With Lana Shlafer, a mindset coach, law of attraction expert and author of the best-selling book Manifest That Miracle: Learn Why You Don’t Have What You Want and How to Get It. Over the past decade, she has empowered thousands of clients and students to manifest what seems out of reach, including buying their dream home, healing from a chronic illness and meeting their ideal partner.

More than 20,000 people have participated in her Manifesting Challenges. Lana’s energetic personality and no holds barred coaching has been featured in Forbes, TVOne and NPR. Lana studied at UC Berkeley and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She lives in Puerto Rico with her amazing husband and three magical kids.

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Biggest takeaways (or quotes) you don’t want to miss:

  • “The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions.”
  • You can’t really ever leave anything: it’s like a painting that has already been painted. You just have to paint over what’s already there.
  • When you change the present, you change the past and the future.
  • With parenting: We are co-creators in this.
  • Wholeness is the equivalent to happiness: where ALL of you is welcome.

Check out these highlights:

7:13 It was really difficult when I achieved [my] dream. “I was one of the people who did make it. … But I just hated myself and my life more and more and more.”

12:45 On mid-life and quarter-life crises:  “…The new generations coming in – the millennials are really brilliant – they are just not willing to suffer until they’re 50 and then have a mid-life crisis.”

15:49 On asking better questions: Can this be better? How can this be better? More innovative? More satisfying?

24:55 “It was the path to healing myself.  … The best leaps – it only feels like a dramatic change when you feel unworthy. When you feel worthy, it seems like the most reasonable next step.”

35:18 The language of the body is emotions. It is sensations. Bodies are not going to use words.

40:52 There are a lot of times in parenting where something that my child wants … it goes against my understanding of what will be the most … loving and the most healthy parenting …  I want to raise independent, powerful, conscious human beings.”

50:20 “Zone of acceptable” is for other people.

57:00 “You always get what you want, or you get what you need.”

102:12 Hear the amazing details about Lana’s book that was released earlier this year!

How to get in touch with Lana: 

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Grab a copy of Lana’s book, Manifest That Miracle here.

Lana Shlafer is a mindset coach, law of attraction expert and author of the best-selling book Manifest That Miracle: Learn Why You Don’t Have What You Want and How to Get It.

Over the past decade, she has empowered thousands of clients and students to manifest what seems out of reach, including buying their dream home, healing from a chronic illness and meeting their ideal partner.

More than 20,000 people have participated in her Manifesting Challenges. Lana’s energetic personality and no holds barred coaching has been featured in Forbes, TVOne and NPR.

Lana studied at UC Berkeley and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She lives in Puerto Rico with her amazing husband and three magical kids.

You can find more information about Lana here.

Imperfect Show Notes

We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below.

GGGB Intro 0:00
Coming up today on Guts, Grit and Great Business.

Lana Shlafer 0:04
I always say the, I don’t I didn’t come up with it. But I don’t know who to give credit to that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask. And I feel like better questions lead to better answers and better quality of life. So it’s like, Can this be better? How can this be whatever, you know, more innovative, more expansive, more satisfying, more fulfilling? My answers really came not because I asked for like yours. What is my purpose? I don’t think you can answer that question. I think if you can realize that, your extra degree of fulfillment or meaning that day, is your purpose, until all of those steps start to make sense in a bigger picture. But literally taking that step is the purpose today, right? And it’s like what makes me feel enlivened, inspired, connected? How can this feel more me or more better for me? Like it really is a simple process, but it’s just iterative.

GGGB Intro 1:04
The Adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the guts, grit and great business podcast where endurance is required. Now here’s your host The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:38
Welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington. Welcome to another episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business. I am so excited for our guests today. Oh my goodness, you are in for a treat. So Lana Shlafer And is that the correct pronunciation?

Lana Shlafer 2:02
Yes, it is.

Heather Pearce Campbell 2:03
I remember. Thank you. So Lana Shlafer, and I we go back just a few years. We crossed paths – I think it was when I was getting ready to launch my second business. And Lana was one of my favorite people online and we actually ended up working together. But for those of you who don’t know, Lana is a mindset coach, a law of attraction expert and author of the best selling book, manifest that miracle. Learn why you don’t have what you want and how to get it. Over the past decades she has empowered 1000s of clients and students to manifest what seems out of reach, including buying their dream home healing from a chronic illness and meeting their ideal partner. More than 20,000 people have participated in our manifesting challenges. Lana’s energetic personality and no holds barred coaching has been featured in Forbes, TV one and NPR. Lana studied at UC Berkeley and the Institute of transpersonal psychology. She lives in Puerto Rico with her amazing husband and three magical Kids Learn more at lunch lifer.com it’s hard when I read it, like I want to say the other way, but I know it’s lifer. So a lot of when I introduce you to other people, like I’ve always just thought like you are magical. And I love that you describe your kids as magic. Like everybody needs what you have. I have a sister who is a really vibrations blonde. And I always joke like, I wish I could just, you know, like do this squish up for people not you know, they’re not able to see us like munch her down into like a little pocket size and put in my pocket. That’s how I feel about you, like everybody needs you and needs your magic in their life. So, welcome! I’m super excited to have you.

Lana Shlafer 3:15

Thank you so much for having me. And who doesn’t want to be called magical? Right. It’s the best.

Heather Pearce Campbell 3:35

So you and I met Gosh, I think it’s been about five years ago. And your path, it’s been so fun to watch you even in that five years phase, which I know is relatively short compared to how long you’ve been doing this work. And you know, all of the things in your life that have led you here. For people that don’t yet know you take us back a little bit to the beginning of your roots and tell us a little bit about your story.

