Make Money Your Honey

With Morgana Rae, the international #1 best selling author of “Financial Alchemy®: 12 Months of Magic & Manifestation,” and a pioneer in personal development for over 30 years. Her fans have called her the “Money Goddess” because of the many documented stories of clients manifesting unexpected income of four, five, six, and even seven figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. As a globally renowned wealth coach, Morgana has guided thousands to break free from money-related fears and scarcity mindsets, empowering them to attract prosperity and live richer, more fulfilling lives. Her innovative approach combines emotional healing, mindset shifts, and practical strategies to help individuals transform their financial reality.

Morgana has been featured on major media outlets, including ABC, NBC, and NPR, and has delivered captivating presentations in over 20 countries. Known for her compassionate and empowering style, she continues to inspire audiences worldwide to align their finances with their highest purpose and embrace financial freedom.

Join us in our conversation as Morgana shares her transformative journey from financial struggle to success, offering powerful insights into how our mindset shapes our financial reality. She introduces the concept of the “money monster” and the “money honey,” revealing how emotional blocks can impact financial prosperity. Tune in to learn Morgana’s six steps to building a healthier relationship with money and creating lasting financial success.

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Takeaways & quotes you don’t want to miss from this episode:

  • Introduction to Money Mindset and the Concept of the “Money Monster”.
  • How do men and women differ in their relationship with money?
  • How can you use your pain and challenges as leverage for transformation?
  • The Impact of Setting Boundaries with Money.
  • What are the six steps to Financial Alchemy?

“Money is such a central part of life… so we need to get into a better relationship with money to get into a better relationship with life.”

-Morgana Rae

Check out these highlights:

  • 04:06 Morgana shares her personal journey, which led her to question her subconscious relationship with money.
  • 14:03 The role of safety in transformation and growth.
  • 25:44 How she replaced the “Money Monster” with a “Money Honey,” a figure representing love and partnership.
  • 30:44 What are the three life’s three primary spiritual teachers for Morgana?
  • 1:12:27 Listen to Morgana’s final takeaways to the listeners…

How to get in touch with Morgana on Social Media:






You can also contact Morgana by visiting her website here.

Special gift to the listeners: Get your Financial Alchemy® workbook and unlock the (secret) bonus when you purchase today at

Imperfect Show Notes

We are happy to offer these imperfect show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who are hearing impaired or those who prefer reading over listening. While we would love to offer more polished show notes, we are currently offering an automated transcription (which likely includes errors, but hopefully will still deliver great value), below:

GGGB Intro  00:00

Here’s what you get on today’s episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®…

Morgana Rae  00:04

Money is such a central part of life. I mean, it’s the number one excuse we humans give for everything we can’t have do we’re being so we need to get into a better relationship with money, to get into a better relationship with life. And then we show up more powerful and more resourceful and even more magical. And I use the word magic to explain things that happen synchronistically, that are just like bigger, faster, easier, unexpected, that can’t really be explained.

GGGB Intro  00:36

The adventure of entrepreneurship and building a life and business you love, preferably at the same time is not for the faint of heart. That’s why Heather Pearce Campbell is bringing you a dose of guts, grit and great business stories that will inspire and motivate you to create what you want in your business and life. Welcome to the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast where endurance is required. Now, here’s your host, The Legal Website Warrior®, Heather Pearce Campbell.

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:05

Welcome. I am Heather Pearce Campbell, The Legal Website Warrior®. I’m an attorney and legal coach based here in Seattle, Washington, serving online information entrepreneurs throughout the US and the world. Welcome to another episode of Guts, Grit and Great Business®. I am so happy to have Morgana Rae here. Hello, Morgana.

Morgana Rae  01:30


Heather Pearce Campbell  01:31

I believe my good friend JV Crum introduced us, right?

Morgana Rae  01:37

Oh, yes, yeah, I was on his show a couple of times, his Conscious Millionaire show. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:43

Yeah, so big shout out. We’ll drop a link over to JV show as well. But he’s a friend.

Morgana Rae  01:49

And I’m one of those online entrepreneurs that Heather is talking about. Yeah, excellent.

Heather Pearce Campbell  01:54

Well, it’s a community that I love. And within that community, there are experts like yourself that bring so much to the table for others that are still putting the parts together, getting all the pieces of the puzzle in the right locations. And this money conversation is a big one, and you, I think, have a really unique approach to it. So folks, if you’re listening, stick around. I think the money conversation is one of the most important conversations that we can be in. And it’s a continuing conversation, because so much mindset work, so much of our growth is tied up in this conversation. Andthey’re just, it’s a gold mine. I think the things that we can learn about ourselves and about money. So for those of you that don’t know Morgana Ray, Morgana Ray is the 20-time number one International Best Selling Author of financial alchemy, right? If you’re watching the video, she’s holding up the book, I love it, 12 months of magic and manifestation. She has been a seven figure spiritual life and business coach for over 30 years. Morgana fans call her the money goddess because of the many documented stories of clients making unexpected income of five, six and even seven figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. Morgana has guided 10s of 1000s of entrepreneurs, artists, healers and humanitarians to heal the rift between heart, spirit and money, to save The world as only they can. Oh, I love that so much. Morgana, I am super excited. It’s been a little while since I’ve had a money conversation on the podcast. So this feels really timely for a lot of reasons. I would love to know more about your story and and how money became the thing for you. Like, how? Like, why money? Why helping others? In regards to money?

