were pre-pandemic.
Heather Pearce Campbell 22:02
I just read statistics yesterday in the Seattle Times about the cost of expenses generally, in Seattle rising so quickly, we have outpaced every other major city in the United States, our cost of living and the the rate of increase outpaced San Francisco.
Jesse Brisendine 22:22
Oh, it’s insane. I was just up in Northern California, where I grew up last weekend, a friend of mine up there, as a general contractor, he does really, really incredible work. He was somebody that if he hadn’t ended up doing what he was doing, you would be so disappointed to find out he went something else that was that was clearly his path. Everybody knew he was going to be that guy as a kid. And he was laughing to me saying, you know, I have so much equity in my house, it’s so much more than the house is actually worth. This is somebody who builds the structures and is, you know, puts the hammers and nails the boards together and saying how ridiculous it is. And when I hear that, you know, there’s a part of me, and I’m really happy for my friend. But there’s another part of me that I feel so deeply for so many people because they can appreciate that. And then it goes into this space of which we wondering. You know, I think one of the good things that has come in the last few years is we aren’t having those conversations about mental health more. But as a society, we’re doing a horrible example of really modeling, I think solutions to it. What have people see, it’s the way they see us fighting, arguing, yelling, so many online dialogues. And you and I have talked about this before, I think that they’re not even dialogues, they’re just finger pointing match is an insult. It’s mudslinging to. And then we wonder, well, where does this all come from? And then we turn our news. And we see our broadcasters do the same. And then we see the people that reporting on doing the same. I saw something, you know, we’re in a world that is so curated, right? And what we’re supposed to what we learn, or what we’re taught is supposed to be important, what we’re supposed to focus on the lives of certain other people, more people know about the real housewives and the Kardashians, and they know about their…
Heather Pearce Campbell 23:53
Geography or basic history, yes, yeah.
Jesse Brisendine 23:56
And then we’re turning around and putting this pressure on young people saying, oh, you should be able to do this. And you should be able to go to Seattle, where you’re outpacing the entire rest of the country, and you should be able to come and contribute right away. And then we wonder why they’re having such hard times or the rest of us aren’t who weren’t in those positions. So, back to your question. There’s a few things I’ve seen. Number one is that I really am feeling for those folks too. And, you know, I was always the person that’d be the first one to say, well, you know, the American Dream hard work, dedication, perseverance, you can do this.
Heather Pearce Campbell 24:26
Well, it’s what we were raised on. Right. And like you, I came from a poor background, my dad was extremely poor. And so we got the talk young, like, you got to work hard, you got to be smart, you know, you got to do all the things to get ahead. And so we did all the things to get ahead. And I agree with you like what you’re seeing now is really poor reflection on how we as a society have handled our societal structures, our safety nets for people We don’t have what we need.
Jesse Brisendine 25:01
We really don’t. And it’s somebody could work hard, do all those things, right. But to buy a house to own a home and Seattle, to own a home in Southern California, you’re gonna have to work really, really, really, really, really hard, you know, and basically, sacrifices were part of life. So it’s sort of see it’s a possibility, but then at what costs and that’s the other thing that’s coming back to now is these conversations with folks about, okay, well, what really does matter if we are actually start to step away from everything that we’re taught, what really does matter in what is most important, I was talking with a client the other day, and very successful person hadn’t been staying on point on track with some of the goals that we had and conversation well, why and why they’re having so much fun, they had gone out for vacation with some friends went to a festival, you know, all these kinds of things. And I said, Well, do you regret having the fun? No, absolutely not? Good? Great. Because the truth is that, who knows if you’ll have that chance to do it again, all this other stuff, like, it’s wonderful to work towards. And that’s what we’re all taught. It’s interesting to even consider the whole American model of business or I guess, the global model now, but you know, pre industrial revolution, we were such a results oriented, it was a results oriented model of business, right. So whether you’re a shoe, you make shoes, I give you a shoe, you say, Jesse, I’m gonna make the shoe for you. And okay, that’s it. When the shoes done, you’ve completed jobs, there’s no time, there’s no you got to crank out this new shoes. And then all of a sudden, the industrial revolution comes around changes the model, right? We go from a result or a model to a time consumption model.
Heather Pearce Campbell 26:35
Time, right? Is everything based around time. Yeah, your time is worth something and everything is now measured by time.
Jesse Brisendine 26:43
I cannot tell you how they’re how many people I’ve talked to who have had the Elon Musk type person as a as a model for entrepreneurship, right? Because of the level of success because that’s where Thomas was a change success. And he has such a world changing vision, right. Interplanetary species.
