Business Formation Business Leadership Business Liability
November 8th, 2019
The Power of Masterminds | San Francisco 100k Accelerator
What a fabulous event!
I just recently returned from the 100k Accelerator, a close-knit 3-day in-person mastermind with a fabulous group of entrepreneurs, hosted by a couple of my favorites, Jay Fiset & Alina Vincent. The conversation for the mastermind was how to create the next 100k in our respective businesses (through the ideas and strategies generated at the mastermind).
I realized this was my first in-person mastermind EVENT. (I’ve participated in mini “mastermind” sessions folded into other events, and have participated in several group masterminds that have spanned long periods of time where we all met via phone or zoom, but this was my first multi-day event dedicated entirely to masterminding.)
It was brilliant! Jay and Alina were the perfect co-hosts – they come with very different experience and perspectives, which provided such terrific balance of conversation and teaching points for all of us.
Do you participate in or run masterminds?
If you ever want to learn how to run a mastermind properly and create income through masterminds, I highly recommend that you check out resources by my friend, Jay Fiset, including his Mastermind Essentials Program, designed to help you avoid the biggest pitfalls in creating and running masterminds and instead create truly successful masterminds as a part of your business model. (PS. That’s my affiliate link – I am a big fan and supporter of Jay and the variety of ways he helps entrepreneurs scale their businesses).
If you want to learn how to brilliantly create online courses, as well as facebook challenges, you will also want to check out Alina Vincent’s work – she is the creator of the 5-Day Challenge (on FB) which you see everywhere now, and she has used this strategy to successfully scale her business to amazing heights and is tremendously skilled at teaching it to others. Start with her Profitable Online Challenges, a course that I have been through myself. (That is also an affiliate link!) One of the added benefits of any of Alina’s courses (I have been through several), is observing how skilled she is as teaching concepts in a way that helps you to take action through simple, straightforward steps.
While at the 100k Accelerator Mastermind, I was asked to present for a few minutes on a simple, but powerful framework I created for teaching business protection from a legal perspective (both Jay and Alina had heard me present before).
If you want access to a different presentation based around this same framework, you can find it, along with additional resources in my FREE Legal Basics Bootcamp.
I invite you to check it out, particularly if you have any gaps in your current legal roadmap for your business.

To get hands-on help creating a legal roadmap for your business, start with my Business Risk Assessment and Legal Roadmap Strategy Session.