Morgana Rae  04:06

Well, helping others that is easy for me. Like, I ran off to college and majored in religion, and then on top of that, the most obscure, esoteric traditions of religion, not you know, money makers, and I’m really speaking primarily to the people who want to do good, the healers, the artists, the sensitive people, the people who put love first, because we are the people who have the biggest challenges with money, anybody can be a sociopath and do harm and just to make money, and there’s like no inner conflict there. That’s not our story. So my story in particular is I went into coaching because I found for myself. That helping others is honestly the easiest way to feel happy. You know, the whole thing create the world you want to live in. And I was having a lot of success for my clients as a coach, starting out in the entertainment industry, where new actors were getting Prime Time TV series, first time director selling his film for a million dollars, which was a lot of money at that time, and clients winning awards, and all sorts of kind of almost magical things happening in a very short period of time, which made me really, really, really happy. And my challenge was charging for it. They would just bring up all sorts of anxiety and guilt and worry that I wouldn’t deliver. So I would run off and get more certifications. I have about a dozen certifications, you know, like huge skill set. They’re all in a closet somewhere. And I kept thinking, well, if I just, if I become a relationship coach, if I become a master trainer of neuro linguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis, and if I just add, then I won’t feel uncomfortable charging that isn’t what that didn’t solve the problems. So I started taking all these classes on marketing and sales, and I took this class, and I’m overcoming sales objections, which is where you learn the magic words and quotation marks right of what to say when somebody says, Oh, I’d love to, but I can’t. Or, you know, for whatever reason. And I’m a good student. I mean, I was hit by a car, thrown in a coma, woke up with a traumatic brain injury, couldn’t remember anything, and I still graduated from college as a nap or sorry, graduated from high school as a national merit scholar. So like, if I have to study, by the way, I don’t recommend that path for anybody. Don’t get skip it. Skip it. Yeah, please. I’ve done it for you. You don’t have to do it. But so I took the class, just like I take every class, and I would do what I was told, and I would do it. I would do my homework well. And here’s the thing. So I take the class, I learned the magic words I use them, seven people in a row, I overcame their objections. They said yes they would hire me, and seven people in a row did not show up for a first session or ever pay me. And that was around the time that I gave up hope. Now here’s the thing, East Coast, college education, all these certifications, all these celebrity clients, and the deep, dark, dirty secret that I was so ashamed of was I was struggling to make $100 a month in Los Angeles, and I share that so that however bad you may feel about your situation at this moment, you can go, oh, well, at least you’re better than I was. I hope. I really, really hope. And so I was doing all the mindset stuff, because you mentioned mindset, and I’m, you know, the millionaire mindset and the vision boards. And by the way, LA is sort of like the capital of the planet. So I have all these friends who would like wave their hands and talk codes and blow into my third eye and, you know, change my money DNA. And none of it worked for me. Vision board, beautiful. So what mantras? So what affirmations? So what? I’m still making $100 a month, and even that’s looking sketchy, and I’m borrowing money from credit cards, from family, and I’m having these fantastic results with clients when I have clients, but there’s this, and people actually are reaching out to me. I’m speaking. I’ve got the brochures. I’m known. I have people want to hire me, and this thing would happen in the conversation that would make them disappear, and I didn’t know what it was. So here I am. Seventh person doesn’t show up, doesn’t pay me, and I run out of hope, like I’ve done everything I’m taking classes telling me to do what I’m already doing, right? So not only am I not making money, but I’m spending more money. I’m flying out of town every weekend for like, some next level training, and none of it’s working. And so when the seventh person stood me up, it takes a lot to get me to give up hope, but I that was it, and I remember in my little one bedroom apartment that I couldn’t afford getting like into my bedroom, pulling those blackout curtains crazy. Ripping out my bedroom, getting on my bed, lying down, and just screaming and crying and wailing my heart out and raging, feeling hated by the universe, hating the universe back, really, not seeing what the point was of me being here. So it was a very serious despair, dangerous.

Heather Pearce Campbell  10:21

Well, and I think you are highlighting in that one example, the depths that this conversation around money can take people to when they’re when they can’t figure it out, right? And how many people have been where you are, some version of it in this story that you just told and just think, Am I just destined to be bad at money? Am I just like, I can’t hack it, or I can’t make it, or there’s something wrong with me? 

Morgana Rae  10:50

Well, that’s that last sentence. That’s the thing. That’s the thing is, there’s something wrong with me. And this is why money is such a big deal and so sticky like we live in a time where people talk about their sex lives loudly in public places, right? But money is this kind of Hush, hush taboo topic, and for reason, it really represents our very right to exist. It’s how we are measured our value. Are we wanted? Are we respected? Are we loved, like our first, our original relationship with money is our parents, because they told us whether we were loved, whether we were safe, whether we were valued or not, and then I again, then if you had great parents, yay. But something else happened that rejected you and made you feel worthless, or maybe, and it and things that really don’t look like they have to do with money, I’m really jumping out of sequence, but it’ll all come back, and it’ll all make sense, things like accidents. Remember, I was hit by the car and in a coma, and then I was homeless. I was homeless my last year and a half of high school. So all that insecurity, or insecurity in your family history, you know, slavery, genocide, all that kind of stuff that makes the world feel unsafe, is going to show up in your relationship with money. So we talk about money, but it’s really not money. It’s what money represents.

Heather Pearce Campbell  12:29

And is this really quick? Is this conversation, do both men and women have this same relationship to to money and what you’re talking about.

Morgana Rae  12:39

At the core, yes, it will be a little bit different. And for example, for men, women are allowed to be pretty, right and marry into money or something like that, right? And society is like high five, and men don’t really have that option. So if a man doesn’t make money, he believes that he’s not worthy of love, and he will get a lot of reinforcement from women, or whoever he’s dating, that that’s true. So men’s wounds around money, really, really deep, you know, to the core of like, what we collectively say is their worth and value as a human being.

Heather Pearce Campbell  13:31

Yeah, it seems, and even observing, in my experience, and I work with a lot of men and women in my work, that what you said, it seems to be a larger core wound for men because of the conversation I think that we have in society and men being seen, you know, even still, I think they carry that weight of primary provider, and things that go along with the biology of being man.

Morgana Rae  14:03

Well, it’s castrating. And I wouldn’t say anybody’s wound is bigger, because for women, money represents also, and the same for men too, but it’s just slightly different flavors because of societal ideas and judgments, but for us, like, are we loved? Are we worthy of love? Are we valued and huge? Are we safe? Yes, that I was gonna say the same, yeah, the City Safety can show up even louder for women, and so I like to say change happens at the speed of safety, and a change isn’t happening that means something isn’t safe, and our job is to find out what that is, and I will guide you through that. I’m going to finish my story, and then I’m going to come back and unpack it and explain to you how you can make money, fall in love with you, how you can have this really safe and kind and loving relationship with money as a partner who chooses you over everybody in the world. And when you move forward with that relationship, then you don’t have any reason to protect yourself from it. And all of your actions, that’s when they reap fruit. And the actions that you took years ago, it’s wild actions that you’ve been doing for years and years and years that haven’t yielded anything, that’s when it yields fruit. So in my story, I have this dark night of the soul where it’s like I am ready to take my ball and leave the planet. And, you know what that means. And honestly, I just cried and raged myself, empty, yeah, which and kind of, you know, you let yourself fall to the bottom of the pool, which is a good place to be, because then you have only one one way up. And when I just kind of cried myself empty, I had two thoughts. And the first one was, well, maybe money needs to be my area of my next area of spiritual growth. That doesn’t mean it that you don’t have to have that question that’s just like I am from LA. Look at how I dress. And spirituality is kind of inner water here. So maybe if I take Ooh, scary, icky, problematic money and hide it in the spiritual box, maybe then I can deal with it, but also, because spiritual growth is really attractive to me, that’s where I play. The second thought that I had, I think, is what actually started to move the needle, which is, I wonder, what is going on inside of me that can’t be with money? Because it didn’t make sense on paper, like I had, I was doing everything I had the marketing, I had the tabline, I had the website, I had the speaking gigs, I had people wanting to hire me. Something really didn’t make sense, and it was like, what is inside of me that can’t be with money? So fast forward to my next call with my coach, which is crazy to say, because I’m making $100 I can’t pay for anything, and I’m still working with the coach, thank goodness, because that saved my life. And ironically, this coach and I graduated the same day, that’s how we met each other. Was flying up to San Rafael to do our oral exams and all that stuff and but he had a house, and I’m struggling to make $100 a month, so I hired him, and for months, I was doing everything he suggested, and nothing was changing, and it wasn’t his fault. And this session I came and I just vomited, like all of my despair and rage and and futility. By the way, coaches love it when you do that, because it gives us something to work with so…