Heather Pearce Campbell 26:58
Yeah right, interplanetary.
Jesse Brisendine 27:00
But then it’s the 18 hours of work day, six, seven days a week sleeping under the desk. And so when you have those conversations, you start to break down the mechanics of it. Is that what you really want? Well, no, what is it that you really want. And I love that we’re starting to have those conversations about what we really, really, really want. And they add the extra to release because those ones are always where the emotion lies. It’s happiness, it’s a fulfillment to joy, okay, if that’s what we really, really want. And if you feel like this other piece, buying a house in Seattle or something is further in the future now. And then you would like instead of beating yourself up about that, or instead of beating yourself up, because your business isn’t going at the path because of supply chain issues, or whatever it is right now still work on these solutions to work on resolving, but also work on just valuing right now, right? Engaging in the right now being present being joyous. I had this conversation with a group the other day, and it was a bunch of people who are civic leaders. And we were talking about how do we be better leaders? How do we show up more for employees or staff or people and I was sharing with them that I met somebody one time who was saying, you know, in business, you have to just take the emotion out of it, you have to take the emotion out and make decisions. And I was saying the exact opposite. I said don’t more emotion into it, they would say in your business isn’t personal, it is personal. It is where we are putting most of our time energy we’re going to spend, if you’re the typical person who’s going to work eight hours a day for the next 35-40 years, whatever it is, you are donating over half of your waking life to this thing, you are choosing that over time with your kids time with your family times. Also, there is nothing more personal than that. And the opportunity, I really think for folks and leadership is to make the emotion and dump the emotion and pour it into there. Make it something that is so personal that is so meaningful. That is such a special thing that people show up because they know that they’re cared about people show up because they know that their time is making a difference. People show up because they can recognize the contribution that they’re making every day.
Heather Pearce Campbell 28:56
Oh, it’s I mean, total goosebumps over here. Yes. Even like what came to mind is that, like I think about even the parallels between people fighting online. Right. And we’re like, I know, it’s hard to draw parallels between those things. But what do people really want? We want to be seen, we want to be recognized for who we are and what makes us unique, we want to be heard. And the irony is that like the online exchanges and fighting some of the horrible behaviors that we see don’t work because we’re skipping all those elements. Nobody’s being seen nobody’s being heard nobody’s really even speaking from their authentic voice often in those exchanges. Like there’s a lot of issues with it, but it’s also why it doesn’t work and it collapses the fabric of society right? And in work as well. If you’re in a place where you’re not seeing your voice is not respected. I mean, I look at like my sister who’s in sales and sales, you know, for people that live in the sales world. Like, it would be rough, depending on the company culture, some of those companies, you know, they’ve like between their quotas, and they’re about to go public. Like they really make it an untenable place for their salespeople who are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the company. Right? So my sister, bless her heart, she’s very good at what she does. And she’s reached a point in her personal journey in her life where she just doesn’t tolerate the the poor company cultures anymore, or the bad leadership or a micromanager. And so she doesn’t feel slave to the idea that like, Oh, you’ve got to stick it out at least two years, or whatever people tell themselves about moving jobs, right. And so she’s moved a couple times when she’s like, you know what, I thought this was a fit. It’s not this is not the company culture, I signed up for, like a male dominated culture that is not listening to the salespeople, which, by the way, are all females, right? Just some major issues and some of the companies that she worked with, and she’s now landed in one that does not have a culture like that, where she feels like, oh, my gosh, this is totally what I’ve had in my mind as a possibility. And here it is good. That’s awesome. We need to be seen, we need to be heard in our work, we need to be valued. So I agree with you wholeheartedly. Like when people say, take the personal out of business or out of politics or what, like, No, it’s all personal. This is our lives that we’re living, right. This is the whole point. And I love what you said about how do we hold on to our goals, hold on to our vision, and refocus so that we enjoy the right now. So that we really enjoy where we’re at and can appreciate the good stuff. And I know, for anybody that follows you that is connected online, like you’re regularly sharing meaningful stuff that just happens in your day to day and away like I loved the very last line of your bio right one of the things you do well is finding the silver lining in any situation, like the alternative just as not great, but how many people live in the alternative of not finding the silver lining. And the irony of any goal is that we set it thinking what that we’re going to feel a certain way when we get there, it’s all about the feeling that we think we’re going to have by achieving X Y or Z right? And I love the idea of reverse engineering and being like how do we feel that feeling right now that’s really what we’re after?