Lana Shlafer 4:31
It’s always a tricky thing to summarize yourself and like, you know, a few minutes or soundbite right. So I’ll just share, you know, whatever I can and then you can ask me more specific questions. I love that before we started this interview. You described it as not being on stage but as a dinner guests at a party. Right. So I feel like this is the perfect dinner conversation. So you know, I grew up in Russia. So I think that does define me too. I’m degree until I was 12 years old in Siberia, a very cold place. And my dad is Jewish, my mom is is not. But he always knew he wanted to get out. And there was a period of time, in the early 90s, when the USSR broke open and the countries all the all the republic’s started becoming countries, and you could apply to leave to live in other places. So my dad applied everywhere I applied to Israel, to Canada to the US. And we ended up coming to the US through a series of really miracles looking back. And so I landed in San Francisco at 12 years old, having only seen America in movies like Beverly Hills Cop, and like, you know, all the like comedies, and I’m showing up like kind of ripped off from my normal environment, all my relatives, just my mom, my dad, and my brother. And my dad had a really hard time getting a job. He has a PhD in math, and was very accomplished professionally, but it was really challenging to show up and restart a new life. And same with my mom. And so we went through a lot of struggles and ended up kind of being latchkey kids, right? Because my parents just had to take care of the household. And recognizing that I, you know, I never had a perspective on myself where I felt like I was different. But all of a sudden, I was different from everybody, I didn’t feel like I belonged. And I had a really hard time adapting to the culture. And my sort of solution was okay, I’m going to do what I can to sort of be successful and create the American dream, I think that’s like an immigrants mentality, right? So you’re like, Okay, if I just achieve enough, then I will feel like I belong, I will feel like I matter, I will no, get all the things that I have lacked. So I worked my tail off, and went to like, one of the best schools, you know, UC Berkeley, I graduated with, you know, 3.8 GPA, I had five job offers out of college, and then I’m going into investment banking, because it was like, the most successful thing I could imagine. And it was really difficult when I achieve this dream, this was my first taste of like working, working, working, working, I had my parents got divorced when I was in college, so my family fell apart, I had developed eating disorders, and I was really struggling. But I was like, if I just make it here, and I was one of the people that did make it, I did have a six figure salary at 23, I get to travel all over the world, I was very, you know, good at the job, and kept getting promoted. And I just hated myself and my life more and more and more, to the point where I felt like I was a somebody playing a role of myself. And I was in a relationship where I felt like I was repeating patterns that I saw between my parents, and I was playing a role, they’re playing a role here. And it was, at that point where I was like, I don’t know how to get out of this, I don’t know any other way to live, I don’t, I really was, with my back against the wall, I thought about like running away to India, or just exiting out of this life. And in the end, what I decided, you know, I’m gonna take a U turn, I’m going to go study yoga, I’m going to go find something meaningful to do, and I’m going to take a year or two to just discover myself, and this year or two, you know, at, you know, 26 years old turn into now the rest of my life. But I it was such a difficult decision at the time, because I felt like I was totally leaping into something that nobody in my lineage, even thought about, like, what makes you happy was not a luxury that people could afford to think about it. So I really broke from that. And it was a difficult period, because I felt like I’ve fumbled around and tried a bunch of things and, you know, lived in a tent in Mexico and became a yoga teacher and became personal trainer and really couldn’t make ends meet and spent all the money I had saved up and basically moved in with my parents at like 28. Like jobless broke, with no, like, real clarity on what I want to do. I’m single, like, I thought I would be in this place by the time I’m 30. Actually, I didn’t go to my 10 year high school reunion. I remember, because I was like, What the heck am I going to say like I was, you know, smart, driven, blah, blah, blah, what the hell happened type of thing. And one of the reasons I share the story is because I feel like those were my most defining moments, you know, that I took that pain, and I turned it into a game, but so many people end up sharing the successes, you know, and they’re like, yeah, I’m in this like, beachfront, you know, dream home in Puerto Rico with my three magical kids and my amazing partner, and they don’t share how they came from, you know, broken relationships and how they hit, you know, sort of the end of the road in many ways. And so for me, I went to graduate At school at the Institute of transpersonal, psychology, and did more and more healing, I got into law of attraction, I really worked on healing myself and eventually ended up, you know, engaged and pregnant with my kids actually in in grad school with twins at once. And I really felt like that was another pivotal moment where the tire hit the road for me. And I felt like everything I had practiced now mattered more than ever. And we ended up having this miraculous birth with my twins who were born 33 hours apart, a home birth. So that was something that I never imagined as possible. And then for the next couple of years after that, I just kept using the mindset principles that I’ve learned and the healing that I’ve done, sort of to see how far I can reach like, I took that same drive that I had for, you know, making it in the corporate world. And I was like, how fulfilled and happy can I become much more meaningful can my life be how much more of a present and joyous parents can I be because I did not feel like my parents had that luxury. And it really took me into amazing place. As I started my business, when people started asking me to share about it, I you know, I did all kinds of coaching and courses and memberships. And, you know, and eventually wrote a book. And so here we are, and moved to Puerto Rico a couple of years ago, we joke that I retired my husband, but really, he left his corporate career to focus on having a chance to be at home with the kids and to homeschool before he starts his business. And we’ve had many, many chapters in in our life, and I feel like I’ve lived like 10 lives. So here’s my not so short summary.

Heather Pearce Campbell 11:44
Well, no, it’s very, it’s very enlightening. And the pieces that I love about it are, as you describe, like, we often see, people’s arrival point, we see the end of that journey we don’t see especially the inner stuff, we don’t see what it takes to get there. And, you know, this concept of, I mean, there’s a couple things I’d like to know more about, you know, the, the piece about unfulfillment, right, and feeling like you were either living somebody else’s life or a version of yourself that you didn’t love, you know, whatever that was, was, was that just because you thought that if you did the things you were doing you were going to feel better about it? Was it really just about that inner feeling? Or was it? Or was it recognizing, like, culturally, we’re told if you do ABC XYZ, right, you’ve arrived, you should be happy, right? You should, like have all the things Yes. Yeah.

Lana Shlafer 12:46
Yeah. And it’s especially hard place. And I find that a lot of, you know, people who have a midlife crisis or now quarterlife crisis, I think, you know, the new generations coming in Millennials are really brilliant. They’re just not willing to suffer till they’re 50 and then have a breakdown. existential crisis, I’m like, smart, because I had kind of a quarter life crisis where it least if you have the hope of it will be better if you do this, I had the the illusion that over there is better. But every time I got over there, it was not better. And so when the illusion went away, that’s when hope went away. And that was a really tough place to be. And at the same time, I really felt like I had become who I thought I should be, and had no idea who I am or who I wanted to be.

Heather Pearce Campbell 13:34
Yes, well, it’s so interesting, like to, to go back to your younger self, right? And for anybody listening, like I go back to the very start, for example of my legal career. And I remember in my head having benchmarks like, Oh, you know, when I’m 10 years in, then I will really have figured it out. Right, I will have enough experience to whatever, you know, whatever the thing is, and, you know, for me, I was a kid that got into the legal world, and I had no legal connections. I didn’t know any attorneys, like, it ended up being a fit for me, but not because I actually knew anything about what that kind of life would be like, right. But it’s interesting how we tell ourselves something or we buy into something about how life is going to be when we get there, right. And so, I love breaking this down, because I think it happens to so many of us in so many ways, and so many different areas of life.