Heather Pearce Campbell  18:10

Well they can see the truth of it, right? 

Morgana Rae  18:13

Yeah. It’s like, okay, now we have a problem. Yes, and now, and it also gives leverage. It’s like, the answer presents itself when we get the problem. So here’s what happened with this coach. Because every other session, I was like, Okay, Coach, tell me what to do. I’m going to, you know, good student, a student and and nothing. Flop, splat, disappointment. So this time I just like, vomit out my existential angst, and he responds with this really weird question that he had never asked before, that he had never thought before, that totally changed my life. And he said to me, after hearing he asked me if your money was a person who would your money be, and because I was in like so much pain and despair and rejection and all the ugly feelings when he asked me that I instantly saw in my mind’s eye this big, scary, dirty, violent biker dude, like bald head, long sideburns, wife beater, beater shirt tattoos. I have nothing against bikers or bikers who look like that, but this one was just I could feel all bad, like madness, harm, danger, full alert, like every cell of my being wants distance, and I had this instant awareness like I imagined I was at a live event with the sky and my eye would be on him all the time to create maximum distance. And that was my big light bulb moment, that no matter what I was doing, consciously, unconsciously, I was creating distance. Sense, as if my life depended on it. And by the way, I was not insane or wrong to do so lots of really bad, rejecting, exploitative things happened when I was growing up that I compartmentalized and didn’t deal with as a way of coping and surviving healthy decision. But it was playing out that money was dangerous, caused harm, hated me, got in the way of love, all that stuff. And so soon as I saw that this was my relationship with money. Who knew, right? It was really clear that I could never have money in my life if it was that guy, right? So that relationship had to end, and at that time, this was March of 2003 I broke up with him, like breaking up with a bad boyfriend. That’s not what I teach now. I’ve coached 1000s of clients, tons and tons of millionaires have started at zero and made millions of dollars with me, so I know more now than I did then. And I’m going to try to catch you up as I go along, when we go back through the steps, and I’ll take you through the steps.

Heather Pearce Campbell  21:20

All right, let’s pause for a moment and hear from today’s sponsor. Are you an entrepreneur who is on track to make a million or more in revenue this year in your business? If so, your business is likely facing a host of legal issues that are right for support. And if you are like so many of my clients at this level, you are likely tired of taking unnecessary risks and a DIY approach to legal support in your business. You’re ready to tackle the mess of legal documents, six legal gaps that you have. You want to take care of your IP, your clients, your business, and avoid unnecessary conflict and risk in the process. If this is you, and beyond just being an entrepreneur, you are a catalyst and are committed to your mission and your impact in the world. I invite you to get in touch. You could be a fit for my catalyst club, a small business legal support program that I designed for my high level clients. Just like you, you can find out more at Just click on the Work with Me tab to learn more about the catalyst club and other ways that I support my clients, a fabulous group of world changing entrepreneurs, I might add, you’ve done the initial legwork in your business. And now you want to soar. And you know that you can only go as high and as far as your legal foundation lets you go. So get in touch today, hop over to, click on the Work with Me tab. And if you have any questions, get in touch through the Contact link on my site, I look forward to connecting it would be a joy to support you on your path.

Heather Pearce Campbell  23:03

People are hearing in your story is like, oh my gosh, this woman is human, you know. I think somebody might show up and see your experience and your success and even the word magic, and be like, Oh well, that’s not me, you know. But you’ve just described a very human, relatable experience that I think most people have in some version at some point when they’re getting really serious about money. 

Morgana Rae  23:32

That’s the point of sharing my story. And yeah, I talk a really good woo game, but I am really practical too. I in fact, everything that in my process. One of my clients is a neuroscientist, and she just keeps sending me articles that explain why my process works. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  23:51

Oh, I love it. You’re like, see.

Morgana Rae  23:53

Yeah. So I can talk to the Wall Street Journal, and I can talk to pagan fair, you know, I just adjust to the audience and I’ve been at both, so okay, so it was clear that I couldn’t have money in my life if it was this guy, because to my subconscious, it’s imaginary. Like this guy is not a real guy in my life, but to my subconscious, very real. And this is a way of talking, communicating between my conscious mind and my unconscious mind to find out what’s going on. So in that relationship, yay. New problem. I live in LA, and now I have no relationship with money. And if you’ve ever ended a bad relationship. This is the moment in the movie where I go and get a really bad haircut, you know, cut it all off. And you don’t want to go back into that situation ever again, right?

Heather Pearce Campbell  24:54

Anybody’s ever cut their own bangs, you know? 

Morgana Rae  24:57

Yes, oh, the pixiecut. It took years to recover from that. So anyway, I live in LA. I needed a relationship with money and I wanted something. I did it. I felt, as soon as I imagined breaking up with the monster, I felt like this huge empty space around me, like I never even knew I had the relationship, but once it was gone, it was like being a fish without water, like empty and I didn’t want him to come back, so I knew that I needed a new relationship. And here’s deep fundamental philosophy of mine as a coach is we never, ever, ever take anything away without putting something better there.

Heather Pearce Campbell  25:44

Right. It’s like trying to build a new habit, stopping a bad one and creating a better one. You can’t just tell yourself you’re going to stop doing X without, yeah.