Jesse Brisendine 32:34
It is and you know, you mentioned online pizza there it was one of those come to Jesus moments for me a while ago where I realized I was so caught up in that highlight reel share that we kind of are trained to do right so my primary postings would always be where I was doing something cool whether workshop doing those kinds of things to really nice backgrounds, the globe was taking the examples I would teach from as the and use them as my snapshots that would be so out of the day to day realm for everybody else. And so when I would step back and really think about it, who is this serving first me or somebody else? It’s very much serving me in the sense of like, yeah, there’s stuff in it that people can distill and take away but it’s also a little bit of a pat on the back and ego booster me like I just it’s so cool look at it and doing all those things
Heather Pearce Campbell 33:21
You are so cool, Jesse.
Jesse Brisendine 33:23
Yeah, but you know, that’s still a vulnerable eight nine year old kid who’s going down to the woods and thinking that his life is so meaningless and not so insignificant that he should end it and that so that little boy still pops up and some of those things and what I sat with was gosh, like one of my primary messages isn’t finding the join right now. But I need to start sharing from the right now and then the truth is the right now the day to day life, my life like probably a lot of people’s lives. It’s not too exciting. It’s pretty much the same. I eat the same foods every day. Today I had a protein shake and chicken and oatmeal after my workout the same thing I have every day. I will go for a walk kind of the same path in the afternoon shop at Costco. I’m wearing these shorts that I hate because they’re supposed to be stylish shorts, but they’re too short on me I’d much rather wear my cargo shorts I get from Costco you know.
Heather Pearce Campbell 34:13
This shorter shorts have come back right I hate them.
Jesse Brisendine 34:17
I hate them. I hate them. I am sitting here right now trying
Heather Pearce Campbell 34:20
Are you a kid of the 80s and 90s with like I joke the clam diggers right that’s what I grew up in my mom would.
Jesse Brisendine 34:26
That’s what’s going on right now Heather, you’ve seen me keep squirming in this, it’s because these damn things keep writing up so much and I’m like my cargo shorts don’t do this. But you know that’s so much and so for me like thinking okay, well if going back to what you’re saying is like how do we you know really retain that focus on here’s our bigger goal here’s our bigger vision but also find that right the joy and the happiness and right now that to me is such a critical part of really creating meaning and fulfillment in life. And there in to came the shift for me is okay, well, if this is most of this is the average for me, right? This is a typical normal thing. It’s getting up and scooping cat litter, it’s gone the gym, you know, your hairs, whatever. And you’re just going around, you’re cruising through your town and those types of things, I need to start looking for that. And I need to start speaking from that. And I need to start storytelling from that. And what ends up becoming some of the most meaningful moments in my day to day life are the simple interactions with humans are of just my observation that otherwise, miss. You know, I think, I don’t know if I shared this one with you. But I posted on it a while ago, going for Dr. And same route pic 1000 times because it’s just part of the normal day to day thing. But thinking, you know, joy, being in the moment, joy being in the moment, I see this lady who’s out for a run, and she’s probably in her mid 80s. She’s hunched over, and she’s going uphill. She’s friggin running it. And he just, I mean, I got, you know, truth bumps going up and down me right now, as they think back to this. And she’s clearly in shape, right? And that’s probably the route she’s run a million times just like it’s a route. I’ve driven a million times. But I had never seen her before. Because I never looked for I wasn’t looking for the joy. I wasn’t looking for the inspiration. I wasn’t looking for that something. I was too busy looking in my head about what do I need to think our focus on to validate whatever I was thinking or feeling at that point. But because I was being intentional about joining the moment, there was a free pass for 100 times. But I’ve only seen her that once. And that to me, I love your story shared about your sister because she’s no longer holding yourself hostage to that model that we’re taught. She’s identifying what really matters to her. And it’s interesting. There’s been studies done about this for years and years about what do people value most of work. And there’s always this huge disconnect between employees and management employees will always say the feeling of like they matter that they’re making meaningful contributions that people appreciate them. And upper management used to say salary wages and those types of things. And so there’s this big disconnect, right? And even then that’s been out there for so long, we’ve known that we’ve just disregarded swept the rug, I think it’s starting to have a little bit more, or at least people like your sister, just owning that senior, I’m not going to stay here, I’m going to shift and for everybody else, when really our shoot is available opportunity for return on investment in terms of time, is looking for those Joy moments, making it our daily mission, joy, joy, joy, happiness, because it is all around us. It really is that person who I remember doing this keynote last year other or maybe a year before, it was a virtual one. And one of the people had shared with me after the fact and like little breakup question. He had shared with me that how something that surprised him about being home was a really Mr. Annoying co workers, you know, the people in office who would pester them in these 10 people, those are the same people they probably go home and complain about to their partners. I can’t stand so and so Mr. So and Mrs. So and so’s Baba. And now they miss them, right? Because like you said, we want that connection, we need that connection. And so the opportunity for all of us is, is gosh, those little annoyances and nuances that people have, like, how can we learn to appreciate them? How can we learn to enjoy that? How can we learn to I was talking to a friend the other day and they were telling me about how when they come home, their dog is so excited and won’t calm down for five minutes. And you actually just wish the dog would calm down sooner. And I asked me so you know if if the dog were to die tomorrow, what would you miss most? Today stop this because you know, I haven’t missed out. Enjoy it. Enjoy it where you can.