Lana Shlafer 14:32
What were doctors related to it from the get go, right? It’s kind of how our society up until this point for the last, you know, 150 years in the industrialized society has been built where your parents need you to be managed so that they can provide and the school system is training you to be managed by the workplace. And so nobody was interested in. Is this the only way Is this the right way? It’s more like, gotta do this. And this is what needs to be done. And so kids aren’t taught to connect with their emotions or now more and more, I think there’s an awareness of, you know, is this the only way to operate? Like, sure, you know, we’ve, we can have factories, and we can have schools that are run like factories or prisons, depending on how you look at it.

Heather Pearce Campbell 15:25
Got lots of little employees running around following the rules?

Lana Shlafer 15:28
Yes. Oh, you know, until some people started asking the question like, Can it be any different or better? That that question, I always say the and I don’t, I didn’t come up with it. But I don’t know who to give credit to that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask. And I feel like better questions lead to better answers and better quality of life. So it’s like, Can this be better? How can this be whatever, you know, more innovative, more expansive, more satisfying, more fulfilling? My answers really came not? Because I asked for like yours? What is my purpose? I don’t think you can answer that question. I think if you can realize that, your extra degree of fulfillment or meaning that day, is your purpose, until all of those steps start to make sense in a bigger picture. But literally taking that step is the purpose today, right? And it’s like, what makes me feel enlivened, inspired, connected? How can this feel more me or more better for me? Like, it really is a simple process, but it’s just iterative?

Heather Pearce Campbell 16:35
Yes. Well, and I love, I love that you brought up purpose, because I feel like, there’s a lot of people that that feel like they get it wrong, if they don’t know their purpose. They’re like, Oh, I’m one of those folks that I just don’t know what my purpose is. And so they feel lost, or they feel like they’re wandering around. And I’ve learned I actually did an episode on this. But like, I purpose is something that we get to create. And it’s more like a string than it is like a single concept or, like, it’s something that comes with us. And that evolves and we get to, you know, hopefully, by following little signs and following things that light us up and that we’re interested in. Right, we are closer to what is going to really help us be on purpose and really do work and show up in the in the way that we love to in the world that influences others, right becomes a bigger purpose. But it’s not something I don’t think that like just hits us on the head one day.

Lana Shlafer 17:37
No, I feel like it’s something you paint like over and over and over for the rest of your life.

Heather Pearce Campbell 17:43

Lana Shlafer 17:43
It’s like a painting and you just and if parts of it don’t quite feel right, then you paint over it, you can’t erase it, you can’t you just add and expand and enhance. And I feel like the the I guess value for other people is that you you’ve created a masterpiece that added something to this world, that your painting, your creation, your existence, your presence, added something it enhanced someone’s life or something in this life. Right? And I just think that question puts you on in on the wrong in the wrong sort of a goose chase, where you’re not going to find the answer. But asking yourself, what am I enjoying? What has meaning for me? Where do I feel most alive? What can I do today to enjoy this process? If I already do have this job? What can I do to enjoy life because that’s the other tricky part, right. And this is more like mindset and law of attraction is that you can’t say, I really don’t want this, I’m going to leave it now. Because you can’t ever leave anything because that painting is already painted. You can paint over it, but it will be there. And so the key is to say this is what it is. They’re the parts that I like the or the parts I don’t like or here’s the clarity I got, thank you for the clarity, this thing that I no longer want to have. Now what do I want? Right? So it’s like you can’t run away from anything, you have to be moving towards something else. You can’t ever lose something or get rid of something, you just fill the space with so much of what you do want that what you don’t want isn’t relevant. And it’s edged out.

Heather Pearce Campbell 19:19
Yes, I love that. It’s a little bit like, you know, just the even thinking of our vision, right? We’ve got all of this stuff that we’re actually aware of whether we know it or not, right? It’s in our periphery. It’s it’s somewhere in our vision, and we get to choose where to look, we get to choose right, but it doesn’t mean that it goes away or that it’s out there. Right. And so I love that I love the way that you describe that concept in your own journey because there’s a couple things I want to ask you about one this concept of leaping or taking a U turn or making sometimes what feels like a dramatic shift in life right? Because I think a lot of people are in that place right now. Having to evaluate, you know, COVID work opportunities, parenting, like we have the opportunity to reevaluate a lot right now and partly because there are new constraints, partly because we’re being forced to. Yeah. But I, before we get to the concept of Li being or u turns, I want to dig into your ability, because at some point, like I see, obviously, you went to school for psychology, right? So I feel like it was part of you for a longer period of time, this interest in the inner work, right? Our minds, our mindset, were you aware as a younger person that that was there Did that really evolve and come out and flourish? Like once you made some of these hard choices? I

Lana Shlafer 20:58
Look, so your past or more like your perspective of your past will change. When you change the present, you change the past in the future. And I have many, many versions of my past. And so when you ask me this question, it’s tricky. Do I answer from the perspective I had, when I was a kid, the perspective that I had when I was sort of in my misery or the perspective I have now because those are very different perspectives on the same situation. So I’ll answer from now, I was always more interested in people than anything else. I had a very, you know, logical, analytical and heavy intellectual if you want to call it father. And so obviously, mathematics lives in numbers and logic and abstract kind of concepts. So I both loved the sort of the the thinking about thinking and evolving your, I guess, capacity for thinking. And I found people far more interesting than anything else. So when I was in undergrad, I wanted to major in psychology at Berkeley, and my dad was like, that’s a useless degree, both of my parents and you know what, to some degree, their degree they are right, because I do feel like it’s so general in the undergrad, that it really doesn’t give you any specific skills or tools. And I was also very good at math. And I then I went into math and computer science, because, like, I just had the ability to do it. It’s not what I loved. But I had the ability. And so there you go, like, all these people like, Oh, you know, there’s so few women in sciences. Right. And so I could, but it doesn’t mean that I wanted to. And I, as soon as I ended up getting into junior year, where you’re doing a lot of like the high level math where you sit by yourself and solve theorems, and I was like, This is not my jam. So I still didn’t go into the route of psychology. And I’m graduating with an economics degree because that was sort of more real world application to the analytical thinking and then an investment banking. I always, like I excelled at client interactions, I got put in front of clients as a Super Junior analyst, because I was so great with people. I was, you know, easygoing and interested in people, but also had this analytical side that I could get something done that needed to be done. But there was a lot of spreadsheets and a lot of analysis and risk and, you know, analysis that and, and writing reports that I did not love, but there were a huge part of like the level where I was at. But the thing is, there was like this carrot dangle. Well, when you become this, then you know, the junior analysts are doing this and they, but the more that I stayed with it, and I looked around at the people, and I didn’t want to be my boss and my boss’s boss and my boss’s boss’s boss. They were not that happy divorces, health challenges, like a lot of things that I was like, This is not Success to me. And so looking back, I’ve always been more interested in people and I’ve always been a fierce I would say, lover, a bowl lover, meaning if I can connect with someone, and I can love them. To me, connection is love. I would do it even when it was to my detriment. Even when people like I would be reprimanded, like, you shouldn’t get this personal with your clients. You shouldn’t. It’s like, my default is to get personal, huh? Do you know what I mean? So looking back, it was all there. But it was a big leap of faith for me to actually say, No, I’m gonna go study this in, in graduate school, you know, as a career. And still my parents did not understand at the time and all that. And for me, it was also that I wanted to heal myself. I mean, it was the path to healing myself and I figure whatever else I do with it, Aye. Aye. Aye. No, I didn’t know if I was going to become a marriage and family therapist or continue to a PhD or whatever. But I really focused on again, that purpose was what is going to make me feel better and take me one step forward, the best leaps. There’s something else that I want to add, as you were speaking, I never actually articulated this. But then this might sound like a harsh statement, but I stand behind it is that it only feels like a leap or like a, you said, like a dramatic change. When you feel unworthy. When you feel worthy, meaning what my definition of worthiness is, permission to feel good. Then it seems like the most reasonable, like next step, of course, I’m not going to stay in, you know, the way that people don’t want to stay in abusive relationship, I’m not going to stay in an environment where I feel in some way, sac worth to sacrifice something that matters to me or feel. Again, maybe abuse is too strong of a word, but where I feel so constricted, and this doesn’t resize me, if you feel worthy, meaning that you have permission to feel good, and you believe that you can.