Morgana Rae  25:57

You have to find something way, something you like better, like you don’t take away cigarettes without having something that satisfies the need that the cigarette served. And I also don’t believe any of that it takes 21 days. No, it doesn’t, if you’ve been sitting in traffic for years to get to work, and you find a quicker, easier way. You don’t need to practice that 21 times you will just always take the quicker, easier way. So I asked myself, who could I have as my new relationship with money? Who could my new money be? Who would I want so much that I’d be willing to have a relationship with this person, even though it’s money, cuz, like money was always like this constant conversation of not good enough, you know, just not safe rejection. You said earlier, something wrong with you. I think that’s the deepest level of wound that every human being has some variation of that. And so I asked myself, well, who could I want so much that I’d want this person in my life, even if it’s money, like I don’t allow money in my life, if it’s this person, and because I started with so much pain, and because that money monster person was so real to me, and it was so completely gone as soon as I asked that question, a new person showed up in my mind’s eye. By the way, I’m a terrible visualizer, just for all the other you know club of bad visualizers here, if you ask me to imagine sitting by a river, I will spend the next 45 minutes running a slideshow of every river I’ve ever seen, trying to decide what river I’m sitting by. Right? So, visual is the absolute least important piece of the process. Feeling is much more important. Thoughts, words, meaning, smell is more important. Visual the least important. It’s fun when you get it. So in this moment, I happen to get this tall, dark, handsome, super cute, sweet, clean cut, romantic guy dressed in a tuxedo holding a bouquet of red flowers, as if he was taking me out to the theater, who was in love with me and wanted to woo me. And that was my new, ready made relationship with money, what I now call the money, honey. I didn’t come up with that. I was teaching a training to a bunch of life coaches in San Diego in 2005 and one of the life coaches stood up and yelled out who her money honey was. And I just kept that forever.

Heather Pearce Campbell  28:58

No, so I love it, and for context, because I actually meant to read this at the beginning. You’ve got like a little one one sentence summary, right? And this is again about Morgana, a pioneer in personal development for over 30 years, Morgana Rae is widely regarded to be the world’s leading authority on transforming relationship with money from a monster to a honey. I read that and I laughed, and I was like, Oh, that makes it feel fun, right? That’s that feels nice. Let’s go down that pathway, yeah.

Morgana Rae  29:32

Well, all that anxiety that we have around money is the monster part. And I’m going to wrap it up really quick, and then I will take you through the process as deeply as I can, a little bit of time that we have, and I’ll show you where to get more, um, for free, if you want to. I always you know wherever you are on your journey. I always want to have something for everybody to move forward. So let’s see. Okay, cute guy, money, honey, in love with me, wants to woo me, great. And every solution has the seed of its next problem. So yay, he wants to be with me. And, oh heck, I have no idea how to allow money to be with me in, like, a bit, the big way that he wants to be with me. I’m like, Whoa. I don’t have any practical, like, body experience. How do I do that? I know how to push it away like I could I would be an Olympic champion, or I would be a superhero with big R on my chest for repulsion of money. And how many people?

Morgana Rae  29:32

How many times have you heard people say, like, even if I earn it, suddenly, new bills pop up, and it’s gone right? 

Morgana Rae  30:40

I have coached clients living on couches on public assistance, and I have coached billionaires afraid of losing what they have and seeing that their money is getting in the way of their relationships, especially with their kids. Everybody, well, I won’t say everybody, but everybody has something. I like to say that life, there are three spiritual teachers in life, for three primary spiritual teachers in life, which is love, money and health. And at some point, you know, any one of them is going to get our attention, if money is the spiritual teacher for you right now, yay, because that will get your attention faster than any of the others, because money touches all of it, your access to health care. You know, so cute guy wants to be with me. New problem, I don’t know how to let this adorable sweetheart be with me, so I ask this is the great thing about making money a person, you ask a question, you get an answer back, because that’s the way the brain works, and because the voice is coming from this beautiful, sweet, trustworthy, swoon worthy, other person who’s in love with you, the response is not going to be bogged down with all of your neurotic baggage, so it’s kind of like a hack to your highest wisdom. If we’re going to get all sciency, what we’re doing is we are creating this sense of love and safety and well being that relaxes you, lets the limbic reptile reactive brain step down, like stop driving the bus, and the frontal lobe, the genius zone, that’s when you wake up, and that’s when you get your really good ideas. So you can take a look at your life circumstances in all of its drama with this imaginary money, honey. And you look at it through your money, honey, size, and it looks different. You make better choices with business partners, clients, business ventures, romantic partners. For years, my money honey told me to hold out for somebody who loves me as much as my imaginary money honey does, and I did. So now I have my human honey. By the way, I use the same process to get rid of my love Monster in 2012 and we’ve now. I met him when I was 45 we got married for the first time. I got married for the first time in my whole life, when I was already 47 10 years ago, and we’ve been married. I say 26 times. He says 27 times. In 21 countries, it’s hard to keep track. We’re heading towards 100, he and I are going to have to go down through the weddings and really get our numbers right. And this is again like when some change happens at the speed of safety, I had very good reasons to protect myself from love, and I had to create a love Monster and get rid of that. So I asked my money honey, what do you need from me to allow you to be with me? And the reason I asked that was I had this sense of like, wow, I have the body. He wants to be with me. It feels like he’s always been there wanting to be with me, and I’ve been pushing him away, and I don’t know how to stop. So I asked, because I have the body, I’m the gatekeeper, not money. So I said, What do you need for me to allow you to be with me the way you already want to be with me? And play that over and over again when you listen to the podcast, and you can write it down and you can steal it like I’m not holding back secrets. I am really trying to cram everything I can in the time we had. And so I asked this question, and he responded, and in that moment in March, of some in March, something of 2003, my first conversation with my first money honey, he said, I just need you to love me. And he said that was such heartbreaking vulnerability and to stop treating me like a monster. And that seemed really fair. And I thought of, how have I been treating him like a monster? And it I became aware for the first time of how every time clients would ask me, how do you work? They meant, what do you charge? Not like, how do you coach? They want. Every time they asked me what I charged, and I would go and I would feel shame and worry and and whether they could hear it or not they could feel it, and that’s what was pushing them away. Because I was like, it was, like money was this huge, snarly, stinky monster that I was ashamed of, right?

Heather Pearce Campbell  35:47

You’re closing the door on it, right?