Heather Pearce Campbell 38:25
Oh my gosh, there’s so much juicy stuff. I wish we had more time. The couple of highlights one, the power of being present, right is just, I think in our modern life just cannot be underscored enough getting off of autopilot into really, truly being present. And I think I’m not sure I think you and I might have talked about it. There’s a book called The Power of play. And it’s by a woman named Katherine Price and I think I got that right she’s got a separate website that because she her first book was like how to break up with your cell phone.
Jesse Brisendine 39:04
Oh, you don’t? I’m reading it right now.
Heather Pearce Campbell 39:05
Oh, she’s so brilliant. The thing I loved about the Power of Play, which is actually where I started is what you talked about, like what the Industrial Revolution? Yes. What it did to our concept of both work and play. Right. And I mean, it will just say across the board change things for the worse. Right because you’re right, we used to make a shoe we used to complete a quilt we used to like finish our our farming for the day and be done at four o’clock and have an evening to enjoy ourselves and be free of the time constraints, right anyways, I just wanted to mention that book because the power of play you think like, oh, I don’t need to know anything else about play or whatever. No, I’m telling you go get and read that book because it is such a bigger conversation. It’s about parenting. It’s about technology. It’s about the history of play in our relationship to time. It’s about modern. I mean, it’s everything is in that book. It’s so important. Yeah, I agree. It’s a good one. Yeah. And it highlights, like some of the things that you’re saying even about, how do we enjoy right now, I really think like, even on your recent journey of reconnecting kind of to some childhood experiences, and memories, like all of us need more lay in our lives. And the irony of play is, guess what it requires absolute presence. How many of us are truly present moment to moment in our lives and not being run by our schedules? Or our technology? Or our digital calendar or whatever? Right? Anyways, Jesse, I would love for people that are like, Oh, my gosh, I’m really enjoying Jesse, I want to go check out his work, you know, follow him on social media, whatever, where can they find you?
Jesse Brisendine 41:04
I’m on all the major channels, it’s under my name, I spend most more time on Facebook still. And that’s probably the main one. I’m working on being better about LinkedIn.
Heather Pearce Campbell 41:15
And well, the irony is probably so many of your clients are on LinkedIn, I’m just gonna put a little plug for LinkedIn, because I love LinkedIn. I still don’t use it to the extent that I could. But I’ve met so many amazing through just connecting on LinkedIn, it’s my absolute favorite place. And what I have to say about Facebook is it continues to surprise me on my business page, because I kind of like gave up on Facebook a long time ago, but I still post their engagement has really come back.
Jesse Brisendine 41:45
Yeah, they have kind of shifted last six months. It’s tough. Yes, it’s different.
Heather Pearce Campbell 41:50
So it is feeling different on Facebook as well. So we will share all your links, including your social channels to your website so that people can connect with you learn more about your work. If you’re listening, hop over to find Jesse Brisdendine’s episode. Jesse, I think you have a free mindset mastery blueprint that you’re giving away. Do you want to share for 30 seconds on that?
Jesse Brisendine 42:16
Yes, super simple, easy download. So a couple, I think there’s eight key components of it that are just going to be ones that you can use to help elevate your mindset. And just try to create day-to-day strategies to for living better, functioning better, performing better in both work, play, any and all aspects of life.
Heather Pearce Campbell 42:37
I love that so much. Well, Jesse, it truly is a joy to know you and to be in your circle. So I really appreciate you joining me today and sharing your many insights and just your presence with the audience. I really, really am grateful to you.
Jesse Brisendine 42:52
Like I said, you’re a really beautiful soul. And I’m so blessed to know you and appreciate you holding space and having this conversation and thank you for being you and how you show up in the world.
Heather Pearce Campbell 43:03
Likewise, we will be in touch. Maybe there’s a part two to this conversation coming down the road. So we’ll talk to you soon, Jesse.
Jesse Brisendine 43:10
Awesome. All right.
GGGB Outro 43:12
Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways, links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more, see the show notes which can be found at Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.