Heather Pearce Campbell 26:14

Lana Shlafer 26:14
Then it feels like a decision that is like, the not next natural step, necessarily in a small way, but that it just feels resonant and right, and you can lean way into it.

Heather Pearce Campbell 26:26
Mm hmm. Well, and I love that the, you know, the the piece about leaping and trusting, right? Either believing that it’s gonna work out or trusting because I think there’s the piece about just not knowing, right, so you can take a leap, where you’re moving jobs, or moving careers or even moving locations, right, none of us really know how that’s gonna go. Right. And we might hope that it goes well. But I think a huge part of the leaping process is that trust not only in ourselves that we can do it, we can show up for ourselves and, you know, influence it in a way that moves in the right direction, but also just trusting that in life, where you’re going to, we’re going to go in the direction that we need to even when we take leaps, even when we’re moving into the unknown.

Lana Shlafer 27:16
I feel like that sounds so beautiful. And to somebody who has had a lot of experience of trusting and feelings safe were their primary caregivers were somebody they could trust, and they weren’t in a place where they felt so unsafe and so traumatized, let’s call it in a way that they could trust. That’s amazing. I was not a trusting person, nor did I feel like I think that trust is something and I like to take trust of the out of the equation altogether. But if I’m going to talk about trust, I’m going to talk about trial and error, and discovery and experimentation. So I don’t have to trust I am testing. Yes, right. If, but in other words, it is really discovering what works for you, and giving yourself the room to explore. Because, again, what you know for sure is that you do not want to be where you are, if you are wanting to make a change. So what I’m offering or what you are offering to yourself is a for sure betterment of where you are now it might be a kind of betterment you’re not expecting, which is where you know, people like but I made the change, but then it was worse. Right? Right. But it taught you something and it showed you what you know, what you do want, you know what you don’t want, right? It taught you you’ve expanded you’ve grown, it’s why one of the biggest focuses of folks I that I you know, recommend for people is not on creating stuff, but creating yourself so that you’re not just creating, you know, successful businesses and you’re not, you know, creating babies and creating whatever it is that you’re creating books, but that you’re creating the you that can feel truly successful in those with those babies with those partners with those in those roles. Because there are plenty of people that create things that when they are not ready for that level when they are not feeling worthy. And when they are not really truly internally caught up to that experience. It feels like a punishment. Mm hmm. Think of a time when you achieved some some level of success or some you know, outcome, but it came at such a cost that it felt like a punishment.

Heather Pearce Campbell 29:58
Yes, yeah. It happens.

Lana Shlafer 30:01
And then that’s when people start getting jaded and saying, I don’t want to leap anymore. I don’t want to take those risks. And so I’m like, great, don’t start taking smaller, more calculated, not necessarily risk, but experiments and learn to support yourself in the process. That’s what takes away the feeling of sacrifice or punishment.

Heather Pearce Campbell 30:23
Yes. Well, in that that word experiment, I’m so glad you brought that up. Because, like, one thing I regularly think of is that, and whether this is true or not, it’s my perception that in society, we don’t we’re not given a lot of flexibility to experiment, and certainly not as women, right? I feel like there’s a better get it right from the get go. Yes, yes. And, you know, this whole concept of like, Oh, she made that choice to go pursue that in school, or, you know, this thing where, especially when we are making a choice, that does not make sense to anybody else, right, the pressure can be a lot for people to handle, especially in the younger portion of their lives, right, when that kind of outward pressure matters a lot to a lot of people. Yeah. So shifting into what has now become the work that you do, talk to us about your experience in school, moving beyond school, and really discovering, like, where your love lies, and this gift that you have of really taking people on this journey through themselves, right and creating more of what they want and asking more of the right questions. What did that look like for you?

Lana Shlafer 31:42
You know, I what happened as I took the steps on the journey as I fell in love with the journey. And I realized that the only like, goal or achievement was for me to fall more in love with myself. And that I win at each step.

Heather Pearce Campbell 32:04
Like I just have so much like and for people listening, I hope you really let that sink in. Like that brings such a calm to me to even just think of it that way. Right? And I think we learn especially once we get further into our adult life, like there is no there there.

Lana Shlafer 32:22
Yeah, there keeps moving. It’s like a moving target. It’s a carrot in front of you, that’s gonna keep moving. And you never get there. So what is the point? And I feel like the point is to fall in love with the journey and have the best journey possible? And what is what that took me a long time to just begin to answer some of these questions. What What, what does make me love the journey? I mean, I really didn’t know. You know, I was so used to like even going to a restaurant and choosing what I should eat versus what did I want to eat? It took me like, years to be like, what do I like, and what does my body want and what makes me feel good before, during and after. Like, it was so ingrained that you just like pick the thing, like if I, I don’t know, felt like I didn’t eat enough protein that day. That’s what I would pick for dinner, because that’s what I should eat, like, complete disregard for any connection with my body, which is such a wise and brilliant machine, and the only true partner that you get to have from start to finish in your life. And how, what terrible relationships people have with the most important partner in their life.