Morgana Rae  35:49

And they didn’t want my monster and and when I realized that, like, how mean I was being to money, I felt, I just felt so sad, because this guy, the cute one, was like, really lovely, and shared my values and wanted to save the world with me the way, you know, and instead of money to harm, it was Like we understood anything I did to make money was going to be in alignment with my values. I never have to hurt anybody for that. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do it. So he told me that he wanted me to love him and stop treating him like a monster, which is kind of abstract. So to really make it concrete and give him what he needed to be with me, I made a commitment that next time you brought me a gift, I would say thank you. So what does that look like? That was at that time a client wants to hire me, yay. So my way of saying thank you is this is my fee. With the energy of Look at this beautiful guy. And so the punch line is, over the next couple of days, four people reached out to me from out of the blue and hired me for double what I had ever charged before in my life. And it kept coming and coming and coming and coming so that I started having wait lists, I started doing groups, I started doing my retreat in Bali, and I wrote my book, and one of my favorite clients of all time, I’m going to hold it up for the camera, because, you know, I come from Los Angeles, and this is what I…

Heather Pearce Campbell  37:35

Right, exactly. And this is the financial alchemy book, 12 months of magic and manifestation.

Morgana Rae  37:42

And manifestation there. There are two. One of them has dark hair, because I used to have dark hair when I was under 57 and…

Heather Pearce Campbell  37:53

Like a baby. Yes, thank you.

Morgana Rae  37:56

So the first one came out in 2012 2013 officially, was the launch. And then 2022 I thought, Oh, I’ve got a 10 year anniversary coming up. I should relaunch the book. Also, what I’ve coached so many people over that decade and to such bigger amounts of money than ever before. My understanding of the work, even in that decade, evolved, and what I said changed. So I just had to update the book so you can get the brown hair the blonde hair. I like the blonde hair because it’s more current. It sounds more like what I’m saying now, and it has more. I threw in a couple more bonuses in the book. Yeah, so okay, say thank you. Where was I four new clients? And I have to say that the first time I could wear some, you know, somebody says, What do you charge? And I tell and I say, the amount. What happens is you get silence on the other end, because the person’s figuring out where to come up with the money to pay. And honestly, it really wasn’t that much money, but to me, it was, and I could feel my throat and my tongue wanting to go into that old pattern of shoving a sample session down their throat, even though this person that already had a sample session months ago, right? And I had to just learn how to bite my tongue and sit on my hands and say nothing, toughest skill in the world. But then the second time, it got a little easier and a little easier. So you get like, you know you, you you said that I, share my humanity. I want to normalize being human and that you don’t have to be perfect to be wildly successful, because you aren’t going to be perfect. Yeah, it’s not a requirement of life. Just do the best you can and help people and love yourself.

Heather Pearce Campbell  39:57

I love it. I love it. Yeah, well, I mean, I shared this, Oh, totally No, I was just gonna say the idea of this showing up as a gift, like somebody wanting to give you money. My sister and I have a practice that I started years ago, and I heard it from somewhere else. I wish I could remember where of just any time that it over any little thing, yes, thank you, universe, more please. Like, how fun is this, right? And it does really infuse that experience with more fun.

Morgana Rae  40:03

Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, think of money as a partner who really, really loves you, and if you keep rejecting his or her or their gifts, how that hurts and I had about a year later, after I changed my relationship with money and I held I had all these clients, towards December the next year, they started disappearing. The money started disappearing. I don’t often share the story, but it was really shocking to me, because I thought I had this licked. I had a cute money honey, no pro. I will never have any problem ever again. I will never have to grow or learn nail. He’s cute. I’m travel over, right? And then it wasn’t. And finally, I had to really just have a frank conversation with this imaginary money honey, like, why are you abandoning me? And he pointed out that several times that year, clients told me they couldn’t pay me. And I said, that’s okay. You’ll pay me when such and such happens, and then such happened, and they still didn’t pay me. And I didn’t say anything. And what I was doing was I was saying the money didn’t matter. I was cheating on him with people who didn’t value me. And he after about four times he got the message, and he just kind of slunk away, broken hearted. And when I got that message, and I realized that I felt I just felt terrible, not like I’m a bad person, but like I can’t believe I’ve been such a terrible relationship partner. How can I make amends? And he told me, you have to call all those people who owe you money and tell them that they need to pay you now, honestly, if I wanted to have if I enjoyed that kind of conversation, I would have done that. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  42:24

I was like, oh, boundaries conversation, right? We never had those in my family. No, so many boundaries we get to learn about in business, yeah.

Morgana Rae  42:37

So I called them each, and I got paid part of what I was owed by one of them, and my income quadrupled from other sources. So I never know for myself or for my clients where the money is going to come, when or how much, while things happen. But as one of my favorite clients likes to say that, you know, the love comes first and the cash follows the love. Oh, and I was going to mention about the book, one of my favorite clients was in her second year of doing the book, because the first half is book, lots and lots of words, and the second half is a manifestation journal, which is worksheets.

Heather Pearce Campbell  43:27

Yeah, if you’re watching, you’re not watching. It’s like, worksheets.

Morgana Rae  43:31

Yeah, it’s a fancy kind of magicalized strategic planning. So I’m combining like coaching that you that I would do with a senior executive, but I add some fairy dust to it to make it fun and easy, because it’s the system I created for myself to get results, and then I would always over achieve what I set for myself, and that’s why I created the book. Was part of it is the information, the transformation, and to guide you, hold your hand through it, and then how to keep it going. Because anybody who’s ever had a relationship with a human being knows that that takes non stop work for the rest of your life. It doesn’t always feel like work, but there are moments where something’s sticky, we have to work through it. It’s a lot easier to do that with a human being who has a body. It’s harder to maintain a relationship with an imaginary friend. So this book is to keep you on track and stay keep you connected to what you want to achieve and who you want to be, and in your relationship with your money, honey. So the six steps, and I shared all of them in the story, but I learned very linear, and then I teach it very non linear. So for all of my linear buddy. Here, there are six steps. Always. The first step is uncover the root cause of your money drama. Now we could also say it’s the root cause of your love drama, or your health drama, or, you know, because these are the core pains and tender spots of being a human being. But in my experience coaching many 1000s of people, I have never, ever in my life, found the Money Monster in money. The money story is a great place to begin. But that’s not and by the way, lots of people out there saying, change your money story, change your life. It’s great, great marketing. It has never worked in my coaching experience, because it’s not the money. Money is just made up. It’s what the money represents. And I was talking about that earlier. It’s it represents love. Are you loved and lovable? It represents worth. Are you worthy? Are you valued? And it represents safety. Are you safe? Do you have? Does the world want you here? You know, do you can? Can or do you have a right to exist? Money represents all those things. It’s really, really deep core stuff. So step number one is wherever your pain is around love worth or safety, go for that. You can start with the money, but keep going, keep going deeper. And we’re going for feelings. It’s not an intellectual exercise. That’s not where change happens. We’re again, working with the subconscious. We’re working with the emotions. We’re working with trauma. You do not need to re traumatize yourself. Totally not necessary. But I just want you to build up a case against your own life, kind of like a case against the universe, as if you’re a lawyer going to court against God, saying, This is wrong, this is wrong. This shouldn’t have happened, and you start with yourself, but you can also include stuff in the world, the stuff that wakes you up in the middle of the night, all the things that make the world not a safe place, not a fair place, not a living place to you, make it very personal. And when you’ve built up what I call a critical, massive ick again. You don’t have to go so far that you dissociate. You don’t need to re traumatize yourself. You just need to feel like this is horrible. No wonder whatever you know, and then you blame every bad thing on this imaginary entity that we will call your money monster, and I’m going to give you some tips right now. Start with the feeling. How big is it? Does it feel hot or cold? What does it smell like? What does it think of you? What does it want to do to you? It must be all bad. It cannot be your parents. It cannot be you if you want to see it after you have felt how big it is, if it’s hot or cold, what it smells like, what it thinks. And also take the meanest thing you’ve ever said to yourself in your life and put it in that monster’s mouth. You weren’t thinking it. Your monster was getting in your head, making you think these things, believe these things about yourself. Then what does it fingernails look like? It’s teeth, its eyes, when it feels real enough and it’s all bad. That’s step number one. Step number two is you annihilate it by any means necessary. This is why it’s not your parents and it’s not you and it’s not anybody in your life right now. Okay, maybe it is based on a person in your life. Maybe it’s somebody in history or somebody completely random, like my biker dude. Doesn’t matter. It just gives it a reality, right?

Morgana Rae  49:05

And embodies it, and then annihilate it.

Morgana Rae  49:09

Blow it up, whatever. By the way, I don’t watch horror movies. I turn away during violent scenes. Do it either. But here I’m like, kill the monster. There’s like, especially if you’ve had victim experiences, especially women who were not supposed to get angry or do any of that stuff, there’s so much power. Because step number one was really, like, taking off your superhero hat and putting on your victim hat and really experiencing the times you’ve been victimized in your life because there’s so much latent power motivation in that it’s sacred. You’ve already paid the price of admission with your pain and suffering. Let’s milk it, take it to the bank, and the way we do that is step one, uncovering that pain, and that takes you into the victim experience. Now you are rising up as the superhero, and a lot annihilating the monster, everything that you don’t want in your life. Experience, you put that in the monster and you reject it, and you blow it up. And some clients you know have used lightsabers and machetes and atom bombs and fiery pits, and one of them drove over her monster with the monster truck. I thought that was really cool. Whatever. It doesn’t matter until it’s gone and there’s no trace. It’s very binary. It’s like pregnancy. It is or it isn’t. Yep, when the monster is not there, you know it, then you have that empty space. It feels different. It may feel great, may feel light, it may feel expensive, it may feel scary, all of that’s great, perfect. It’s different. That is step number three. Oh, okay, uncover.

Morgana Rae  49:10

Uncover the cause of sonify.

Morgana Rae  50:33

The root causes the monsters to number three is Annihilate the monster by any means necessary. Now it’s all gone. Pardon my stuttering. Now we go to step four. This is the fun part. There is a fun part. Now you get to meet your money honey. When the monster is gone, when everything that you don’t want in your existence has been put into the monster and rejected and annihilated. All that remains is love. All that remains is love. And we give personhood to that love, and we call that love that loving person. We’re going to call that loving person money, because money is that area of our life that needs our love and healing as individuals and as a species. Yes, it needs to be love based, because then we will do loving things with it. So this is a person who loves you and is worthy of your love and trust, who shares your values, who wants to save the world with you and loves you more than anybody in the world. And if you’ve never, ever, ever had a safe, healthy, loving relationship in your life, because I’ve coached that many times with clients, this becomes the blueprint for your relationships. Moving forward, your relationships will be better, because this is the standard, this person, whoever comes into your life, must love you and respect you and appreciate you, or your money honey is going to say, No, yep. Uh, so now you meet your money, honey again, you know, I let you know. Where are you going to meet the person set the stage. Change the neurology. What does it smell like? What does it look like? What do you hear? And now your money honey, is walking towards you. He, she, they, whatever your flavor. It all works. Now you meet your money, honey, and now you have your first conversation. And my first conversation was, what do you need for me to allow you to be with me the way you so deeply want to be with me, or as big as you want to be with me, and then you listen for the answer. This is now. Now we’re at Step five, meeting money honey is step five is having a conversation, a dialog with your money, honey. What your money honey, is probably going to say will be very kind of vague and Yoda like, it’ll be something like, I want you to love yourself. I want you to trust I want you. This is the worst I want you to relax. The woman alive wants to hear that.

Heather Pearce Campbell  53:44

Well, and ding, ding, ding, back to the safety conversation, right? Because it’s the same in health. You know, change happens at the speed of safety, same amount.

Morgana Rae  53:56

Yes, well, I’ve had some really dramatic health miracle stories with clients in past years. One of the things about the money honey, is that the money, you for this to be a real money honey, you feel safe with this person. We were talking about the difference between men and women. Women, when we made our money, honey. It’s like, oh my god, I can finally relax like this. I can just fall into his arms and be held. And for man, what’s so cool? And again, it’s like, gay, straight, whatever. It doesn’t matter, yeah. But men are like, they their shoulders puff up and their money, honey, is, is like, you slay the monster for me, my hero. And he’s like, Yes, I did. And men get to experience themselves as the hero that they always wanted to be, and they really, really are underneath all the bad programming that they got. This is who. They really are, which is a hero who chooses love, who slayed a monster, and men’s monsters.

Heather Pearce Campbell  55:09

I wondered what the difference is between women and men’s monsters.