Heather Pearce Campbell 33:34
Oh, isn’t that the truth? I mean, I know you have, you know, because you’ve openly shared about your journey, you know, with your own relationship to your body and health and all of that. And I feel like none of us get to opt out of that we all you have a body, we have the body get out. And we have well you really am but you wouldn’t want she wouldn’t want.

Lana Shlafer 33:59
Then you’d be clamoring to get back in. You’re like, no, that’s no. I mean, that’s what that’s what a lot of times happens, right? When people get ill or something. And first second, they have like, wait a minute, this isn’t given. Whoa, right. It gives you that perspective.

Heather Pearce Campbell 34:16
Well, and I think a lot of people, I mean, and I can speak for myself having my own body journey and you know, growing up in a family that did a lot of body shaming, and you know, they’re like, we all interact with people who are going to give us feedback about our body or about our looks, or whatever it may be. And so we we are all going to have our own journey in this regard. And, and the importance of really like this journey with ourselves in this journey with with loving ourselves and loving, you know, loving who we are first and foremost, I think is the hardest part for so many of us.

Lana Shlafer 34:56
Well, it’s only hard because we haven’t prioritize it haven’t developed the skills. It’s like learning a language. It’s only hard because you’re listening to something that you don’t understand. So it feels frustrating.

Heather Pearce Campbell 35:10
Well, and you’re learning a language. And in some instances you’re unlearning somebody writes his language about Right,

Lana Shlafer 35:17
And the language of the body is emotions, its sensations, bodies aren’t going to use words. And we are not taught to, you know, even like the whole, like women called hysterical and emotional, it’s looked at as less intelligent than thoughts and words. And so we already downgrade our bodies in that way that they are just like, supposed to serve us. And they’re, they’re not that intelligent, which is why we’ve been tricked into somebody else telling us what our body needs to do. And then having, like some person who you’ve never met in some book is going to tell you what you should eat and what you should do. Even though you have a perfectly tailored, your trillions of cells are perfectly synced and vibing out loudly information for exactly what you need, for you to be your best feel your best operate at your best with, you know, thriving health and radiance and well being. And the the communication that we get to develop with our bodies with ourselves is the foundational relationship that determines all other relationships, if we are not listening to our bodies, are we really gonna listen and hear and receive our partners? Or our kids? Or our friends or clients?

Heather Pearce Campbell 36:43
Right? Well, and if if we are not only not listening, but like disassociating, from bio, burning off that voice, and Brian worrying that voice, right? And for anybody who’s done that for any length of time, like most of us have to unlearn that lesson, because our body will speak up after being ignored.

Lana Shlafer 37:04
And that’s the thing is, it’s giving you signals all the time, and it will get louder and louder and louder and louder. And you know, somebody will have you know, whether it’s, you know, some sort of disease or something happen, that’s, you know, it, everything is a wake up call, it’s an opportunity for you to step into that. And the great thing is that learning this language is far easier, because you’ve already known it, when you were a kid you knew it, you it’s remembering more than learning, really, it is reconnecting instead of like starting something from scratch. And I feel like, Yeah, I like to remind that to people, I’m like, you already know this, I’m just literally reminding you what you already know. And you know it, by the way, by the way that it feels, right. And so the beginning stages of you know, doing this miracle mindset training, as I described in my book, and whether you do it through the book, or you join my program, the first step we start with is an awareness log and emotional and sensation awareness log, how does this feel? How does that they wear my body? Do I notice that you start to develop that communication? And it really is a relationship. So you’ve got to like learn about each other? Right? You’re like body, I’m going to do this, how do you feel about is like, Oh, I feel like this I really like this are really don’t like this, this is how this works. This is how that works. It is something that you’re co creating, and a better question than most people ask you. What should I do? Yes, is how do I want to feel? And what do I want to create? What do I want to do? It’s, there’s no should there’s no absolute set of rules that you know, are written in the sky somewhere that you need to follow, you really do create the rules, the system, the paradigm, and your role in it. You are the scriptwriter, and the author and the director and the producer and the person casting all of the supporting actors, and then the main actor in this play of life. So many of us did not learn. I know it was a huge realization to me, wait a minute, like this is an all set. And now I just have to play in this play. You mean I can change the set and the setting and the script and the roles and like the holy can go from like a drama to a romantic comedy like it blew my mind. I mean, that’s why I’m still so passionate about it. Because I keep discovering new levels and nuances. There’s no ceiling I realized on what I can conceive and create, and it becomes again, the journey that I’m excited about, not just where am I gonna get to Okay, I’m going to get to this and I’m going to get to that and I’m going to get to whoop dee doo the five minutes of Whoo, I’m here. And what about the other you know, 23 hours and 55 minutes in that day and every day?

Heather Pearce Campbell 40:02
Yeah. Yeah. Well, this shift to really seeing ourselves as powerful creators versus just going through life. And if we don’t create our own paradigms, our own rules, we are left to live and play by the other symbols and the conditioning and the, you know, you, you whip your body into shape, and you don’t listen to it, you eat this list of foods over here, you know, and this is what most people do, right? either on autopilot, or,

Lana Shlafer 40:32
And it’s passed down. Because, you know, you read a lot of parenting books and stuff, I purposely did not read those types of parenting books, I read more like, self realization books, because I was like, I need to lead by example. And I want to look at my kids as whole complete beings, and hopefully not try to knock that out of them. You know, it was like my main goal was, so I actually, there have been some moments where it’s really challenging when you’re like, I don’t agree with what my child is saying, or I don’t. So it’s, it’s like, No, you want to say no, you can’t say no, you can’t eat chocolate all day. No, no, no, no, no. But it goes against my understanding of what will be the most. I don’t even know what the word is the most loving and the most like, healthy parenting, the most productive for my aims. I want to raise independent, powerful conscious women be yes, you know, so I can’t be telling them No, you’re wrong. I’m right. And I’m just going to override all of your signals. So there’s a lot of time and energy that goes into, you know, even with when our now four year old was like two or three, it’s like, pausing everything in my day to be like, Well, why do you feel this way? And what do you want? And it’s not catering to them? Because there are hard knows. And it’s just being like, Well, I know you don’t want to sleep. And I know I need you to go to sleep. Ah, so how are we going to get both of our needs met? How are we going to get creative? We are partners in this I am not big and you’re small? And I’m smart, and you’re stupid? I’m going to tell you this top down, kind of we are co creators in this, and how are we I will say I don’t believe in compromise, I believe in creativity. So how are we going to get creative and find a way so a lot of times we’d lay in bed together or whatever it is. And so I want them to feel seen and heard. And I also want them to recognize that I am a person. And I deserve to take up space and have needs and be seen and heard.