Morgana Rae  55:15

There are always exceptions, but generally speaking, men’s monsters tend to be really hard to kill, really bad, you know, because that’s what they need to experience to know themselves as heroes and warriors. Yeah, yeah. And they do. I’ve never, ever, ever in my life, had a client who did not successfully slayed their mobster. That’s my job, is I will just Outlast whatever monster you send me. And usually we can get the whole thing done in like 90 minutes. But sometimes it takes seven hours. You know, it just depends on what the person needs. But the client who was seven hours then made $1.2 million six weeks later. And remember, I was telling you about the thing that she’d been doing years and years and years and not seeing any profit or any shift. It was like after we slayed that really hard, to get rid of monster and got her money honey, everything shifted, and the things that didn’t work before suddenly came to fruition. And I’ve seen that a lot, and it’s only taken that long once. But if I do a VIP day, I allow enough time for the worst and then fill it with other great stuff. Expect the best, but be ready for whatever client needs. So anyway, step five, have that conversation with your money honey, and then number six is now, this is where we get practical, because saying I need you to love yourself, or I need you to trust relax, is aspirational and great advice. And there’s nobody in the history of humanity who has been able to love themselves. 24/7 always be relaxed, always trust, always that’s a great direction, but you can’t win that. So number six, the final step is concrete, measurable action, like I can call you Thursday and ask, did you do it? And what concrete, measurable, physical action can you take to demonstrate to yourself that you are in a new relationship, and it is embodying the change, because up until now, it’s kind of all in the ethers. Whoo. And now we want to make it real. And in your body, action is magical. If you want physical, real world results, you need to take some kind of physical, real world action, even even magic spells have that component. So and here’s the funny thing, because I’m trying to cram 21 years of coaching, right? It’s not going to happen, relax. But the action doesn’t necessarily even look like it has to do with money, like sometimes a client will her money, honey will go, you know, balance your checkbook, do your taxes, and then she’ll come back. Oh, my God, doing my taxes like foreplay. But sometimes it’s something totally different, like, I love to share the story of my client, Catherine in Canada, where her money honey wanted her to go skating in Toronto in December, where it’s very, very cold. So I hear from my, you know, cushy Los Angeles, about and that was just like her money honey was so excited and turned on by skating. And so here’s the funny thing is, and then she didn’t do it like we slayed her Money Monster, all sorts of Holocaust, terrifying stuff. We had this great money honey. It was very real, and she agrees to go skating, and then she doesn’t keep her word, because she’s so stressed about money, that she’s so busy trying to make money, that she doesn’t go skating. So day number one goes by and she doesn’t go skating, and nothing happens. Day number two goes by, doesn’t go skating, is all worried about money. Nothing happens. Day number three, I think it was a Friday. She takes her 10 year old son. They go to the scaping rink. They have a wonderful time, like heart connection, really beautiful, yummy time. She comes home, gets a phone call offering her $10,000 similar story with another client, Janet. It’s not and again, I never say, Do this and the money will come up that fast. It happens a lot. But I also believe that I’m just going to say divine timing, not convenient timing. Things happen, you know. If it isn’t happening right away, maybe because it’s supposed to happen bigger. Or maybe there’s something for you to learn and grow.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:00:07

That’s right. I think what that last piece of the story with, I think her name was Catherine, and the skating, it’s also, you know, this whole thing of being in flow and allowing things to show up is also about you paying attention to that intuition, paying attention to those in those little hunches that say, do this right? And so sometimes we just need to practice paying attention. And then the universe goes, Okay, you’re paying attention.

Morgana Rae  1:00:37

Yeah? I love that. You’re also talking about the universe.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:00:43

You know, it’s been a practice, and in my adult life, I think, I mean, there’s been a lot of things that contribute to my recognition that there is something beyond me at work out there. And I’ve learned at times, how to turn things on, like a light switch, where it is literally saying to the universe, Okay, I’m ready, but then taking action consistent with that readiness, right where it’s not just me, it’s not, you know, something else, and we’ll call it magic, call it whatever you want, but I think you have to demonstrate that, that aspect of paying attention.

Morgana Rae  1:01:21

And sometimes the money comes from where you think it’s going to come from. And sometimes it comes way bigger than you thought it would come from from where you thought it was going to come from. But I would say just as often, it comes from some other direction that you never saw. And so whenever I talk about relationship with money. I’m really talking about relationship with life. That’s all any of this is relationship with yourself, in a relationship with life. And money is such a central part of life. I mean, it’s the number one excuse we humans give for everything we can’t have do or be. So we need to get into a better relationship with money to get into a better relationship with life, and then we show up more powerful and more resourceful and even more magical. And I use the word magic to explain things that happen synchronistically, that are just like bigger, faster, easier, unexpected, they can’t really be explained coincidences. I’m like, a queen of coincidences.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:02:27

I love it. It’s in some fun way, I think for so many humans that feel this pressure to do it all themselves, to create the momentum to generate the income. You know, it’s language like that, create, generate, dig, in, accomplish. It can be like so much more fun this idea that, you know, it’s really about doing the inner work and then having things show up in alignment with that progress.

Morgana Rae  1:03:00

And what if money likes to have fun? Yes, yes,

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:03:04

I know. And how fun to be able to adopt that as a like a what if or a new experiment. Because I think for a lot of people, until they get to the point of deciding that money should feel differently, it does not feel fun, well.

Morgana Rae  1:03:19

We will protect ourselves from the danger we will from the pain, and whether it’s a health monster or a love monster or a Money Monster, we need to change that dynamic so that we aren’t unconsciously pushing away what we actually want and need and to, like, steal from Buddhism, yeah, religion major here. What I really loved about that religion was this, and it came from Hinduism before this idea that the universe is inherently compassionate and loving, and that all of our challenges that are happening for us to evolve and ultimately achieve salvation, liberation, freedom from suffering and complete oneness with wisdom and God, whatever tradition you want to interpret that to so let’s we’re not making money God, because that gives your power away, and that creates a new Money Monster. Money is not going to be God. Money is not going to be Santa Claus. You know, we’re not going to make money up here and you down there with what I love about making it like this lover type, or just, you know, appear, is that you’re equal, and you have the body so you have the power to break your money honeys heart, and your money isn’t going to go out and do it for you while you sit on the couch. It’s not that kind of law of attraction thing. It’s really you have the body you are here to do what you’re here to do, and money is here to help. Help you fulfill your potential and be the US you, which is the best you, and that is, I like to say that the purpose of money is to serve love and lifestyle and legacy. Those are really the only reasons to have money, and any use of money that isn’t serving that becomes some kind of perversion and some kind of monster. So this is your partner in creating a life that is centered on quality love, quality lifestyle and quality legacy to make the world a better place. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:03:19

Yeah, it’s so good, and it’s really quick, and I want to be respectful of your time, because we gotta get folks directed your way. But this concept of love and combining love with work, I think some people find that challenging, and you even look in like more traditional industries, right? We work with a lot of independent entrepreneurs, creators, people in holistic health and and very service oriented, right? But there’s a lot of those folks running around in the world too, like my sister’s in sales, and she got feedback from her manager, who came and did a visit with her, and got to go around and see all her local clients and and my sister’s really good at what she does. Like, very, very good. And her manager said to her, like, your clients love you, like, not just appreciate you as a good sale. Like, they love you like, I can tell they want to, like, hang out with you outside of work stuff, you know. And I thought it’s so fun to hear how people can show up that powerfully to their work and create that kind of impact, which is so different than just, you know, treating things the regular way, like you’ve got a job to do. It’s just a very different paradigm.