Heather Pearce Campbell 42:36
Yes. Well, and I think one of the things that’s so beautiful about children these days, and I don’t know if we were always this way, but I really feel like there is a dramatic shift in awareness of kids that are being born and like our children’s age, and even millennials that you spoke about, right, they’re no longer willing to work until they’re 50 and then have a midlife breakdown. I feel like they’ve got democracy, like embedded in them, these tiny little peanuts, I’ve got a three year old, I’ve got an eight year old, we’re navigating probably very similar things at times where, you know, I want them to understand they have a powerful voice, and they get to use it. And just because mommy’s frustrated by what they’re saying, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t get to say it or do it or have that choice. And so it is it’s this tricky balance between how do I guide them to express themselves in that in a healthy way and like with my son who’s eight in a pro social way, versus in a way that harms other people, or is frustrating to everybody around him, but also allows them to really be in tune and express their feelings. I mean, I was actually just reading a recent book about healing relationships. And looking even at myself, even as aware as I think I am at times, right, there is still so much work to be done. And the author of this book, his name is Bill Ferguson, he was talking about how children have this brilliance, born into them, this ability to cleanse themselves at any time, and they do it through expression, through emotion, through allowing themselves to feel what we as adults often tamp down and just don’t allow ourselves to really

Lana Shlafer 44:25
I feel what it is passed down generationally, like our you know, parents weren’t allowed to feel this in their parents and their parents and their parents. And so it’s passed on but I want to start a new trend and new family, you know, family dynamic, and it is taken ourselves out of either or thinking into both and thinking, like you’re allowed to be frustrated and I’m allowed to be frustrated. It’s not you are making me feel this way and this can’t be like that and you need To change your I need to do this, it’s both and, and that takes us out of this, like, needing for things to be a certain way, which ultimately, you know, comes from some level of feeling not safe, not not trusting not, you know, comfortable. So it’s wanting to protect yourself. And when you start to realize that, I mean, my, my older twins are 10 years old right now, I will just tell them that made me feel unsafe. Like, I realized that that like, these changing of plans are this like, and I want you to get your needs met, and I feel unsafe, like how do we, how do we negotiate or evolve this together? Yeah, and that’s it, that’s, I really feel like kids are such powerful mirrors, and such powerful teachers, if we can allow them to be, I really feel like I learned as much as they probably learned from me, and I don’t feel like it’s my job, just to kind of feel like it’s my job to heal my clients, and it’s not my job to, you know, raise my kids to be a certain way. And it’s, my work is to really be as president and as myself as I can be, Hmm, that’s what I feel my real purposes and to, to lean into what else is possible in the situation. And so it is something that is, you know, fluid and fresh, and is not rigid, anything, you know, Selena has a quote. So remember this for my political science classes, that stagnation is death? And how many of us want so many boundaries and borders and rights and wrongs?

Heather Pearce Campbell 46:45
Done this way? Yes.

Lana Shlafer 46:47
When river doesn’t flow, it dies, when when something doesn’t move, when air doesn’t move, it’s stale. It needs movement, and fluidity. And again, that requires for you to be able to flow. And that that means that you’ve got to take little small leaps and experiments, and this is why oh, I wanted to say one more thing, why kids are so good at acknowledging their emotions and releasing Well, one is they’re more allowed then in our society than than adults to do that. Right? Yeah. But two is like animals do this. I remember in grad school, we were learning that like, if an animal goes through a trauma, like if it was chased, you know, a deer was chased by of, I don’t know, a bear or whatever, they will actually have like shakes in their body. And they will go and do things they are releasing and expressing, they’re not holding on to it. And how often we are expected to just sort of like, move on. And operate, I don’t know, a neutral. I don’t even know what you call that zone of like, where you’re not supposed to be to this and too much and not enough of this. Right? It’s like a narrow zone of acceptability, where you’re supposed to be all the time, right? And I guess you could take enough, you know, medications and things just kind of be there. But I don’t find that that to be a sustainable strategy. It might minimize the pain, but it certainly did not maximize purpose or pleasure.

Heather Pearce Campbell 48:16
Right. Right. Well, I mean, there’s yes to all of what you’ve just said. And it’s fascinating to think of animals doing this. Like it really is so natural. I was having a conversation with my sister, yesterday, and we were raised in a family like you don’t swear, right, you definitely there are lines, you stay within lots of rules. And, you know, we were given lots of independence as kids to like, we were kids that we’re not really watched over all that much. But that said, as adults, like my sister had a really hard day the other day and I got out this book, there is a hilarious book, but it’s a meditation book. And I really want to read it except it somebody else’s work. But basically, the gist of it is like, you process like it gets you to this calm space. And then it’s like, EFF that. It’s, but it’s very, like I walked my sister through it really as a joke, because I just felt like she needed some levity. And we were laughing so hard by the end of it, because she was like, Yeah, why can’t I just do that? Like, why can’t I in the middle of the day when something lands on my plate that doesn’t belong? There are so triggering, just be like, EFF that and I’m like, Well, why can’t you? She’s like can with practice, right? And with practice, it will become your new normal will and just as a way to release it, right? Not really because of the swearing but because it allows that moment of like, hmm, I’m gonna let that go like I

Lana Shlafer 49:43
I have to say it to anybody. You just said to yourself, no, I don’t like that. I am a big proponent of expressing and my kids have a swear jar and I am the biggest contributor.

Heather Pearce Campbell 49:56
Well, there really is a genius to it. You know, my sister Like, you know, what, why can’t I do that? And I was like, Well, I think you can. And she’s like, my co workers who are male are and they don’t let it get them down. They’re just like, oh, EFF that, and then they just move on. And I’m like, there you go. Yeah. You know, we do not have to carry this stuff. And I think as adults, you’re right, this zone of like, what’s acceptable and where we can process and how we can show up. And really,

Lana Shlafer 50:22
It’s zone of acceptable is for other people so that you make a little discomfort to them as possible. Yes. Right. And are you really going to spend your life trying to fit into all these places to be the quietest? meekest most acceptable? version? You know, there’s a quote by Oh, it’s in my book. I just forgot the name of the person, but

Heather Pearce Campbell 50:47
That’s okay.

Lana Shlafer 50:48
Wow. Okay. I will need to remember, but it is attributed that’s like, and I’m gonna butcher the quote, No, that’s okay. You know, the world is not changed by reasonable men. Like, that’s, that’s just not how it’s done. Reasonable people just like sort of stay on land.

Heather Pearce Campbell 51:08
Yeah, yes. That’s absolutely right. Well, and a friend of mine, on that point, a friend of mine the other day that was posting basically on thought leadership and what it takes to really stand out from the crowd, he’s like, you not that you have to be, but in some ways you do you have to be a malcontent. You have to be outside of where everybody else is having the conversation like, Oh, no, that’s not actually what’s happening. Here’s what’s going on. Like, you’re, you’re talking about things in entirely different ways. And what I realize is like, you’re basically not playing by the rules that everybody else is playing by.