Morgana Rae  1:06:59

20 years ago, I coached a new coach. It was kind of mentor who saw me speak, and he was already a multimillionaire. He had made millions of dollars in the music industry, and then woke up one day and decided, whoa, this is not in alignment with my values. I want to help people. So he sold his company and became a coach, and had one client who was paying him $25 a month and would only coach with them at 6am in the morning. And this was so early in my journey that this was my first time coaching a wealthy person who had a bad relationship with money, because, in his instance, his the way his Money Monster was hurting him was that he could only make money doing what he hated, betraying his values. And so we had to slay that monster and come up with a new money honey who loved him and love this whole thing called coaching. And he went on to make multiple, multiple millions of dollars, like multiple millions a year as a life coach.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:08:12

Yeah, that’s amazing. Well, such a shift in paradigm. And we all need to make it in some way or another. And so I love this so much. I know we could keep talking. We’ve already taken you over time. Morgana Rae, I love just the depth of your story, all of the nuance of it, it’s such a special thing to be able to peek inside and I know that, it’s like, it’s a fun story to listen to, but it’s also such a big story for all of us to engage with in our own lives, and so I really appreciate you breaking it down into steps. We will make sure that we pop those steps into the show notes as well, but also link over to all of the ways that people can get in contact with you. Where do you like to show up? Where would you invite our listeners to reach out to you. 

Morgana Rae  1:09:02

The best place to go is my website, which is the mothership of all all my stuff,, it’s like so easy. Just my name, no spaces .com. I used to have a fancier abundance and but it turned out everybody was searching for me on my name. And just hundreds of questions over the years that have come in from people that I answer on my blog. Because I really I try to be as thorough as I can, but my best material comes from what you come up against like the great thing about clients is human beings are infinitely resourceful at coming up with new obstacles that I’ve never seen before, and that evolves the work, you know, and it’s so much more interesting than anything I have to say. So you have my blog, there’s a four part. Money magnetic video series on the homepage. There’s also my money love quiz, which is a great way to get kind of curated suggestions for your next step based on how you respond. There’s like, no bad scores, no bad answers. And I always, I always have choices of free stuff, of low cost stuff, of higher cost stuff, and coaching for wherever you are, we’re all on the same journey to love lifestyle and legacy. Yeah,, and my book is on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble, and anywhere you want to get a book. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:10:41

Well, I’m super excited to share your links, and we will definitely invite people over to check out your video series, your book. I love free stuff. I give a ton away myself. And for folks that are thinking like, what if I wanted to work with Morgana? How do you work with your clients?

Morgana Rae  1:10:58

It depends on the individual. I like to have a conversation to find out who you are, what you want, and then make multiple suggestions so you get to choose your what is your best fit. And for women, sorry, guys like I always coach guys. I love guys. I always have coaching guy, coaching clients, but I have these retreats.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:11:21

And I love it only, yeah, say the name of it. I know we talked about the beginning, so great.

Morgana Rae  1:11:27

Right. I have one that I’m doing with another coach in October 19 and 20th. She’s a love coach. I’m a relationship with money coach, and we are combining our superpowers to do an infinite love and money retreat at my house in Los Angeles. So it’s going to be really small. It’s filling up really fast, but I can’t wait. And then next year is what I do once a year, and it’s my favorite thing, and it’s my number one millionaires maker, which is my ultimate money goddess retreat in Bali. And it’s a week long retreat, and you can find a link to that on my website. I will have to post a link to the infinite love and money on my website. I haven’t done that, but if you type guess where that will send you. And the money goddess retreat is be a I’m throwing too many URLs. No. That’s about the show notes.

Morgana Rae  1:12:27

Where I would like you to start, because there’s so much pressure to like high vibes only and positive thinking and like, you know the like the law of attraction police are going to knock on your door if you have negative thoughts. And what I really want you to do is just be kind and honest with yourself about what’s not working because and use that like go to my website and start with the four day money Magnetic video series to get started on the process. You know, take yourself through it as best you can. Your victim experiences because, and I say that because every human being has them in some way. They are sacred. And use them, it’s like a slingshot, you know, it’s creating the the leverage to really create change and better results than it’s the key to everything you’ve ever wanted, so maybe not as specific as you would have liked, but that’s just what’s coming up for me right now. Change happens at the speed of safety. If change isn’t happening, what is not safe? Find what isn’t working. 

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:12:27

Totally. And folks that are used to listening, you know where the show notes are, pop over to Look for Morgana. Morgan Rae’s episode, and we’ll be sure to have all your links right there. I’m really excited to send some folks your way, and I think they’re going to have a lot of fun listening to this episode and getting to know your work. Thank you again for joining us. I would love for you to share one. You know, we covered a lot, but like, where’s the first place for somebody to start. What would you love listeners to go do right now?

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:14:28

Yeah, no, I love that and I know you mentioned a phrase up above. I was just looking forward, but it was about that. It was like, use it as your secret weapon, you know. And I think that invitation for people to be really kind to themselves in the process is is very significant. We all can be very critical of ourselves and and especially those parts that still bug us, right, the parts we haven’t gotten over that still bother us and so…

Morgana Rae  1:14:55

By the way, okay, like I don’t want anybody suffering. I don’t want. anybody like ruminating and torment. And here’s a secret, you can heal something and use it again. You know, it’s like you just come in life. As you evolve, you come back to that pain point, whatever that life lesson is. And if you can milk anything out of it. Do so even if you healed it long ago. If you can milk it, use it because you’ve already again, you’ve paid the price of admission. And there’s so much power, latent power, available to you in that experience. Don’t waste it.

Heather Pearce Campbell  1:15:37

Yes, and that’s what you said. You’ve paid the price of admission, use it. Morgana Rae, it’s so lovely to connect with you again. I knew we were going to have a great time on the podcast. I’m really grateful to have you in my circle now, and super, super, super, look forward to sharing this out to the world. Thank you.

GGGB Outro  1:15:58

Thank you for joining us today on the Guts, Grit and Great Business® podcast. We hope that we’ve added a little fuel to your tank, some coffee to your cup and pep in your step to keep you moving forward in your own great adventures. For key takeaways, links to any resources mentioned in today’s show and more, see the show notes which can be found at Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you enjoyed today’s conversation, please give us some stars and a review on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast so others will find us too. Keep up the great work you are doing in the world and we’ll see you next week.