Lana Shlafer 51:45
Well, and the truth is nobody, there is no solid set of rules, you know, people say, everyone else, like, Who’s everyone else? And what rules are these, they’re highly contextual, and every person has their variation. But in your head, it’s real, that you have that you are different than other people. I’m a big proponent of trial and error, again, don’t trust test. So see if it feels better for you to operate in this way to respond in that way. And use your own, you know, experiential evidence, as a way for you to guide yourself, because it doesn’t matter if this worked for somebody else. Or if it didn’t, you are different. And you are until you test it on yourself, you really can’t know with any certainty. But this is where you start to develop that kind of self guidance. Yes. Right. And you start to feel people like, I feel so broken, I feel so lost, it’s because they don’t feel a wholeness, a connection to all the parts of themselves. So they feel fragmented and disenfranchised, because this part wasn’t allowed to do this. And that part is bad. And I gotta hide this. And people don’t like this part of me. And I don’t like this part of me. And this isn’t allowed. And so they’re all fragmented. So how can you feel whole? How can you feel like you? If you feel fragmented wholeness in my definition, which really is like equivalent with happiness in my book? Is that all of you as welcome?

Heather Pearce Campbell 53:19
Yes. All of you as welcome. Well, and you know, I love I love that because, and I know, back to this idea about, you know, raising children, we really get to raise ourselves. My son, right, he, I mean, he’s got all sorts of stuff going on. But often, parts of him are not welcome in that, like, he can be very energetic and super spastic and really silly. He’s highly socially motivated. But he also doesn’t yet understand all the rules, right? Right, what is expected and how people are supposed to show up at school and so, but this idea that, you know, especially as we evolve into adulthood, that we can embrace those parts of ourselves and have them all be incorporated into a whole person. Like, I just don’t think there’s any more worthy goal.

Lana Shlafer 54:17
I agree. And, you know, it starts with creating a space for him to be himself and also developing others both and yeah, it’s like having extra breaks or having more sports during those breaks or having, you know, the kinds of nutrition maybe that makes it feel more sustained or having you know, I believe kids are meant to move on bodies are meant to move periods. So I am a big proponent of go take a break I always said go to the bathroom when you need to go to like eat when when my kids weren’t traditional school. I’m like, you get to be in charge of your body and follow this. If you’d not I could not comfortable sitting Right, if you’re feeling really whatever, then go and take a break make room for yourself. And we don’t realize that we can change the rules. So he can change the rules you together continues, you can talk to his teachers or add more things to the playground or end. If you can’t, then I feel like it’s time to, because there is another level to say, Well, this is all welcome. But in this context, you know, like when it’s raining, you’re probably not going to go swimming, like in this context. Now, what can we do with this condition? Yeah, like, between these hours, or at this time in class, this, you know, you can’t jump up and yell up and down the but what can you do?

Heather Pearce Campbell 55:43
That’s right, get him to help create the solution. And children, I love this concept of just asking the question, because, like you, I believe, like, We’re not here to control or even necessarily raise, but to guide our children into who they already are. Right, and helping them become those parts of themselves. And, you know, yes, there’s lots to learn along the way. But our children come the way they come, they are who they are, you know, and I look at my own two little people. And, yes, I think that this idea of like, how do we ask better questions, is just, it’s so critical. And you know, when you do it, right, the results are so profound and so much more beautiful than they could have been.

Lana Shlafer 56:32
And you will see that see that evidence of that almost instantly, which is one of the things that I tried to share is like, if you don’t see a shift from this, and what I mean by almost instantly is in your body immediately when you think this thought, and it already feels better than that’s, that’s not a green light. That’s like essentially saying that’s not the direction you want to head. But also, once you take those steps, if you’re not seeing the evidence of it, now, you’ll always get what you want. Or you get what you need. And the only reason that you get what you need, so that you can get to what you want. So let’s say you decide, I want to I don’t know, go apply for jobs or something new jobs, and you send out all these applications, what you wanted, was the perfect, you know, interviews and, you know, perfect job position, saying yes to you, but what you got was, let’s say crickets. So if you say, how is this valuable? How is this meal? How is this for me, and maybe you’ll say, you know, what I really didn’t like the jobs I was applying to, or my resume, I really didn’t do you know, put all that in there. Or maybe I’ve been really wanting to go back to school, but I’m too afraid to because you know, I’m afraid to go into debt, or I’m afraid just, you got what you needed. And when you take those steps, and let’s say you did, like I did, you know, get into debt and go to grad school. And at some point later, you’ll stand sort of, you know, 10 steps later, and look back in, in hindsight and be like, I am so glad that I got that thing that I didn’t want at the time, yes, I got what I needed.

Heather Pearce Campbell 58:13
Well, not in this like, and I’ve used this quote before, and I always butcher it. But it’s the Steve Jobs quote, which I think applies to everyone. You don’t get to connect the dots looking forward, but you always connect them looking backwards, right? And this is why like, what you’re describing right here is you either get what you want, or you get what you need. That may be a redirection, or may cause you to reevaluate, like, Am I really showing up on paper in the way that I should if it’s in the instance of a job search, and you get to reevaluate that right?

Lana Shlafer 58:44
Or acquire extra skills or change something, you know, you know what I mean? There’s so many, again, if the question is Why didn’t I get the job? You know, interview? Why didn’t they pick me? You’re gonna get there’s no good answer to that. What is a good answer? Whether it’s like, well, you’re not the right candidate, or they you know, they didn’t see your potential, you’re overqualified. There’s no good answer. A better question is, what is this showing me? Where do I want to take it from here? This doesn’t feel good, what would feel better? Right. And I really find that the whole point about the Steve Jobs quote, or anything is that you realize that the dots are always connected. I don’t need to know how. Yeah, but I know they are. So let me ask the question, how may this be connected? how might this serve me? how might this be of benefit? What is the show me? What is this teaching me? And if you’re looking at every circumstance, as something that has value, then it’s very hard to resist or deny or want to crawl out of your skin and be out of there because you’re like, Well, I didn’t want this car accident, that’s for sure. How is this serving me? It is a huge wake up. Call to The fact that I’m living my life in the fast lane, I had a couple of car accidents, like right in the start of my journey to back to back within a month. And they were minor. But it was like, okay, like, this is clearly happening, like there’s a message. And I realized that it was so off track, that I was literally like, bumped along, you know, in my little car to be like, move in the direction that you’re like, pull the pull the lever, pull the trigger, like go, because you’re sitting there like in this indecision I was at the time and very big indecision. And that was the hardest place to be. Yeah. And so I got exactly what I needed. And that one of the people that I got into a car accident with actually gave me a sign of what step to take next. So talk about getting what you needed. Right?

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:00:50
Well, and I mean, even that, as an example, being stuck in a place of indecision, which people often are when they feel like they’re ready for a change, but they can’t decide, I think, this fear of regret, like, well, what if I make the wrong decision, right? versus just recognizing it’s an experiment, we, you know, and how many of…

Lana Shlafer 1:01:11
the wrong decision and you can’t make the right decision? That’s the decision becomes right, when you take it and make whatever you do with it. There are no right and wrong.

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:01:20
This is right. This is why the dots always connect. And it it’s that very point. And so moving people, I mean, I just think, you know, if we all were able to be more experimental with our life, like, one, we’d have more fun, right, too. We’d get to where we want to get faster, right? And we’d have more clan,

Lana Shlafer 1:01:41
It would feel more satisfying when you get there. Yes, it’s like a win win, win, win win. I know. That’s why I’m like, why isn’t everybody doing this? Right?

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:01:49
I know. So on that question, why isn’t everybody doing this ring is up this feed right now, for people who are listening in are like, Oh, my gosh, I want to connect with Lana. tell people where you’re at online where you’d like to connect, and anything that you have currently going on. Like, you know, if you’re getting ready to launch a course or a challenge, like just talk to us a little bit about what you’re up to.

Lana Shlafer 1:02:12
So my book came out earlier this year on Kindle, I manifested the perfect publisher and got picked up and now have a print book coming out in January 2021. And my audio book I finished recording a few months ago and is about to be released, I recorded it myself, it was a really amazing process. So you can get any version of the book, essentially, depending on when this episode, when you’re listening to it. And in in the book, really, you’re going to get a lot of the practices because I believe that it’s not about knowing something, it’s about practicing and experimenting and seeing the evidence. So my book is a series of essentially experiments that I invite you to take and explore and try on. And the goal is to step outside of what you think is possible, which is where all the juicy stuff is. And then I have a program for those that don’t want to spend, you know, five years like I did, figuring it out and want the fast track and they are ready for the change. I have a program my miracle mindset program that creates those results in you know, record time. And for me, the the next sort of level is to one starting a podcast. So I’m very excited about that is to continue having these conversations and putting this out in the world because I’ve already had a YouTube channel so you can find me everywhere on social media and on my website. And I feel like you know, podcasting allows for more long form conversations. So I look forward to being everywhere you can possibly find me and sort of sharing what to me is still so revolutionary. Like it was such a major discovery for me and still continue to find so many it’s more nuanced now my discoveries, but it it there’s nothing, that it’s almost like a singer or something that keeps learning more incredible ways to to sing and, and write music and you know, painter who figures out better ways to paint or a piano player who’s I’m excited to create more masterpieces and inspire others to really create a life that feels like an epic, miraculous masterpiece. When you get to a point where you wake up and you just want to pinch yourself I wake up and I opened my shades and I am literally have an endless view of the Caribbean Sea. I want to pinch myself I look over at my husband I like whoa. Like we have dated like 10 different versions of ourselves just through the evolution that we’ve had. The relationship was deliberately built because it was not. What was our patterning the informative experiences that we grew up with? I look at my kids, I look at the work I’m doing. I mean, it’s just like, pinch me. And the challenges that come up are such, you know, yeah, I realized that my worst days now would have been my absolute best days, you know, 1520 years ago, right? Yeah. So I, I appreciate the level of challenges and problems that I have now and my capacity to really ride those waves, right? So connect in any way you feel like on social media, get my book, let me know I love hearing how it you know, creates change in your life, we’re going to add a link right manifest that miracle.com you can get all the versions of the book that are available. And I’m just excited for you to try this for yourself. If you’ve made it to the end of this long conversation. And something resonated. You know, my biggest sort of encouragement is like, stop listening and go try this. Go try the exercises in the bug go do these practices, so that you become you know, the person that is shouting this from the rooftops Oh, my God, I can’t believe this work does change my life. Wow, look at these shifts. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. I’m so grateful. I’m so appreciative. And I just feel like I am living life to the fullest. And I love who I am. There’s nobody I’d rather be. That is my wish for everybody.

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:06:39
Oh, well. It’s so beautiful. It’s such a beautiful wish. If you don’t already follow Lana, absolutely. Go visit her links, I’m going to share all wherever she is online. I’m so excited that you’re coming out with a podcast. I’m such a new fan of it. And I just love it so much. And for me, it was like, Yeah, I love talking to people. I love talking business. I love talking mindset, like, why not just do this in a more, you know, structured setting and deliver it to people in a way that can really serve them. So congrats, I’m so excited for you. We’ll share all those links. And if you’re listening, be sure to go visit the show notes, legal website warrior comm forward slash podcast. And I think you are providing a free gift, right?

Lana Shlafer 1:07:23
Yes, it’s a free copy of my books. If you don’t want to go buy it on any of those Amazon, Audible, whatever, you can get a free copy of my book. It’s amazing. We’ll have a link for you so that I wanted to make this as accessible as possible, right? Like, I really want this information out there. If you view and don’t want to interact with me in any way, that’s totally fine. You can get the book and then unsubscribe from my mailing list. I really just want this out there in the world.

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:07:53
Well, it’s, you know, this point about you. And I think we’ve all experienced this, you don’t just you don’t get the benefits from reading something, you get the benefits from doing something from practicing it from trying. And so I love that you set your book up as a series of experiments. It’s exactly what we should be doing. So Lorna, I feel like I could just talk to you all day. I’m such a fan. I’m so excited to share this with people. Any final thoughts that you want to leave with folks who have listened this far? Any final words of wisdom thoughts, encouragement? What would you say?

Lana Shlafer 1:08:27
I say fuck it go for it

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:08:33
Bleep I’m kidding.

Lana Shlafer 1:08:37
Go for it. I know Nike has the slogan, just do it. It really is. You can’t get it wrong. You know, Michael Beck was saying it’s easier to change direction when you’re moving

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:08:49

Lana Shlafer 1:08:53
Right. Try something and experiment and you will be amazed at the journey you’ll have.

Heather Pearce Campbell 1:08:59
So fun. Such a great note to end on a lot. I hope to have you back. Congrats on your book. Thank you so much for popping in and spending time with us here today. Thank you so much.

GGGB Outro 1:09:14

Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit & Great Business podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more, see the show notes which can be found at legalwebsitewarrior.com/podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us, too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.